dude i had the nastiest dryest fucking chicken ever and i dind't wanna offend my friends wife so i dind't say shit and he started with veggies and rice sand then moved onto the chicken i had taken one bite of and after he started eating it I tried taking my second bite and he said "Brad don't eat this shit" and started yelling at his wife to make gravy.
Hispanics are really good people (to me).
It is a very good gun.
Glocks are very expensive, I think Taurus or Smith&Wesson is DA GREATEST COMPANY
2022-06-12 at 8:05 PM UTC
and i feel like if she didn't wanna talk to me she wouldn't have sat there for 15 minutes while I talked about global politics and my life, she said she's from Florida and seemed kinda guarded.
But there's no reason she'd have kept sitting there after finishing her food unless she wanted the Wisco White Snake, right?
I did not try to touch her hair but I want to.
2022-06-12 at 8:03 PM UTC
Candy we had fried chicken and gritz for dinner yesterday, I sat next to the most beautiful black girl who had the tightest braids I've ever seen, I told her I loved her hair and she said "really?" all shocked and we made small talk and she gave me her breast piece after eating a wing and sat with me talking until i finished my food (She only ate like half of what I did and then gave me the rest of the chicken)
I didn't eat the skin on any of the pieces so she thinks I"m really really healthy, i told her I'm really not I'm just getting sober and she said she knows she's a counselor in the mental health building
I also fucked with a black girl on the bus from chicago to memphis, I wish I could tell you I thought about you while I was hitting it but I didn't.
Next time I will.
dude this black guy was like "that boy really laughin at this shit" when asked how he can shoot women and children "You just lead them less" which is funny as fuck just thinking about
imma try to get them to put in Deer Hunter next time the asian guy and the white vietnam veteran are in the dayroom.
We also have Gran Turino so i'm thinking this might be a lulzy Sunday night.
Really good, my ex sent me a shit load of videos of her twerking on me from two years ago and said she's gonna run away with me cuz she hada bad breakup and i'm like ya ok
and she asked me for bus fare to come to florida (i didn't tell her i'm basically in a sober living facility) it's like 260$ and i told her to buy it herself, and she said she's really heavily in debt, so I told her get out of the 2400 in debt and I'll buy the ticket for her.
Hoping it takes her about six months. Not sure how she would take me and her both dating a chubby brown girl but she's an unstable and tranny and probably won't come anyway.
She can't get a job because she gets insurance that she loses if she gtes employment and has a surgury for breast augmentation and adam's apple reduction and i'm like ya ok priorities priorities
As soon as I get some chubby brown girl that lets me fuck her in the ass and sits on my face, I'mma impregnate her, marry her, and be a monogamous.
Unless she comes down first at which point i'll drop what i'm doing and love her.
A lot to think about.
wow it sounds like exactly where I'm posting from except I use windows 10 on a Dell laptop and the bartender is gay and wants to fuck em so I get free diet coke and never told to leave 10/10
She is the only white woman I've considered having sex with in a couple years.
I am STD free, alcohol free, but I do smoke a lot of marijuana and can get really cheap cocaine but you can't do it daily or I won't reup.
ill be honest, i have a small crush on kafka. I typically hold this towards one member of our community at a time, kinda like how some of you fixate on a hated favorite, but the opposite, sober I'm quite friendly, jovial and would be happy to talk at length on the phone with most of you (not wellhung who has the mind of a child and plays with poop).
The list of my crushes is as long as it is varied.
AverageJane #1 Her and I still talk about once a year, she has a new fiance and is raising her kid and happy in michigan.
HTS #3 No longer felt attracted once I saw how she was just getting fatter and older and gave up on being a woman so she looks like a eunuch mixed with Chrischan (no offense)
And now Kafka #4. Not sure why, just kinda feel how I feel.
#3 I will allow to remain a mystery mostly because I don't remember what that fat hispanic guy who cross dressed and played with weapons on his dad's coffee plantation in central america's name was. He was really cool to talk to once I understood he had a sophisticated knowledge of advanced (what I consider to be advanced) military weapons that he was able to purchase with his daddy's money from the military contractors in Argentina or Bolivia or some shit. Wasn't sexually attracted to a fat guy though, only emotionally and intellectually attatched.
Then of course there was Sophie who I thought was a man who dressed up as a girl and kinda acts like one, but then he kinda gave me the creeps and I found out he was a weirdo pedophile genius and not a man who pretends to be a girl and lost all interest when I found out he didn't wanna get dicked down.
Can't help how you feel folks, I'm a creep but I'm honest with you all about how I feel.
That being said, Kafka I would love to start fresh but since you dont' want to I'll probably shit talk you in the future, but know I shit talk you out of the pain of rejection.
That being said I feel like i'm a lot nicer of a person when I'm not drinking and would love to be your friend because you are a beautiful person even if you're not all there and have to go to Lidl with a chaperone.
I'd be your chaperone but you'd end up getting a lot more anal sex, choked and bitten than I think you realize.
So i give it some time and prayer and eventually someone will love me for who I am and accept my needs hesitantly. Cuz if you're like choke me, hold my throat, while you pull up and sodomize me, i wouldn't be interested, the nervousness gets me off.
2022-06-12 at 7:45 PM UTC
I’m melting
ill be honest, i have a small crush on kafka. I typically hold this towards one member of our community at a time, kinda like how some of you fixate on a hated favorite, but the opposite, sober I'm quite friendly, jovial and would be happy to talk at length on the phone with most of you (not wellhung who has the mind of a child and plays with poop).
The list of my crushes is as long as it is varied.
AverageJane #1 Her and I still talk about once a year, she has a new fiance and is raising her kid and happy in michigan.
HTS #3 No longer felt attracted once I saw how she was just getting fatter and older and gave up on being a woman so she looks like a eunuch mixed with Chrischan (no offense)
And now Kafka #4. Not sure why, just kinda feel how I feel.
#3 I will allow to remain a mystery mostly because I don't remember what that fat hispanic guy who cross dressed and played with weapons on his dad's coffee plantation in central america's name was. He was really cool to talk to once I understood he had a sophisticated knowledge of advanced (what I consider to be advanced) military weapons that he was able to purchase with his daddy's money from the military contractors in Argentina or Bolivia or some shit. Wasn't sexually attracted to a fat guy though, only emotionally and intellectually attatched.
Then of course there was Sophie who I thought was a man who dressed up as a girl and kinda acts like one, but then he kinda gave me the creeps and I found out he was a weirdo pedophile genius and not a man who pretends to be a girl and lost all interest when I found out he didn't wanna get dicked down.
Can't help how you feel folks, I'm a creep but I'm honest with you all about how I feel.
That being said, Kafka I would love to start fresh but since you dont' want to I'll probably shit talk you in the future, but know I shit talk you out of the pain of rejection.
That being said I feel like i'm a lot nicer of a person when I'm not drinking and would love to be your friend because you are a beautiful person even if you're not all there and have to go to Lidl with a chaperone.
I'd be your chaperone but you'd end up getting a lot more anal sex, choked and bitten than I think you realize.
So i give it some time and prayer and eventually someone will love me for who I am and accept my needs hesitantly. Cuz if you're like choke me, hold my throat, while you pull up and sodomize me, i wouldn't be interested, the nervousness gets me off.
He just reported him to the counselor when she came in and now they're having a pow wow in the office.
I hope he claims the movie gave him Vietnam flashbacks.