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Posts by in da crawlspace - number sleven

  1. Originally posted by toilet clogger Have you called them to check if they had any questions after reviewing your resume? I used to hire and fire quite a bit in my younger days and the people that showed they were eager to work got priority, I didnt give a shit if the other ones had prior experience. Eagerness to work and learn means more to me (in hiring for those particular positions) than someone who has experience

    Wut if u cotem have haveen a wank on thee clock m9
  2. Thinking about working in South City but the commutes kinda retarded and gay ass googmap won't let me change departure time on android, to try to plan looka like I gotta put on my bikini and get out of bed to get on the lappy the names Brooke's oldje do the jab, *sips beer and gets a big mustache*
  3. Originally posted by totse2118

    hOY FUCK
  4. No they are on the next generation of them now , I'd probably get one if they could be flat towed
  5. Dear Anus..
  6. And I'm ready to recompense HariKari on the transverse, and cram a sea lampRey up Keenan ass!
  7. Originally posted by WellHung Friday night poker games

    RARE NFT Piper the dog smoking a cigar at the poker table
  8. Originally posted by WellHung At the loading docks.

    So your a dickworker, how'd you get in with those guys
  9. Whats that supposed to mean monsiuerr , kodie much?
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein Get a job …..


    Reminds me of working with Keenan
  11. Originally posted by Chios Honey K-Cups for the win.

    we have a metal reusable k-cup you fill up yourself. tea or coffee. the metal lids go to shit quickly so you have to buy new lids every 2-3 months. but they knew this was a bad design because they literally sell just the lids alone. its either lids or a set of cup and lid made out of aluminum or nickel or some shit metal.

    Why not use a regular coffee maker if you're going to pour your own grounds
  12. Weird that's when i started watching

    Lotta videos not working embedded lately, is there a better place to link from?
  13. I just started cleaning my room like dr jordan peterson teaches . I have an intrrnet shopping addiction so i recieve amazon packages pretty often so anyway i found a amazon bag and judt opensd it and literary its another package inside that is marked as a BDSM sex device 🤣. I didn't order any choker collar kits ( I'm more into ball stretching) so I looked at it and it's not mine sure enough

    If it was something regular id just go goveit to them and say sorry I opened ur package. I don't really know them , me personally I'd prolly be embarrassed if someone gave me my opened sextoy mail.

    Honestly none if it really makes any sense and I don't know if Ive picked up the package today or a week ago.

    I'm thinking either officially steal it and experiment with it or tape the bag closed and huck it in they're room when they're gone but then they won't know who opened it and might be paranoit LMAO

    Oh it has the date on it arrived today I'm gonna just tape it up a day put it on the porch
  14. Piper is inside all of us

  15. Yall posting in a Piper thread, grab those hairy ankle and get ready to be won over by the Original Gangster

    better change the toner in that fax machine lil cuzzin cause it's about to get real
  16. Originally posted by Lanny Whelp, I'm pretty sure I just ended up on a new watchlist. That hasn't happened for a while.

    Just sasuaage
  17. You have
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