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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    p.s. I'm drunk, I may have better arguments in the morning but feel free to reply, I'll stand by my drunken rants as well as my sober rants.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I addressed that in my post right above yours.

    ahh, should have read the whole thread. No doubt the tarantino version sounds more badass but I was a little upset when I learned it wasn't real (I what a total PF fanboy when I was younger, I knew the whole dumb verse, word for word, for a time).

    Also, I like what you brought up, pretty much everything you said encompasses the whole reason I am even on boards like this, and it even underscores my general outlook on life.

    I am a far-right winger, almost to the point of being an anarchist. You remember our discussions about 'vigilance committees'. I believe that our society is entirely 180 degrees wrong about everything. We espouse things like diversity, inclusion, and fairness, but these are all the exact opposite of how reality works.

    I believe the way I do because I firmly believe that competition and capitalism are very basic concepts that are almost instinctual to nearly all life forms. Competition brings striving, it brings rivalrys, it sharpens skills, it brings out the best in people. Think famous inventors, or feuds over women or material goods. I really do believe in people, and I believe that people can take care of themselves when left to their own devices. For the most part, we don't need cops standing over our shoulder all the time.

    People can do things for and take care of themselves better than any 'government' ever could. We always have, and we always will. When people are put in extreme situations, when everything is stripped away that makes them human, what remains? capitalism, and competition. Think prison. Think war. Think frontier life. This is why I believe that the left is foolish and doomed, they are fighting against human nature itself.

    So like, as you know, I hold a very different view of things (I guess that illustrates the point we're both trying to make, to a degree). There's a world of difference between a perfect darwinian society and a world wherein our ideas face stiff disagreement. Like when you're on the internet and you have some stupid belief then what are you risking? You may be made to look like a fool to your peers (which is a powerful motivator, no doubt) but there's no risk of death. The economic capitalistic premise condemns human beings, and a large number of them at that, to death for ignorance or ineptitude or even poor luck (god knows capitalistic markets are prone to wild swings). The leftist ideal is based in the fundamental idea that human life and happiness is worthwhile in and of itself. It's conceivable that the maximization of human wellbeing can only be achieved through a capitalistic system, but almost every thinker who's accepted the premise that maximization of human well being is the goal has come to the conclusion that socialistic policies are the most likely way to achieve that goal. There is a recurring rhetorical thread in the right wing of the idea of what people "deserve", the notion that if you don't do the right things you are somehow less entitled than the rest of us to wellbeing. There's a lot of focus in the right's rhetoric on "deserving", how people who aren't well off are their because they deserve to be but that's clearly a metaphysical mire. What entitles those with the means to succeed to their success? There is no valid argument to support that position, human life is human life, if we could save and provide well being for a hundred human lives at the cost of on other who didn't do anything to "deserve" their sacrifice we would be monsters not to. If you don't agree with that simply replace 100 for any number up to the population of earth. "Deserves" falls away in the face of needs, in the face of right. What is right is not what is deserved but what leads the the optimal outcome. A darwinist should appreciate that.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    50 shades of ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

    Best seller in the making.

    You know I kinda miss the days when I wasn't used to alcohol and I couldn't type very well when I was smashed. It was fun to just slap at my keyboard with my head on my desk for a while and post it. I don't know if it's tolerance or I just learned to type when drunk but I can't do it. I mean I'm a shit typist 24/7 but it doesn't get any worse any more.

    You ever get that feeling sploo?
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage


    we need better smiles, someone should really get on that.

    oh wait.
    aaaanyway, I like the sentiment in Proverbs 27:17, "As sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another". People poke fun at arguing on the internet and I think everyone here has done their fair share of that. I think there's something really valuable though in being in and creating a sufficiently hostile environment where people will argue with you over anything and everything. Like it's kinda darwinian in some sense, you go into everything you do with a collection of beliefs and if you engage in activities where those beliefs face really strong opposition then a reasonable person will be forced to throw away anything they can't satisfactorily defend. I know people calling each other faggots on the internet isn't _exactly_ the same thing, but I think we write it off as unproductive too hastily. Like I've been on these godforsaken boards for the better part of a decade now and there have been numerous times where someone convinced me of something, although usually they'd never know it. Like at one point I was convinced fluoride was the worst thing even and I got into and argument with Rust about it and he just fucking destroyed me and I backed out with some BS excuse but despite the attempt to save face or whatever his point eventually hit home and I realized the fluoride conspiracies are dumb. Obviously I don't know what the case is with other people but I suspect a lot of people have similar experiences that leave artifacts suggesting the whole exercise was pointless but actually resulted in real human beings holding a more sound collection of beliefs Anyway, I think that passage kinda summarizes that mindset, it's only through a sort of limited conflict with each other that we can really test the reliability of our own beliefs and skills.

    "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

    Lol the old Ezekiel 25:17. You know verse doesn't actually appear anywhere in the bible right? I think it's like a couple of verses stuck together.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    That video by the way if that guy talking about the what the DOJ wants is true is fucking justice, except for beastiality because animals can't consent never, while a 14yo who knows what sex is and knows the consequences perfectly can.

    They can't consent to being killed for food either, yet presumably you don't see anything wrong with that?
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    @Lanny, No such thing as free market capitalism in the states it's all crony capitalism there which is like the exact opposite of my kind of capitalism which would be of the anarcho/austrian kind.

    See, this is funny because that argument usually happens in reverse, the left argues that states like the USSR or China at various phases weren't/aren't really socialistic and the right cries no true scottsman. And it's actually a good point, you have a functionally unfalsifiable model if every time it goes wrong you can play it off as a deformed worker state or crony capitalism.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What do poorly implemented recursive functions and my dad have in common? They never return.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    All my relationships are a bit like java anonymous classes, they seem like a good idea at first but I can never seem to get any closure.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Hey, I turned 21 not long ago. Any cheap liquor suggestions? Admiral nelsons spiced rum is not a very good liquor but it's got me pretty good.

    Old Crow and Evan Williams are both dirt cheap bourbons that are pretty good. If you just want to drink it neat or on the rocks Old Crow has better flavor IMO, but Evan Williams mixes better. Gin and tonic is a tasty as fuck summer drink, there are a few good bottom-shelf gins, my favorite being Gordon's. Cheapest drunk around are cheap red wines, although charles shaw is the only budget red I'd drink (but it's stupidly good relative to other wines at the same price point).
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ye, there have been small DDoS attacks on and off since rdfrn closed but cloudflare takes the brunt of it. Hosting is a bit shitty too, no doubt, but the largest part actually seems to be vB's retarded "cache management" strategy for css that ends up actually being "fuck your cache, you'll reload the css every time like it or not" on top of the fact that the css is actually dynamically generated every time instead of served off the HD like it should be.

    I'll get around to fixing it one day, maybe.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    yes, come to our capitalistic paradise and see how the free market has transformed the US into a utopia where no one wants for anything and you can't turn around without innovation thrusting it's strong independent and individualistic dick up your ass and making sweet sweet non-aggressive mutually agreed love to you.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What do lisp programmers and professional criminals have in common?

    First they do a lot of cons, then they have a lot of cars.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    P.S. I actually have some experience with medical imaging and no offense but refusing an ultrasound based on "but it was made in the 90s!"(not actually true) is dumb. There are some gnarly imaging techniques in the world (CT scans, while being one of the most informative techniques for non-cranial medical imaging, represent a very heavy dose of radiation relative to what we would otherwise be exposed to in a year) but ultrasounds isn't one of them. The images it produces are comparatively quite poor in quality because they're so low-energy, but that's why we use them for examining infants. Very smart people have spent a lot of time considering imaging protocols based on a lot of evidence, you take a lot more risk in denying your doctor information about potentially life threatening conditions than you do from exposing your child to ultrasounds.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm split between actually wanting to know the effects of nootropics in children vs the obvious ethical issue of a lay-person giving drugs with no history of use in children to their infant. In the end though I don't think we can justify it. I mean I'm happy to sacrifice some children for the advancement of scientific knowledge, especially since intelligence enhancement could reasonably be far more effective in the post-natal period and we stand to benefit greatly, as a society, from more information there. But ultimately an untrained mother giving doses of a schmorgesborg of chemicals based on... I don't even know what you'd base doses on, to a single infant (who we also know was exposed to at least two other drugs in the womb (not saying it was or wasn't harmful, but it would cast doubt on any results you might observe)) doesn't really serve any purpose. Even if you observed an amazing outcome, it wouldn't justify an actual rigorous study of whatever you ended up using by a medical institution in whose results we could have any meaningful level of faith. And the risk is obvious, the brain chemistry of infants is significantly different from that of adults, what's good for the goose is not always good for the gander (and adults taking nootropics are often rolling the dice themselves in the cases of drugs with little to no clinical history).
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why did the developer choose to do his project in PHP? Because he didn't node any better
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What was Alonzo Church's favorite meat? Lamb, DUH!

    Did you know Denis Richie was a chemist briefly before waiting C? His area of study was MALLOCular STRUCTures
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm been drinking a niggerton of gin and tonics lately, and my legs are restful as FUCK. Shit works blood
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    sometimes I tempted to send you real drugs just so you'll realize how shitty household inhalants are.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I dont wsnt yourtr blood monry dryg
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    That's kind of depressing, like a cross between a hipster and an old man (or a path through time connecting them), but my life is bleak so I'm not one to talk.

    What's wrong with thrift shopping? It's fun, I score some cool stuff out of it, it's a cheap date. It's not like it's my only hobby, there's just a pleasant ritual about it, walking to the couple of stores near me in the late morning sunlights, rummaging through old junk not expecting to find anything but being thrilled when I do, laughing at the goofy clothes or weird nick-nacks someone once actually paid money for. Shit be quaint as fuck nigga
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