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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage

    bleh, so many "attn: lanny" threads, hard to keep up.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I watched a bit of Yuyushiki last night. I found it incredibly stupid and unfunny… it's just dumb schoolgirl's goofing off. Aside from some light fan service, it seem's clean enough for actual elementary schoolgirls to watch, and what is up with that simple cartoonish art? It's like a cross between Nichijou and Madoka's art, but way worse. Seriously, slice of life is a garbage genre that almost never produces anything worth watching… even Watamote which was moderately funny and amusing in the beginning, just became really sad and depressing with random moment's of intense fremdschämen.

    So if you're not into slice of life yet then yuyushiki probably isn't the place to start. Have you tried K-ON? It at least has a tangible concept that justifies the kawaii.

    I have a hard time explaining SoL to people who don't already get it, partly because I enjoy it on two very different levels. So like there's the obvious level right, cute klutzy girls are just plain fun to watch on their own. Some people don't respond the same way, which I sometimes thinks from people taking themselves or what they're watching too seriously, but I'm fully ready to chalk it up to different strokes. What doesn't fly though is shonen fight anime fans who think their prefered time sink has some kind of moral superiority. Even the worst trope out of SoL is no worse than the level of cringe that your typical "impossible odds" training sequence/surprise reversal/triumph though determination situation invokes, which is so painfully predictable and a cornerstone of like 95% of shonen.

    And then the other level of slice of life is that is really challenges core assumptions in story telling that have existed, largely unquestioned, since Aristotle. It's not only possible but actually commonplace to watch a half hour or hour of slice of life anime and never encounter anything that resembles the classical definition of conflict. The best of the genre invites us to look at drama devoid of plot, a sort of transcendent emptiness, and asks us as intelligent genre savvy viewers to embrace that total malformation of story as pleasurable. This is what I meant when I brought up existential absurdism. When you spend a half hour of your life watching animated highschool girls making bad puns and doing nothing of import and still enjoying yourself you realize first how your pleasure in that experience is self-caused, that is you enjoy this because you choose as a radically free being to enjoy it, and secondly it brings to light the fact that all the classical model of drama is not a pattern laid into the world by god or human nature but by man and as humans we can, at any point, opt to reject or affirm that element of our being. When we enjoy watching meaningless cuteness the pleasure of doing so is not diminished by the fact our enjoyment is arbitrary but in fact enhanced because we realize that we alone are responsible for the meaning and joy we get out of it. In so doing we are liberated from our dependency on any external force for our satisfaction and realize that we are no man's slave, our very nature, our essence, is malleable and is preceded my our will to be otherwise. Namely our will to enjoy watching animated japanese schoolgirls goof around.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I actually just heard about the stranger myself yesterday. I'm going to get a copy from the library later today. Right now I'm reading stephen kings the dark tower

    Which book? I read the shit out of those books a few years ago but stopped somewhere, hmm, the wizard and the glass I think?
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Since I'm apparently out of the loop here, OP: what was your zoklet username?
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Haha, well I guess that's a positive review?

    What was the other stuff you ordered?
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "Sincerely, your dead fucking kiddo." Best part, without a doubt. SHARE IT WITH UNWYRED!

    I'd just like to report that I "liked" that post. Really need to get on the thanks issue because I'd really like for my name to be below your post affirming the legitimacy and amusingness of that dead baby joke.

    @soph, I don't think there's enough forced labor round these parts to justify the honor of taking Lenin's name. It is a bit ironic that that I'm in degaf mode while being, ideologically, a proponent of totalitarian aristocracy.

    @malice When I was doing the whole fake-girl schick I actually thought about what it would be like to get a sex change. Never seriously of course, but when you get called a tranny on a daily basis you'd have to have no imagination at all to not at least think about the possibility. Ultimately I'm too deeply embedded in my own mindset (autistic lack of empathy maybe? Probably not but it's hard to get into someone else's headspace) to really imagine "being a woman". The closest I could imagine would be being exactly myself in terms of internal mental states but having the physical morphology of a woman. And I mean, that would be pretty sweet to be honest. Forgive the dick stroking here (heh) but people consider me pretty smart (which I make up for in a wide range of social/creative ineptitudes) and for better or worse the social standard is lower for women. In fact the glorification of "nerdy girls" in recent years would make a female-me pretty clearly better off, although I'm certainly not suffering for lack of opportunity. But the truth is that our society is sexist in both directions, many of my personality traits that are considered defects would be considered desirable in a women (almost any man can say this, of course) but it's obvious that a sex change in 2015 won't turn anyone into the uberfrau seeing as it's still a largely imperfect process. Which is to say nothing of what the hormonal differences would cause to cognitive processes. I'm certainly not as convinced of that as you are but I'm not ready to dismiss any possible difference out of hand. So I guess if I were perfectly rational and self-interested I'd consider a perfect sex-change operation assuming it would effect my cognitive processes significantly but since neither of those are likely to be possible within my lifetime, as will as my own intuitional attachment to my present sex I don't expect sex change will ever be an attractive offer to me.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Came across some MXE recently, gonna take some either tomorrow evening or this weekend. Read some trip reports but I'd be interested in hearing what I should expect from yall niggas. I'm not real big on dissociatives but my experience is pretty limited and the psychedelic effects are more interesting to me so I'm definitely going in with an open mind.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Another: Hands down the best horror offering in anime. People go nuts for Shiki but it's shit and it art is shit compared to Another. Atmosphere out the ass, very mind-fuck-y/psychological, doesn't cuck you on the ending. One of the few entries in the horror genre, anime or otherwise, that has characters that aren't dumb as shit while maintaining a sense of mystery throughout (as opposed to the usual stupid protagonists or survival-horror angle where the fear of the unknown element is lost at the point someone figures out the big secret).

    Bakemonogatari: Supernatural romance that plays against all the usual tropes of that genre. Slow moving and atmospheric, hot and cold with the fan service angle. "Artsy"

    Usagi Drop: Tragedy/super-cute heart-warmer. Loli bonus, might want to pick up the manga since the anime cuts out before she goes all delores on the protag.

    Yuyushiki: Carve your heart out with cuteness slice-of-life, significant yuri themes. It's so artificially sweet that it wraps back around into being an interesting exercise in genre excesses that dances between nihilism and the existential absurd. Or just cute girls doing cute things that's cuter and girlier than any other contender. Depends on your outlook I guess. I think of it as being to SoL as KlK is to action/fight anime but a bit more subtle.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=14px]wot da fok did ye just say 2 me at th pub u lil whore? i'll ave u know i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 prostitutes like u frum tha corners. im trained in stalkin, shankin and cohverin me tracks & im the slickest & craziest fooker in tha entire british empire. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil whore victim. oi ill shank u an smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv unlike anyfing uve eva seen, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fookin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind ur pimp, ya cunt? oi think again cunt, i bet you din see dis comin. i know where u live, and as u read this im givin u a propa stalkin, so u best prepare for teh rippin, cunt. A rippin' thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. wot uve eard in the news is noffin' compard to wot i'll do to u. i be all over tha place & ill cut ya to a propa fokin dish with me knives cunt. if om not satisfied wif dat, i'll shank ur insides 2. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin at te pub. but it seems yea stupid lil twat, innit? ima shite fury & ull drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess, filfy whore.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    what sort of faggotry is going on in here?

    The good kind. Now go to bed anthony
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    College campuses, large government complexes (think adjoined courthouses and civic centers, and some malls will usually have plenty of nooks and crannies where you can set up without anyone bothering you. When I was in college and moved out of the dorms I had like a couple of days between the move-out date and when I could move into the new place so I threw down a sleeping bag in the projection room of a theater that got turned into an exhibit room and was good to go.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Sooo..errr… you're not Lanny?

    *queue Twilight Zone intro*

    wait... what?
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Do I seem like a punk scene type of person to you?

    No one is punk until they become punk
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    lol, cunt pasted from a totse archive
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Don't do a lot of shell scripting, this is the only interesting thing in my .zshrc:

     [COLOR=#795DA3]_from_git_root[/COLOR]() {
    TOP_LEV=[COLOR=#DF5000]$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#0086B3] echo[/COLOR] [COLOR=#DF5000]"[COLOR=#333333]$TOP_LEV[/COLOR]/[COLOR=#333333]$1[/COLOR]"[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#795DA3]gcd[/COLOR]() {
    [COLOR=#969896] #TRGT=$TOP_LEV | tr -d '\r')[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#0086B3] cd[/COLOR] [COLOR=#DF5000]`_from_git_root [COLOR=#333333]$1[/COLOR]`[/COLOR]

    so you can like `gcd src/foo` and it will traverse up to root of the current git repo and then down into src/foo.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I mean, like any reviewer he has his opinions and prejudices and whatnot. I think he refuses to seriously engage with emo revival, it's all "muh second wave" and "twinkles isn't anything new" which both seems like cop outs to me. But I generally agree with his opinions about experimental and hardcore artists.

    He's kind of a joke but at least he can articulate his opinions about the actual music rather than some of the god awful gimmicks you get from certain p4k reviewers and unlike Scaruffi I could believe he's actually a quasi-functional human being.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why do you play these dinky flash games? I'm positive you know how to torrent shit, you could at least go for AAA garbage instead of flash garbage
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage

    lol doesn't match, huh?

    I bumped the session timeout to the max value so people wouldn't get logged out so often which also means they're considered online for longer, everyone or thing which has hit the site is probably included in that number.

    fite me irl faggot
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage

    In all seriousness though, I think it's Flask, or another one of python's "micro-frameworks", that does this cool thing where your request params looks like a dictionary(map) but when you try to access an unset key it throws a custom exception which the router catches and returns a 4xx response with like "missing request param" or something. I know java dweebs cry about using exceptions for control flow like that but it's a really nice approach I think, from a programmer perspective at least.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
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