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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    hey, hey, try doing some jordaan mason covers
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    This world has shifted so far to the left that moderate now appears far right.

    Hahah, typical right reactionism. You say literally the exact opposite of the truth in order to make your own extremist position appear moderate.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You just don't get it Lanny.

    Colours only exist in your head.

    Demonstrate to me that "colours only exist in your head".
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I actually think Animal Farm was his best work. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yadayadayada.

    IDK, animal farm seems even more condescending than 1984, going so far as to dress up a piss simple moral in the trappings of a child's parable (talking animals and shit). But "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is kind of what I'm talking about, it's not an idea that's actually investigated in either book, it's just a floating assumption that we see Orwell fumble his way through paying out. Why does power corrupt? We're never given an answer, not even the usual platitude of "greed is endemic to the human condition". Like maybe animal farm carries the additional message that revolution/social change is futile but again, there is no meaningful question posed or answer given. I'm left at the end of all of Orwell's fiction asking "why?". Like I could write a story where on day one everyone is living free and happy in libertarian paradise, but then they start killing and raping each other because they're greedy or something and then write a few hundred pages of all the terrible things these fictional characters do to each other and end with them all existing forever in unimaginable suffering. Would that novel be profound? Would it be considered a worthwhile polemic? I sure hope not.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Being gay is a trend because the obvious and self-evident truth of homosexual superiority, thinking folks don't want to be associated with the cis-proles that are responsible for everything wrong with the world.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    No, rainbows do not exist. Review my debate on Colors only exist in our minds, therefore it's impossible for a arch of colors to exist in reality. Cameras capture light of different frequencies and create a image that transmits those same frequencies. It takes an eye and a mind to convert those light waves into color.

    That's pretty retarded bro. When someone says "oh look, a rainbow" they don't mean "oh look, there's the mind-independent externalized perception of color!". In the world where everyone is colorblind red and blue objects still have different colors, direct perception isn't required for existence (unless you're some some kind of nutty cunt like Berkeley). In fact your position boils down to solipsism: if a thing requiring integration to be perceived means it's subjective, and all of our senses require integration, then you have to deny access to objectivity altogether and you can't even make a statement about the objectivity of subjectivity of rainbows since such a claim would itself require objectivity. Your position is self defeating, the best you could do is argue for rainbow agnosticism which is pretty faggy if I do say so myself.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    They were fucking great, and I usually hate music from that era. I think they were maligned by their genre ambiguity, failing as both funk and punk they kinda got rolled into "new wave" which deserves its reputation as being faggy but I'd argue talking heads were either the exception or misclassified. Remain in Light, in particular, is a masterpiece. People tend to get distracted by the (admittedly killer) hooks and the singles like Once in a Lifetime but look at tracks like Born Under Punches or Houses in Motion which have a real sense of musicality, song structures which remain interesting and innovative even 30 years later. The alternating phases of almost stifling density and sparse, almost transcendent mellody make for a really interesting, stimulating listening experience.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    How often do you use etizolam? If it's irregularly the amount you bought could last you a decade.

    Pretty infrequently. Once a week tops, I don't have any real problem with anxiety so it's mostly just a sleep aid or a way to chill out if I'm feeling stressed (not that I experience stress very often). The plan is to stockpile, although god help me if I do manage to become dependent, even with heavy usage it will be a good while before I run out.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I got around to making etizolam solution from powder I got recently, took what should be 3mg worth and it put me on my ass. Mild intoxication for a few minutes, thought I'd lay down and watch something, fell asleep within seconds and woke up 7 hours later. I'm not sure if I fucked up when measuring (I don't know how, hardly rocket science) or if the etiz I had in the past was weak. Woke up feeling pretty great though, so that's good.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yea it was chemically. I knew as soon as I got a decent hit it wasn't heroin. I was gutted, I was looking forward to getting high as fuck.

    free meth ain't too bad mang
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    News corporations are in it for the profit, and so they are constantly sensationalize things, constantly putting out bogus numbers and bogus data to "support" the sensationalizing, and you basically can't believe a thing them and their paid lapdogs have to report.

    I'm sure our old friend The Vizier will be just fine.

    I like how you get all pedantic about using people's old handles or bringing up meaningless points of site history like it lends you an air of credibility.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What if tripping when you die blocks the usual psychedelic death experience due to tolerance and you don't relive/live a new experience in the brief period between circulatory death and brain death? What if the process is naturally fractal (death within the hallucination triggers another hallucination) so it's a sort of eternal reincarnation and the only way to exit the cycle is to die while tripping? Could be far out maaan
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    'Rights' don't exists. You don't have an inherrent right to anything just because you exist. That being said, murder in self-defense is ok by me.

    That's interesting, it seems like you were all about natural rights not too long ago. Why the change of heart, or is it?

    False. A "right" is not vested in you by the authority of man but by that of God. In this life the Creator bestowed upon us several inalienable rights such as Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. My government was build upon the precept that these rights cannot be taken away by any law of man. The bill of rights grants me everything necessary to partake in these rights. Through the right to bear army both my life and liberty are secured. Through my government was instilled with the restrictions us Americans like to call The Bill O'Rights. These restrictions on the government such as not prosecuting individuals for their speech or self expression, allowing the individuals to bear and keep arms as well as freely organize themselves ensure my ability to maintain my own rights. It is lamentable that these restrictions on the government are being lifted under the guise of gun control and hate speech laws.


    When your argument is founded on what might be the most tenuous premise of our age I think that should be a sign you're fucked, but I mean let's say there is a god or whatever. How does it follow from "we were made by some anthropomorphic creator character" to "the american bill of rights (and specifically my personal interpretation of it) is divine truth"? I mean I'm sure this is going to turn into you having some special access to the truth in the end (particularly amusing would be "He told me so") but I'm in the mood for a chuckle so by all means, present your post-hoc attempt to justify the bill of rights from the given premise that there is a sky father or whatever.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Orwell was a socialist.

    A watery, wishy washy sort of socialist, but sure, he was a socialist. That doesn't change the fact that his commercially successful work has not in recent times been (and perhaps never was) read as a sincere condemnation of the political ideals that underride pretty much any leftist policy you're likely to find in the west.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    McRide always told me: Stay nodeid
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Intolerable cunts:

    Winston - Mentality of a 14 year old, scarcely articulate despite being the narrator, can't stand up for his ideas except for in the most limp-dick imaginable way and flips shit and kills innocent people for no other reason than that he's an insecure cunt. Totally lacking a meaningful philosophy, requiring someone else's bullshit manifesto-insertion fanfic to even get hard, he deserved the rats and much worse for being such an intolerable lowbrow pussy.

    Julia - Almost tolerable for having enough character to be hateable but in the end she's in Winston's boat: impotent. Fucking in the woods is what you do when you're a teenager, not when you're fighting tyranny. It represents total and unabashed conformity to the base natural state of man, to the flesh, to everything boring and mundane and trivial about the human condition while serving only to satisfy the party's ends through distraction.

    O'Brien - Would have been vague enough to be likable or at least tolerable if not for the fact that his crowning monologue was cringey shit put in the mouth of imagined villains by generally incompetent writers.

    Syme, however, is the only character with a hint of life going on outside of Winston's view, the only character who actually has a plausible motivation for his actions. Syme plays the game because he loves it, because that's what he is and he bends the world to his will through determination and vision, changing the very words beneath our feet. Considering 1984 was such trash as literature, failing to investigate any interesting element of the world, I choose to believe Syme knew full well what was in store for him, that he would be killed by the party ("killed" in his mind rather than Winston's notion of "unperson" (a term with an ironic ring of newspeak considering it is not, in fact, newspeak) because only the immature psychology of Winston would care more about attribution than far reaching effect on society) and participating anyway. Syme is the absurd hero of 1984, the true face of human determination and triumph, the indication that we as a species will continue to produce something worth having in the world. A creature crushed in every way we can imagine and yet who rose to the challenge, who saw his people destroyed and found for himself a role in rebuilding. Creation in the wake of total genocide, where Winston sees a people subjugated Syme sees a vacuum, a blank canvas to be filled and himself as the one with the determination and intellect to do it at any cost and in the face of any odds.

    The real lesson to take from the trainwreck of a novel that is 1984 is that when the going gets tough the smart find the most interesting/worthwhile jobs they can and make the best out of it. Even if you detest the straw socialism which Orwell made a career out of knocking down you can't help but admit that Syme was the only character who managed to put his money where his mouth was. He could have been working for the nazis or the libertarian non-government or anyone else, he still would have been the only character with a spine.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I do my own laundry but it makes less and less sense, probably would be more efficient to pay someone else to do it for me. The problem is transport, I'd have to walk a block to get to a laundromat who'd do it for me while there's a laundry room in my building, I haven't timed the walk vs. how long it takes to do it myself to see if it really would be a net savings. I wonder if there's a service that will pick up laundry and bring it back.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Expected a tranny in a burqa fucking a mohammed lookalike, am disappointed
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