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Posts by in da crawlspace - number sleven

  1. Originally posted by mmQ Every time I look at this thread I see obbe posting factoids and people getting triggered.

    It's the same thing in my NFC East shit talking group lol.

    "The eagles are way better."

    "Dallas has 5 rings bitch deal with it"

    "Yeah but …. "

    The climate is a'changin boys. It's changing hard and fast. Harder and faster than it ever has. To deny that is to deny that the population of the world is also increasing.

    Why is everyone so stupid ?
    .why do you think it means we have to care? We don't. You don't.

    Nobody has to care. You realize that? You do not have to care at all. Carry on doing nothing. It's fine.

    It really is fine. Our lives will never really change. Climate change is not a big deal right now. Just like your paying 0.000 percentage more in taxes won't matter either.

    Where do you get you're facts from keenan

  2. Don't call me a weebo
  3. My impressonation of a black:

    Black:so you like drinking beer
    Me:yeah I do
    Black:Oooo EEE let's drink SOME BEER
    ME:Ooooo EEEE *raises glass and drinks milk stout getting a huge milk mustache*
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If someone gave OP a car he couldn't afford it.

    Damn opay got roasted fuys! Someone fax him this thred asap
  5. Originally posted by cigreting y r u worried wen he ded

    He's not dead
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sooner or later wage slavery will end. People will look back on the period between the industrial revolution and 21st century and ask "wtf were they thinking".

    It's similar to all the jedis in the concentration camps…500,000 jedis, 8000 guards…and they just went along with it knowing their fate rather than all rebeling, killing the guards and going on their merry way.

    A modern life of 9-5 is similar..the more shit you have the more you feel you have to lose.

    Back in the good old days circa 10,000BC you hunted and farmed your food, you only worked about 20hrs a week and that was hunting with your buddies or creating tools etc..while the women was cooking your dinner and washing your loincloth and not talking back or fucking the neighbor.

    It's all about to collapse, find a cave now and mark it as your territory.

    Reminds me of the job at the solar panel factory where weed pickup the solar panels and put them on a truck and then sit them down at the other side of thr factory just to look busy.

    Then usually when we were done my CEO would tell us OK GUYS GOOD JOB NOW LETS MOVE EM BACK
  7. In minecraft??? Sounds like a spooky strange stew fuys
  8. Originally posted by Bombay Trap Star I just finished eating; here it is in order of most likely I would be willing to live

    California (I wouldn't be happy about it though)
    New York
    South Carolina

    besides that I think i'm only into a few other cities like Memphis, ATL, Seattle tech. New England seems chill too

    If you go to Califo you canstay in the cats room with me like the baangem taangum broz and wheel push reel weight, unlike the Ortega brothers
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That must make me 1st then.

    Whatever you say, you're exelency
  10. Reminds me of how im the second highest iq on the entire website since sploo died
  11. I bought her used shorts off only fans
  12. Looks like another successfully Gont
  13. Nintendo devices can survive explosions and fires went through 3 360s that couldn’t withstand normal heat conditions and a Ps2 that broke after falling 4 feet(admittedly onto concrete). Nintendo is the highest quality product manufacturer in the industry, if not the world.
  14. Eating a bag of OLD TRAPPER beef jersey in bed
  15. Decided to go with the marble, I see

    In addition to whatever sink/drain problem you're talking about, that saturated ring on the subfloor around the toilet suggests you have a leak between the toilet and the closet-flange, though it could also be a leak elsewhere like the tank to bowl gasket that trickles down to the base of the toilet.

    Leaking around the flange is usually from someone installing thicker flooring ( say going from linoleum to tile ) and not bringing the closet flange up higher, a rusted out closet flange if it's older construction ( newer ones are usually plastic ), and/or not using the proper thickness of bowl wax.......

    Also an otherwise good setup can develop a leak if the toilet isn't fastened well: if it is loosely mounted and allowed to rock/wobble it will probably disturb the wax every time it wobbles, and eventually start leaking. The problem you can run into here is even if your flange is at the correct height and you use the proper bowl wax, your subfloor is already water damaged and turning to mush, so it will probably be difficult to fasten the toilet solidly without repairing the subfloor
  16. 😀
  17. Very distasteful thread , please Edelstein it

    I never meant to be part of a conversation that divides us, I'm in the business of drinking beer
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Where we at on the bungholes ladies?

    The women here withhold information when we do threads like this, their afraid of giving uo there precious secrets and us knowing how they think.

    Now STOP, AND DO THE WOBBLE BOTTOM now watch me whip now watch me naynay

    The women need to do better at Shari g their feelings if im going to be frank
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