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Posts by smokemon

  1. smokemon Houston
    There should be a racing league for infants riding dogs, like at a horse track.

  2. smokemon Houston
    If you New Jersify Serbian it becomes Soibian.
    Soibian can also be spelled Soybian.
    Soybian is very nearly Soybean.
  3. smokemon Houston
    The album has a right to exist, and artists can make this stuff if they want.
    It just has absolutely no appeal to me, it fills me with negative emotions and I don't like that.
  4. smokemon Houston
    *X files theme plays*

  5. smokemon Houston
    I've been thinking about getting a Honda Ceviche or a Toyota Camera.
  6. smokemon Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  7. smokemon Houston
    I miss guzzling stank-drank.
    Can't get loaded anymore because the hangovers became too severe and protracted.
    Stupid sedative-hypnotic kindling effect.

    Hey Joe, are you gonna play HEAVY FUCKING METAL or something folksy and soulful?
  8. smokemon Houston
    baby armillaria tabescens

  9. smokemon Houston
    High Stakes,
    Low Blows.
    Money Talks,
    Big-booty hoes.
  10. smokemon Houston
    It's shit.

    Take any joyous life occasion and add that song to it, would turn to shit.

    It takes a special kind of asshole to make a piece of music so corrosive to the soul.

    I wanna roll up a newspaper and bop the artist on the head with it.
  11. smokemon Houston
    Modern toothpastes in modern stores have abrasives in them.
    Every time you brush with it you're polishing away your tooth enamel bit by bit.
    If you eat a really acidic meal that softens up your enamel immediately prior to brushing, like a salad drenched in lime juice or wet sloppy spaghetti with piping hot tomato sauce, the abrasive effect is amplified.
    By the way, "whitening toothpastes" = extra abrasives. They mainly work by scrubbing off the stained layer of enamel.
    I would highly recommend never letting a dentist polish your teeth with those little rubber bits and the gritty sand shit.
  12. smokemon Houston
  13. smokemon Houston
  14. smokemon Houston
    Originally posted by CandyRein So random but… apparently this is what conversations look like 2 yrs into a relationship … idk why this was so hilarious to me …

    When you find someone just as crazy as you 🥰😭

    Women that have a silly spirit are hard to find.

    If you talk about the New World Butt Order to 10 different chicks...
    9 of them will give just you the stink-eye.
  15. smokemon Houston
    When I see a Russian tank
    it makes me hard and want to spank.
    Surly Slavs all holding guns,
    barrels pointed at my buns.
    It's got me all bothered and hot
    I go down quick into a squat.
    They look upon me huddled there
    as I pout my lips and twirl my hair,
    guns and zippers both go down
    in each mouth another's crown.
  16. smokemon Houston
    There's also this

    The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population.[1] Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life.
  17. smokemon Houston
    I just used the "you're" wrong and mixed up singular and plural "snuggling at a funerals."

    Why? Snuggling my cat.
  18. smokemon Houston
    It all starts so innocently, but before you know it you get caught snuggling at work, your hiding things to snuggle around the home, and snuggling at a funerals.
  19. smokemon Houston
  20. smokemon Houston
    Originally posted by A College Professor *SMELLS FINGER*

    I bet it smells like yeasty food court pretzels and mustard.
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