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The newest dallas fake shooting this year

  1. #21
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ok Mr Land of the Free, home of the Whopper.

    Fixed that for you.

    4 dead! Can't wait to see what the final count/info payload is.

    If there's one thing black-red and black-gold can agree on it's that we fucking hate cops.
  2. #22
    Fucking retarded FOX NEWS already blaming it on ISIS, saying ISIS's plan is to break america up.
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Ok Mr Land of the Free, home of the fat.

    pretty sure you're a lot fatter than me..
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Fucking retarded FOX NEWS already blaming it on ISIS, saying ISIS's plan is to break america up.

    well then you kind of prove my point about this being a "media blitz" who do you trust? what news station is the most trusted news station? the young turks?
  5. #25
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Time and time again the way the news reports events is very skewed to leave the public astray. you will see I'm right.

    Taste the triangel fam.

    some people can't face the awful truth even if it was right there in their noses farting

  6. #26
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    pretty sure you're a lot fatter than me..

    Sadly you'll never have the privilege to gaze upon my visage and i pity you for it. I'd send you a picture but anything less than a 80" 4K smart TV does not do it justice and while i am sure you could figure out the intricacies involved with getting a picture from your computer to display on such a television, i cannot say with any degree of certainty that you would be able to afford said TV, especially considering your strategy for amassing capital for your hot dog stand seems to entail getting fired ASAP from any job you manage to land, you bum.

    Daily reminder that you're a failure.

  7. #27
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ask Malice for keks if i'm fat. I sent him a pic a while ago of me with my face blurred out for the lulz.(Totally naked otherwise as you suspect of course)

    [greentext]> yes he's fat[/greentext]
  8. #28
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    He didn't seem fat, if that was him. No proof it was, for the record, not that I care.

    Locally, Black Lives Matter shuts down all lanes of the 880, a major highway:

    Oh, and it is summer, temperatures are peaking. I was terribly disappointed in the past. Hopefully we'll just have bomb go off eventually, for whatever reason.
  9. #29
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He didn't seem fat

    What's that now? Sounds to me like Bill Krozby failing.
  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Sadly you'll never have the privilege to gaze upon my visage and i pity you for it. I'd send you a picture but anything less than a 80" 4K smart TV does not do it justice and while i am sure you could figure out the intricacies involved with getting a picture from your computer to display on such a television, i cannot say with any degree of certainty that you would be able to afford said TV, especially considering your strategy for amassing capital for your hot dog stand seems to entail getting fired ASAP from any job you manage to land, you bum.

    Daily reminder that you're a failure.

    Sorry, I don't think seeing you is a privilege. I don't know where out of your dumbass you pulled that from..

    And its not a daily reminder that I'm a failure, its just a reminder of how many people are petty butt hurt faggots, and how , cpt faggot could have put his time and money towards something else but he directed it towards me, for some reason.

    That video is credited to someone who claimed to join the navy for over 9 months who wore sketchers and pajamas , and didn't... , a transvestite that is adopted... and an ugly indian guy who met his ugly gf off of zoklet, that doesn't even post here anymore.. and I'm the failure?

    "heeerrp durpp Bill Krozbyzz do you even nkow whut dah nefilim is??"

    of course I do otherwise i wouldn't be making a thread about you faggot, you bitch about people not contributing then when someone makes a serious thread for once here you go in and shit all over and contribute nothing. go fuck yourself you bitch.

    Anyway back onto topic, this thread isn't about me its about the dallas shootings.. mmmmk?
  11. #31
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sorry, I don't think seeing you is a privilege. I don't know where out of your dumbass you pulled that from..

    And its not a daily reminder that I'm a failure, its just a reminder of how many people are petty butt hurt faggots, and how , cpt faggot could have put his time and money towards something else but he directed it towards me, for some reason.

    That video is credited to someone who claimed to join the navy for over 9 months who wore sketchers and pajamas , and didn't… , a transvestite that is adopted… and an ugly indian guy who met his ugly gf off of zoklet, that doesn't even post here anymore.. and I'm the failure?

    "heeerrp durpp Bill Krozbyzz do you even nkow whut dah nefilim is??"

    of course I do otherwise i wouldn't be making a thread about you faggot, you bitch about people not contributing then when someone makes a serious thread for once here you go in and shit all over and contribute nothing. go fuck yourself you bitch.

    Anyway back onto topic, this thread isn't about me its about the dallas shootings.. mmmmk?

    tl;dr, see you tomorrow fuc boi.
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you did read it and you know it , way to cop out/ puss out, fuckass
  13. #33
    infinityshock Black Hole
    what I want to know is why the media expresses a different narrative when it's a nigger shooting whites that vice versa. ie...the dylan roof church shooting vs the recent nigger dallas shooting
  14. #34
    lol, the fact that you type /thread at the end of your original post in a thread is funny
  15. #35
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^you did read it and you know it , way to cop out/ puss out, fuckass

    I'm too much of a sucker for a good argument not to reply in an appropriate fashion when i have actually read off handed remarks or whatnot at my expense. Take this post for example. I did read the one i quoted and while you're arguably the dumbest most insignificant person on this website, something compels me to reply to you.
  16. #36
    Mfw lastnight before the Dallas shootings my mom was all like "I'm not racist but what the fuck is wrong with black people?, and who sells CD's on the corner in 2016 with a gun on them?."
  17. #37
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
  18. #38
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol, the fact that you type /thread at the end of your original post in a thread is funny

    I know. =)
  19. #39
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    and the earth is flat, yeah, we get it, you know way more than any of us. Thanks.
  20. #40
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The suspect in the mass shooting of Dallas police officers was killed by a bomb that authorities detonated, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said.
    -Dwaine Caraway (former interim mayor of Dallas) said on the radio this morning that the perp asked for a cell phone, and that the cell phone was used to "expire" him.

    Cool! And they used a bomb disposal robot to deliver it.

    Christmas came early. This was such a good motive,
    The sniper who killed five Dallas police officers Thursday night was a former Army reservist who posted “black power” images online and told police negotiators in the moments before his death he “wanted to kill white people.”

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