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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    4th of july is for chumps i dont celebrate it because i dont believe in america i think it is a fictional place at least thats what the bible says

    Go back to Mexico then you spic, cuck.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can't imagine how any concept of universal or absolute morality could be possible. What about the man himself? Do you accept that he is pretty much a cult leader or do you think disagree with that?

    I disagree with that. But i'd like to know why you think he's a cult leader.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    For the majority of people that's true, but trust me. I've done… terrible, terrible things that I'd prefer nobody but my psychiatrist to know about.

    Tell me your secrets and i will determine you whether or not you are justified in thinking you're a terrible person.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Want to talk about Stephan and UPB? I would like to hear your honest opinion on that once and for all.

    Fact of the matter is, it makes a lot of sense but after reading a few critiques and re-reading the parts that were referred to, i've come to the conclusion that calling it a proof of secular ethics is a little presumptions. There seems to be a degree of circular reasoning and assumptions to it that do not bode well for definitively proving his work. That is not to say however that it cannot be used as a tool to help understand the universality of ethics and to gain a better appreciation of the subject in general. The concept is well defined and appealing for sure but as far as proof goes the theory seems somewhat incomplete.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I get enjoyment out of talking under age girls out of their clothes on the internet. It's easier than you think
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In all honesty I don't know. I think it's subjective, vague and poorly defined, which is partly why it can be so fun to throw around on the internet. If you want me to put on my spiritual guru hat and throw in my opinion, enlightenment is the moment when man has a realization that he not only in the universe but the universe is in him, we are all part of one system and everything is connected. Whether of not that is absolutely true is of course up for debate, but in my opinion there is no deeper spiritual feeling than what that realization brings to me.

    You're all faggots.

    I will file your opinion under "Knowing some fundamental truths about the Universe". It's a rather simple truth though if you ask me, since science tells us we are all connected but only in the sense that all the matter, be it making up stars or plants or you or me came from the same origin, namely the big bang. It might also be interesting to note that the heavier elements like the iron in our blood and such was created in massive stars before it ended up as a gas cloud that would eventually evolve into the solar system.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Shilling aside, I honestly would like an answer to my questions though, i thought it was a rather interesting one to pose.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was perusing the "Sensai Obbe" thread you and risir are having a little back and forth in and at some point i think risir mentioned enlightenment. Which got me thinking; what even is enlightenment? Is it knowing some fundamental truths about the Universe? Or having a deep understanding of science? I don't really like that idea though, because a lot of people have a deep understanding of objective reality, science and nature in general. I like to think i do as well, being a student of physics and whatnot, yet i do not consider myself enlightened, far from it actually. Then i thought; is being enlightened having reached the pinnacle of moral virtue? Being as 'good' as you can be? Yet, and i don't want to make this topic about it but, if you don't think UPB is anything more than a fancy concept or theory with no basis in objective reality than i can only assume you are a moral relativist because i don't think you believe morality is derived from any sort of deity which would make it universal and absolute again.

    So if we assume moral relativism is the only sort of morality that exists it does not follow then that being enlightened would be the pinnacle of moral virtue, because what is good and virtues for one could be considered immoral for another while the word 'enlightened' describes a universal state, one that applies for everyone.

    Lastly what do you think is the opposite of being enlightened? I like to get your or anyone interested's thoughts on this.


    You're a faggot.


    Just kidding, only shilling for my nigga' RisiR.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wish my sister was hot.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interesting. Is it still hardcore? Like, spreading pussylips and stuff? Can you see her asshole in those pictures?

    That whole scene is weird to me.

    Spreading pussy lips is not HC, and yes model, i know you're not familiar with the CP world and terminology but semi professional outfits like Siberian Mouse actually paid the girls, from what i understand, believe it or not. CP girls are just colloquially referred to as models.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    looks like a don't do meth poster

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is the first shot from an actual CP flick?

    I've literally never watched any CP and I'm sure there are many different genres but did the little girl in the first picture get fucked right after that picture was taken? That's an unnerving thought.

    She's a CP model yes, but the picture is from a set of pictures, not a movie. There are a couple of sets that i know of. In none of them is penetration involved, in fact, she's the only person that you can see in the pictures.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm opposed to rape and i'm sorry you got molested, but using words like "rape culture" make you sound like a SJW feminazi cunt.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can't remember where. I was determined to destroy him after he said I couldn't though. You don't push an unemployed, autistic sadist like that.

    His whole inbox was filled with bitching to the mods about me and other trolls, which was hilarious because he'd publicly state we didn't bother him. How did you ever deal with this moron?

    Lol i make a cameo appearance. For all his bravado, he was quick as fuck to contact the mawds when push came to shove.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, where'd you find his password though? Doxbin, or something of the sort? Also, double lol, for using the same password for every site you use.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A lot of friends but only 2 close friends that I can rely on

    Sup Dfg, how's Totseans these days?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bump i need more opinions on this Inna Model/Lauren Mayberry situation.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wouldn't worry about 5-HT syndrome, benzedrex has nearly no affinity for serotonirgic receptors and while it's true psychedelics like HWBW do have that kind of affinity they activate differing neuronal pathways than 5-HT would activate on it's own.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My friend gave me seroquels and I took it today. It was a comrades birthday and I just slept allllllllll day. Shits better/worse more sleeespy than heroin, IMA take twice as much tomorrow. Its also euphoric as FUCK gives me lucid dreams and ZONGO!!! ∆∆∆∆∆∆

    [greentext]>antipsychotics are euphoric[/greentext]

    Uhm, i think your brain is broken.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And seriously. Don't show pictures of your cousin to people online, please. That would be rude towards her because it violates her privacy in a major way.

    I wasn't planning to but since you insisted, lol. Besides, special space features didn't make the:

    [greentext]>I have a plan[/greentext]

    Post show up until now, anyway, you're right. But she really is cute =)
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