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Posts by smokemon

  1. smokemon Houston
    Originally posted by spacepantz2 idk how to make videos from youtube show up

  2. smokemon Houston
    LOL, WAN.

    Didn't she always post about wanting a hawt whyte boi?

    Her face was really asymmetrical, looked like a lesbian.
  3. smokemon Houston
    Before I clicked ---->

    After I clicked ---->
  4. smokemon Houston
    I haven't tried delta 8 yet.
    Was buying some high CBD hemp nuggies for awhile, then out of the blue I got a batch that got me high.
    That's how I got back into weed.

    Those clowns at the CBD place need to be careful, they're shipping out the odd batch that has way more than 0.3% THC.

    One time I bought a CBD pill (no branding, just a plain white pill in a button bag) in Colorado. After I ate it I was literally tripping my balls off. They must have put some kind of synthetic cannabinoids in it.
    I don't trust CBD products anymore, lol.

    At any rate I need to try this delta 8 stuff some day, all the young whippersnappers are raving about it.
  5. smokemon Houston
    It's never fun to get your corn creamed.
    Did the guy at least get out of the car and offer you some of his Big Gulp as reparations?
  6. smokemon Houston
    I hope you'll eventually post pictures of your nubs.

    If they ever ask you for your name on a pickup food order you should tell them it's for "Stumpy."

    Sorry about your hand, can you still fap?
  7. smokemon Houston
  8. smokemon Houston
    Nature's Path "Heritage Flakes."

    The reason I like them so much is because they make you blast huge farts that smell like canned corn.
    They also firm up your dookie so you lay perfect loafs that require minimal wiping afterwards.
  9. smokemon Houston
  10. smokemon Houston
    Oh shit I just resurrected an old thread.

    0 of my 3 brain cells thought to look at the date of the thread when I was poking around through CrazyJoe's post history.

  11. smokemon Houston
    2 of my 3 remaining brain cells remember you, HAI.

    I remember the birth of "do a rape."
    Someone posted something like "blah blah blah do a rape blah blah"
    I responded to the post "Do a rape?"
    Then... what's his name (was it J.P.W. or something?) responded "Do a rape. "
  12. smokemon Houston
    They did some experiments of hand dryers blowing on petri dishes. Turns out they are repositories of fecal bacteria from aerosolized toilet flush plumes. When you dry your hands with them, it's covering your hands in nanoturds.

    I fear for people who have their toothbrushes right next to the toilet and flush diarrhea with the lid up.
  13. smokemon Houston
    People with FAG need extra vitamin D (dick).
  14. smokemon Houston
  15. smokemon Houston
    Those are pretty pimp arts, my dude.
    Good jerb.
  16. smokemon Houston
    Not having tattoos is the new having tattoos.
    When I was younger I thought they were cool.
    As I grew older, more and more people started getting them as they went mainstream.
    I have seen so many dopey rubes with dumb tattoos that it completely turned me off of the idea.
    Plus some of the inks these days are full of rather nasty chemicals.
  17. smokemon Houston
    I dreamed last night that I was at some kind of plant zoo with my dad. Each plant had its own little tomato cage thing around it and a little sign describing what plants it was. While looking at the plants, eventually we came across a dead bird on the ground. It was pretty decomposed and disgusting. My dad for some reason didn't realize what it was at first, and reach down and picked up a handful of rotten bird giblets and feathers and examined them closely. He said something like "Oh, it's a dead bird." I was all like "Ewww gross! Why did you touch it?" After he had concluded that is was in fact a dead bird, he sort of came towards me with his defiled hands outreached. I was like "Eeeeeeek!" and started running. The rest of the dream just consisted of me running away from my dad who was chasing after me and trying to grab me with his dirty bird guts hand.
  18. smokemon Houston
  19. smokemon Houston
    Taint's cookes are good.but my favorite. I'd rather Crudbury Chrome Eggs.
  20. smokemon Houston
    I'd tell people that in my native land, it's pronounced "Yon Foosk."
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