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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Depending on the build process you may need to run a configure script before you can use make. If you have a makefile already then it's probably not CMake. Is there like a "configure" or "" or something similar in the same directory as the make file? If so try executing that first.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If I'd be on the giving end then for sure although it wouldn't be my preference.

    My immediate reaction to receiving anal is repulsion, don't think I could enjoy it but I feel like that's primarily social conditioning talking. I'm not sure if I could overcome the idea the getting buttfucked is degrading. Intellectually I'm willing to admit there's nothing wrong or degrading about it but sex isn't really an intellectual activity so IDK.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm glad I could encourage your habit further. Keep a check on it though, feeling bad about something usually means you're internal soul knows somethings wrong with what you're doing.

    Heh, I was mostly joking blood, I drink a decent amount but it's never caused me problems so I assume it's in check. I was mostly meaning to say that's just an impressive amount of booze you were downing. Out of curiosity, how were you making a living at that point? I might be able to manage a liter and change of liquor in a day if I had the whole day to do it but I couldn't imagine any kind of work while doing it (actually I can, I had a job where I literally had to do about 5 minutes of work a day and would drink throughout the day, but I feel like that was a pretty unusual working arrangement).
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, there's a sweet spot for me, too much and I'll wake three hours after going to sleep feeling awake but shitty, and too little won't do anything at all but somewhere between there's a point where it'll put me out but then when it wears off I'm deep enough asleep that it's not an issue. I could see that balance being smaller or non-existent for some people though, for sure.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've had kangaroo and COCKodile, former is similar to venison or dry beef, latter is like dry chicken. kangaroo smells rank when you cook/prepare it though

    I've tried kangaroo, I agree with the dry beef comparison. Wasn't there to see it cooked though so I don't know how it smells. Someone once told me there's a bounty for every kangaroo you kill because they're considered pests or something, is that true?
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    head bandages are my fetish
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ask and you shall receive or something

  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    On my desk. Man, there are lots of shitty things about being an adult, but not having to hide porn/drugs and being able to rearrange furniture or nail some shit into the wall whenever I want is like one step from paradise.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Gravity Defying Tits

    She seems vaguely passable although a bit heavy on the makeup.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    A bit late to this thread but w/e.

    I've had sleep problems since I was a kid and booze definitely helps. I've found benzos, alcohol, and indica all more or less fix the problem but there are obvious reasons why sustained use of any of those isn't idea. I've settled on vaped weed as being the least likely to fuck me up long term. Valerian helps a little and melatonin doesn't knock me out, which is my usual problem, but it lets me sleep a lot longer and it feels more restful. If you find something that will put you to sleep reliably and doesn't kill one organ or another let me know,
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    And of course it's only going to get better and more affordable as time goes on. The tech sector is the fastest moving/developing as far as I know (could be wrong, but it's likely at least close to the top). The filthy plebeians never appreciate the blessings, the new fruit mercifully cast down to them, of the tech sector gods.

    Quoting for later use.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I also stopped drinking vodka daily in part to a seizure I had in the spring of 2014 when I ran out of vodka and had been consuming 1.25 liters a day + a 4 pack of the Steel Reserve.

    Damn son, I feel a lot less bad about my drinking now. So, uhh, thanks for that.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Color is a function of the human visual system, and is not an intrinsic property. Objects don't "have" color, they give off light that "appears" to be a color. Spectral power distributions exist in the physical world, but color exists only in the mind of the beholder.

    Why? You're just making an assertion with no evidence. Why does color not a property of light? If a red car is not perceived by anything with a visual system does it stop being red? Does it become red again as soon as someone looks at it? You're digging yourself deeper and deeper into an incoherent hole here.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Tried 4-AcO-DMT for the second time yesterday, think I have a feel for it now. Both times the comeup was pretty brutal, lots of body load, my heart was racing and I was rushing to do everything as if my life depended on it, kept thinking I had messed up the measurement and that it was about to get mind-shatteringly intense. Especially since it's almost instantaneous relative to psychedelics I've tried. After that it was smooth sailing though. It may have just been the dosage but it was a lot less visual that other's I've trie but the mental effects were still there. I didn't get the same urge to go and curl up with music that I usually do so I was able to read and do some work, still have a ton of wikipedia tabs open, and I was digging through someone else's code and I kept feeling like I somehow had a view into their mind, it was pretty shitty though so I felt like detectives in movies who are chasing a murderer and slowing becoming sociopathic themselves, sympathizing with the person they're chasing, except with just writing really byzantine incomprehensible code. It's funny, people talk about AcO being sedating but it sounds and sorta feels more like a stimulant to me in that regard. Tail end was pretty smooth except for some difficulty sleeping even after I thought I was back to baseline, thoughts seemed to flow well, followed them to conclusion, as opposed to the kind of lazy, wandering hypnagogic state.

    Oh, and I took your advice malice, did some voice recordings, had some ideas I wanted to remember about a project I've been working on. I'm sure I'm going to die of cringe when I listen to them again. One funny thing is I was talking about haskell-esq "immutable world" semantics, which is just like the idea of recording state change but it poses some issues with recursive "worlds" or like these big state objects which contain themselves or older versions of themselves, both formally and from a performance perspective. Anyway, I'm rambling on about this, how I thought it applied to my problem, and at one point lose my train of thought so I stop the recording, replay it, and realize I'm doing basically what I said in the recording, capturing past state and bringing it forwards. It really amused me so I made another recording laughing about that incident, then I listened to it. Then did it again with respect to the previous recording so I was like caught in a recursive recording loop. Hmm, maybe that's not as funny as I thought, I was pretty amused/freaked out at the time though.

    You should reconnect with your Unitarian Universalist roots (not really). Just wait until the time is right/comes for you to experiment with DMT, this tends to have the biggest impact on people once they have the right experience. I wouldn't have expected this development in you, you seemed like the type to bitterly cling to strict rationalism until the end.

    I've kicked around the idea, UUs are (arguably) perfectly amenable atheistic members, they did a survey and found that together the number of members who identified as either atheist or secular humanist made up like 60% of the greater congregation. I remember going to church as a kid, just enjoying it because it was like part of a ritual, people seemed happy, I got to play with blocks and listen to stories and shit. Even as a young teenager I'd sit in on the sermons, it was a nice feelgood message, sometimes it covered something I actually found challenging. They do have a kind of core creed that's intentionally very vague and kinds rubs me the wrong way, they actually have a stated commitment to democracy which obviously isn't my cup of tea.

    I've gone to the church of John Coltrane before, mostly because it's a novelty and I like the music. I can see the value in it though. I wonder if there's anything like an existentialist pseudo-church. Probably all too into radical freedom and shit to participate in organized activity. Kierkegaard was a christian though, so I guess it's not out of the question.

    I planted some poppies a couple days ago and they have already started to sprout. Wonder if they will survive the winter.

    Pretty much obsessed with poppies and opiates lately

    I also have another project in the works, extracting from coca tea and making it hcl

    I'm excited about it.

    How much light do poppies need? What's a typical yield per square foot?
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Reminded me of this, which I randomly came across today:

    Just somewhat interesting, regardless of plausibility.

    Niggerbald Wheeler is a quack who managed to do just enough real physics that the feebleminded are unable to separate that from his jealously guarded pet theories. Yeah, they can be fun to think about sometimes but the frequency with which his and other brands of quantum mysticism get thrown in my face makes it difficult to feel anything but disgust about the guy.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Go see what nigger is waking me up in the middle of the night. If it's a faggot in a ghost costume then I'd just go back to bed and call the cops if they keep it but, but I'd hope it's some qt trying to relive a highschool tryst.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    In a way we are all segments of the same hyperspacial structure, which is everything doing everything across all space and time.

    Oh god, please don't start doing this in every thread. The other one is already brimming over with your faggotry
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I got some of those wifi controlled lightbulbs yesterday, like Philips Hue but the chinese knockoffs. The documentation is dogshit and the app is broken but I've spent the day going through tidbits on the internet and doing a little genuine reverse engineering and am pulling together a controller for them. Not particularly complicated work but a lot of trial and error, pretty fun though. My goal is to simulate an offset light/dark cycle. I always go to bed well after it gets dark and get up hours after it gets light so both are kinda difficult (always have been, but it's noticeably worse with my wonky schedule (I actually love the schedule, just not this part of it)). I've used flux for years but there's not much you can do about house lighting, so that's what I'm shooting for, I'll simulate sunset around 10 and gradually wind the light level to black around 1 or 2, then start a simulated sunrise an hour or so before I have to wake up.

    "LSD is medicine for the soul." - Albert Hoffman

    I feel a bit better today, in a way. LSD can be wonderfully therapeutic, emotionally cleansing. I feel something may be developing within me, like a small sprout, the beginning of regaining some emotions. I'm going to continue and would like to see how this develops. I'm not going to kill myself suddenly, if it does end up happening it likely won't be for a fair amount of time.

    Told you so.

    The "something developing inside" comment is interesting. I had this experience the first time I tripped and now and then since where I have a moment of "spiritual" belief, like not of the abrahamic god or whatever, but not "secular spirituality" life-affirmation whatever either, like a genuine belief in the supernatural. Nothing specific, not like "salvation is happening in 2020" or "my toaster is sentient" but just like a general sense that there are things in the world which aren't governed by physical laws and such (so it's not even really a coherent concept to begin with). It was pretty unnerving at first, because it wasn't like if you asked me if I believed in that I would say yes, "me" as in the thing which forms words to speak and thinks of an "I" doesn't buy into that, it's all about science, atheism, and fedoras or whatever. But then on some intuitive level I did buy into it, like if you could force me into a situation where I had to act as quickly as possible and where the decision somehow rested on whether or not I believe in the divine I'd have acted in the way that suggests belief (that was an awkward sentence to construct, we don't have very expressive language for this kind of thing). It's pretty brief, like I realize it and within a few seconds I'm like "nah, that's hippy-tier nonsense" but it's just strange to have happen. Anyway, I had a fear early on that I was going to develop an enduring belief like that and eventually convert to judaism or something. Like that religiosity had somehow taken root in my soul was working on my mind.


    Song for you Malice.

    You've posted videos from Life is Strange's ST a couple of times although I don't remember if they're the same track or not. Have you played it? What did you think? I remember the early release trailers vaguely and figured it was going to be some pathetic shutin-fodder trying to sell with an overly-cute depressive-pixie-girlfriend (maybe it was just the girl on all the covers looking like whats-her-tits from bioshock infinity) but reviews seem pretty positive since.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    the slow zoom is pretty disturbing
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
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