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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hereditary genoicide. Lineage destroyers. The lasts in line.

    Your usertitle should say: Agent Provocateur.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Truecrypt is deprecated, might i suggest looking into VeraCrypt instead? Also, basically encryption is a non issue if you're going to be live booting into TAILs(It is not recommended to run tails in a VM) at least in so far as OS security is concerned. Obviously data storage would warrant encryption.

    For general privacy/anonymity i wouldn't go as far as using a specialized OS. Full disk encryption using VeraCrypt, your favorite distro, a trusted VPN, TOR and a few browser extensions should be enough(Primarily NoScript, HTTPS Everywhere, NoWebRTC). If you want to route other tools/apps through tor you might want to look into proxychains.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have an enquiry that might warrant combining our autismal powers, this should be fun, also your pharmacology power level is comparable to mine. Ok so here's the deal, let's take me as a case study. In my experience some stimulants or more specifically those that exert their influence primarily due to re uptake inhibiting effects, tend to be more anxiogenetic than those that exert their influence by merit of being a catecholamine releaser or(due to the pharmacodynamics involved) having both these traits. That is to say they're releasers/re-uptake inhibitors at the same time, like amphetamine. Now i suspected at first that this was due to the non-selectivity of the substances involved. For instance i thought that methylphenidate(Your post in TRT made me think of this so good jerb) might bind more to beta adrenergic receptors than amphetamine which would explain the disparity in relative effects. However and here is where it gets interesting, a second theory of mine has to do with the long term effects of phosphorylation of the receptor sites amphetamine binds to.

    So let's take a quick look at amphetamines pharmacodynamics in so far as it's binding profile is concerned. So in contrast to RI stims, where action is primarily concentrated in VMAT 1 and 2 amphetamine also binds to the trace amine associated receptor or TAAR for short. If you'll humor me, this article goes a little in depth about the receptor sub family involved. The reason i mention this is because they talk about the genes involved with this receptor as well which leads me to believe extended down regulation of TAAR might lead to reduced gene expression making the brain respond less to dopaminergic effects while being of no consequence to (nor)adrenergic effects? Possibly evidenced by the fact only dopamine and phenylethylamine like substances have a specific effect on this receptor.

    Now my question to you has to do with the plausibility of my hypothesis and if you may have read some literature to support or refute my thoughts. I think my hypothesis may have some merit but i would be more than happy to be proven wrong of course, because muh science.

    Some evidence to support my theory would seem to be that in the case of my gf, who has been prescribed methylphenidate in the past. The same effects i observed became apparent in her after she was exposed to a few recreational doses of amphetamine over a 6 week period.

    Looking forward to your expert opinion,

    Sincerely Sophie.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Adding pictures ex post facto eh? It's ok, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    si non potest creare . Non consumant

    I'd call that motto non plus ultra but i strive ad altiora tendo tbh frater.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's not true. Just a few days ago, I knocked up some 11yo cherokee girl in the library bathroom. My indian warrior blood now flows through her veins, as my semen did through her ovaries.

    Vids of pocahontas pls.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Russia. She did a jpop music video with another Russian girl but I can't find it anywhere. It was kawaiiiii.

    Was it the blonde girl? If it were i am pretty sure i know her. Also, Russian loli, top loli.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's one of the 4 foods on my bucket list. The other 3 are whale meat, shark fin soup, and human flesh. I want to know what all of them taste like.

    K so, i hear long pig tastes like a combination of venison and boar. You know what you should do? You should buy a piece of venison and boar and a knife and slice thin slices of each meat and put them in a round cooking shape interchanging the slices, for flavoring add fresh basil and pepper between the slices, grab a sauté pan and fry the ends until they're nice and caramelized. Now comes the tricky part. Let the portions cool off for a bit and get the meat out of the shapes, then tie them up with special cooking rope like you would a roulade and put them in a preheated oven to grill for 30 minutes.

    Since we're eating game, i suggest a sweet red wine sauce to compliment the dish, for added awesomeness get a sweet red wine or liquor to accompany the meal.

    Mmm, that sounds tasty af. Holy shit i'm totally making this for christmas. After my family has had their fill and have complimented my cooking skills sufficiently someone might say: Gee Soph, that was great. How'd you get the idea? And i'll say with supreme nonchalance: Hm? Boar and venison? It's what i hear people taste like.

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No. I want to watch the ladyboy fuck the princess while I cum on them both. I'll put the icing on those cupcakes.

    She looks like one of my fav lolis, Laura B.:o

    Ya ya, she does look like her. Where's she from? Laura, not the Disney channel girl.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dank song.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I find it interesting the word "shitpost" evolved to mean something else on Zoklet and Co. Than it does on the chans. A Shitpost on the chans is a post designed to upset someone, it's like a troll post. Yet here it means, well, you all know what it means.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes I... I feel the same.

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If i were to hazard a guess it's because the left ruins everything, even anarchism. JUST SAYIN'. Don't they get it? AnCom just replaces one central authority with another, also, what's up with the fact Black Bloc gets the dankest rappers?

    No love for the black and gold.

    V for Voluntarism, faggots
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have mixed feelings about Jazz Jennings. Not sure if i'd hit it or not. But I admit I fapped to that one episode of Zack and Cody when one of them dressed up as a loli.

    Ayy. K well, you fuck the little boi and i'll fuck the little princess.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since you asked in the other thread. Nephilim in this case is a name stolen from the bible it refers to the offspring of angels and humans.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Disregard that mods, I suck cocks

    Is it a trap? Also, is it a channerism?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyone ever watch this show? It was on comedy central a few years ago. I watched it when I first started smoking weed and I think it's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen in my life. I acted just like Jonah when I was in school, got kicked out, suspended, expelled just for having a shit attitude and never giving a fuck and harassing other students.


    "What did you just say to me Jonah?"

    "I said Puck you miss, with a P".

    I love how he keeps trying to fuck his cousin LMAO.

    I have mixed feelings watching this. It's funny and sad at the same time.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It was just the way he'd toss his hair

    Sean Combs, lel. I liek him better in this vid.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    >loli gives you a muffin

    Dawww that's so sweet

    [greentext]>gift her Doujin and jedielry [/greentext]


    Tell me about it*.

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