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Posts by Bradley
2022-06-14 at 12:19 AM UTC in What are you doing at the momentdo you dye your hair often?
2022-06-14 at 12:19 AM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬
2022-06-14 at 12:10 AM UTC in Jan 6 Committee Starts NowI liked Donald Trump because he was funny and held similar beliefs to me. But similar to me he took advantage of my trust and told me a lot of lies that I initially believed.
When he called Brad Schmutzinger Secretary of State for Georgia and told him how many votes to "find" on a call he didn't know was recorded I realized I had been BAMBOOZLED BY A BAMBOOZLER!~!~!~!~
Now I kinda hate him and plan on voting democrat out of spite for the republican party. Fuck Dick Cheney's gay daughter, fuck the GOP, and fuck anyone who is too stupid to see the plain fact that there was a LIE that was embellished to sound factual.
61/62 Judges ruled against trumps claims, I've been watching the comittee and if you're dumb enough to believe this shit you are the same thing you preach against; blind sheeple.
I would've sucked Trumps dick before, during, and after the election. I cheered during January 6th when the Odinist jumped on the desk and was having a blast waving the flag and yelling and shit. Go Patriots!
But now that we realize what the farce was, I hate to break it to you hard line MAGA supporters but dude lost and if you don't believe that, you probably don't believe in anything that doesn't completely align with your theories.
But I'm not here to convince you anymore than I could convince Paul Wozny aka Totse2k1 aka that faggot who posts conspiracy theories that Kr0z hated him as much as I do.
When you hear this, try to realize this is a sitting president pressuring another politician's career, tried to appeal to him on an emotional level, and then flat out told him what he was going to do.
If this is okay to you and you consider yourself an American kill yourself. -
2022-06-13 at 9:06 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬
Originally posted by frala I just want to know why Bradley is trying to suck his bellybutton into his butthole
It's a pose called the vacuum in body building, i just thought it looked funny.
But yeah I was really high when I took those photos.
And yes candy i was in a shitty mood and talking shit, I think you're a beautiful lady and while you don't have exquisitely beautiful wrists you make up for it with your complexion and personality.
I would fuck you given the opportunity (if you wanted) and not pull out. -
2022-06-13 at 9:03 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬
2022-06-13 at 9:01 PM UTC in no one needs a 50 bullet machine gun clip
2022-06-13 at 9 PM UTC in no one needs a 50 bullet machine gun clip
Originally posted by Speedy Parker S&W .40mis better than 9mm but it is still not great. But based on your anger I'm guessing you can't afford either.
Smith and Wesson Value Essential 9mm S&W VE9, google it nigga it's 350$ NEW
Why would anger make someone unable to afford a gun? I don't see how they correlate.
And yeah 40s are better. They make a SW VE40 in the exact same model for like 429 NEW
how cool would it be to have matching firearms in different calibers? I really like the chrome top. -
2022-06-13 at 8:57 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
Originally posted by Back Lane Madders I was wondering what "lead them so much means". Someone said getting them to go in a direction you want? Is that a cattle drive term? I'm a city boy so I wouldn't know
When you shoot duck or sporting clays you lead where you expect the bird to be. Faster moving targets require more lead. As the bullet travels (more so when shooting osmething slower like a shotgun) you have to lead them slightly so that it connect swith your target instead of behind it where it WAS.
How are you this stupid bro? -
2022-06-13 at 8:56 PM UTC in What are you doing at the momentFound my new crush, this mousy plain looking hispanic girl with really light skin who no one hits on. She told me her name is Melissa and she's trying to quit smoking, smokes fluent spanish, doesn't have a wedding ring, and is really scrawny.
Now I know I'm budging on a lot of my criteria but when I asked if she has any kids she laughed (a good sign) and smiled hwen I said no and I've never been married.
IDK why people aren't interested in women like this but I have always loved plain looking simple girls who don't really get all that attention from men and like when I take an interest in them.
She said I'm really smart and complimented me for not "dressing like everyone" when in reality, I just wear button ups and slacks but I guess that's a major leap for Little Havana.
She doens't have a booty or large titties and wears baggy clothes, but she's probably like 90-105lb so I will be able to pick her up quite confidently.
I like her a lot and she has a good job at this sober living facility.
havne't seen that black girl with the tight braids but she's my second option but all the black guys from prison are always following her around and I'm thinking she likes her own kind cuz she uses the word nigga when she talking to them and I saw her doing some weird crip walk dance that kinda idk wasn't impressed -
2022-06-13 at 10:45 AM UTC in good ways to make money (I’m not selling my ass)
Originally posted by RIPtotse You must not live in America?
You can fight a case for 5 years in jail but any sentence has to be 12 months or under tonserve the sentence in jail. I've hears stories of dudes demanding 12 months and 1 day so that they could do their time in prison instead of jail where u never go outside.
I did this my second bid. They actually don't do good time in county jails either, so when i was given 14 months, i ended up doing 10 1/2 because prison allowed for 25% reduction after completing 75% of your sentence, takes a month to file. -
2022-06-13 at 10:44 AM UTC in Gasoline is super cheap in Iran.I prefer American oil.
2022-06-12 at 11:44 PM UTC in The Dollar is going to crash and Americans are going to be poorya bro these things expire in 2028, i'm not a moron i know what to invest in
have fun with the world get hits with an solar flare and your bitch coin i missed out on investing in is worth NOTHING and I have all the WEINERS AND SARDINES AND HOT SAUCE I could purchase from the corner store with my food stamps. -
2022-06-12 at 11:43 PM UTC in If there was a button that erased all record of you from existence...i've had a really shitty life and i'm happy i've gotten the opportunity to live for the happiness I have found in many things and the fact my existance wasn't worse and still continues existing.
2022-06-12 at 11:42 PM UTC in The Dollar is going to crash and Americans are going to be poorThinking about expanding into the little vienna weiners i've seen a lot of people eating down here and HOT SAUCE
2022-06-12 at 11:42 PM UTC in Why Kafka would be better off dating an atypical member of our community versus facing certain disappointment in typical Irish mics.
Originally posted by Sudo Yggdrasil was a pretty good looking man too. He was an egotistical self absorbed upper class Columbian homosexual. He posted on 4chan too and I remember him telling a story about seeing his ex on a gay porn thread on there and he jerked his gherkin to it. I bet he's doing alright now, his parents were loaded and seemed to be entrenched in the upper class of his country
What happened to him? Anyone know? I vaguely remember him.
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yes I agree she should hide in a stall with a silenced pistol and then when you take the stall next to her to masturbate loudly to gay porn without headphones she can lean over and pop you in the head. also it would be in the womens washroom and as she exits everyone would applaud and joe biden would personally give her the key to the city for helping clean up the scum off the streets
Quit trying so hard, fellowfag -
2022-06-12 at 11:40 PM UTC in How are you feeling at the moment..i think cooking chicken until it's dryer than paper should be illegal and the bitch should be slapped
i have never seen a man fuck up like that. -
2022-06-12 at 11:40 PM UTC in holy fuck this must be a first
2022-06-12 at 11:39 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬Need to tone your wrists more but it might just be how your built, do you have really fat ankles?
2022-06-12 at 11:39 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬