Whatever test you decide to use, you just need to have some lead time before you start taking the nootropics. Take it everyday and yeah, you'll probably see your scores gradually rising for a while but they'll eventually level out, no one consistently scores 200 in IQ tests because they've taken enough of them as long as the test is generative (like you don't get the same set of questions every day). Once you have a consistent baseline then start administering the drugs.
As for how to control for the placebo effect you'll need... a placebo control group! And a blinded one at that. Unless you want to find at least two more people to participate, one to administer and one to act as a control (or have you act as the control, you can't know they're going to be the control) then you're fucked. This is why the majority of "citizen science" you see around nootropics is a clusterfucked waste of time. You might as well be realistic and admit you'll be hard pressed to differentiate between a placebo effect and actual effective medication, but I mean if it has a functionally meaningful effect does it really matter?
The punk kids, chicks or otherwise, were always pretty cool in highschool. I wasn't ever really "one of them" but of the field of social groups in a school they were the least douchey and exclusionary.
I do admit to a little suspicion of adults who are still putting band patches on their clothes and stuff, seems a little immature, but I mean if that's your thing then whatever. We all dress up to fit in somewhere to some degree.
I don't think there's really any intrinsic connection between the punk scene and being a randomly aggressive lesbian or lip biting (kinda hot anyway, just saying).
Hundreds to thousands of dollars?! Fuck those bulk only sites I don't even have a job anymore
You know you're going to blow through that much anyway, might as well save up and get a better price. Collect some money from kids at retard school and go in together if it's just too much. Especially with RCs, the risk/effort involved in every transactions means vendors work hard to incentivize bulk orders.
They kidna combine a lot of elements I dislike from other genres. The churny guitar, breakdowns on most (all?) the tracks, some mid-2000s era electronic cliches (look at like 2:04, sounds like some UK dime-a-dozen DnB effect, might as well throw an airhorn in), dancing during performances, and a gimmick.
I mean I know some people get worked up over them, I'm just kinda meh, not my cup of tea.
None of those are particularly surprising except maybe the coke. One would suspect shitty coke, but it's the same effect as ADHD drugs so if you're not doing a ton then we would expect similar results to the ritalin.
Also anal sex has been known to have adverse interactions with all classes of drugs, just FYI
Ehh, it along with TES are uncomfortably close to being franchise zombies at this point. I'm not even sure I want to play, I'm expecting another set of increasingly poorly written rooms on the same recycled game engine that was buggy when it was released and has only gotten worse under the pile of hacks that pass for graphics progress.
You have built a logical strawman. The illusion of "existence" as we know it does not preclude a lack of reliable access to it, "it" being nothing more than the product of our own perceptions. We see it, we hear it, we feel it, we smell it and we measure it. We have full access to it. But that doesn't directly translate to any of it not being just a vast virtual array for our own entertainment and amusement. Nothing is really there. It is only what we and others perceive that is "real" which make it "real". Neurons firing in the brain, electrical pathways in the nerves sending ones and zeros, chemical solutions being formulated in the body, and even all of that is just a product of its own creation.
You know what? I'm not even going to stoop to the level of asking how you propose to know this because I have such unshakable certainty that your answer would be fucking moronic that posing the question would do nothing but give stage to your lunacy.
Wait, if you don't go to school they put you in a home? I don't get it. Like juvie maybe but never heard of putting kids in group homes for ditching school.
Yeah, pdrudoephedrine is a passable stim, considerably smoother at moderate to high doses than caffeine although 300mg is way too much. Like 100mg would be strong, even with decent tolerance. At the high end I've found it to have some secondary effects, mild dissociation or just a slight "off" feeling, like you're not fully in your body or whatever. Might just be a personal quirk though, IDK. It combines quite well with small doses of yohimbine, although going too high on both will fuck you up, and not even the fun kind of fucked up, lots of nausea and that too-much-stims spaceout feel.
Also yeah, why the fuck are you in turkey? I fucking want to be in turkey. Fuck you sploo, how come you get all the good things in life?
IDK, it's kind of a dorky acronym. I'd argue that the study of engineering is synonymous with the study of technology and together they represent a proper subset of science. And math's just its own thing off on the side. I find theoretical computer science to be the most interesting STEM sub-field/niche and I'll make the somewhat controversial claim that it's a dusty corner of mathematics for the most part so I guess I'd say mathematics, technology, engineering, science. I'm a little self conscious saying that as I'm just a code monkey, and as much as I might try to distance myself from the "blue collar" shadow of that job title the reality is I sling code for a living rather than real computer science
[FONT=Helvetica Neue][SIZE=14px]"[/SIZE][/FONT]#blacklivesmatters more than an animal"
[FONT=Helvetica Neue][SIZE=14px]hahaha, damn, I'm a nigger lover if there ever was one but that's some straight chimpout shit right there[/SIZE][/FONT]
I decided not to do anything this year, I remember the first year I moved up here I still didn't know many people on halloween and I went to a dorm party down the hall but it was kinda awkward and I went back to my dorm at like 10 or something. Following year I was stoked to go to a real party with people I actually knew but every year following it was was just regrettable levels of drunkenness and being annoyed by other drunks. This year I vowed to just stay home, take a reasonable amount of drugs, watch some horror flicks and replay FEAR. I guess that's kinda gay but I honestly was perfectly happy with it.
HOWEVER, I did hear fucking scratching from inside one of my walls and it was really faint at first and I wasn't sure if I was going insane or starting to have a bad trip or what the deal was, freaked me out at first. Probs just a rat or something, though I've never heard or seen one here before. 2spooky4me
Thoughts? Anthony Pantano shit all over it but I like it. It's definitely poppier than previous efforts but it wasn't very poppy to start with so I'm not complaining, Duzsik's vocals were always a highlight to me and they're better showcased here than on previous original releases (actually one of the real strong points of the two remix albums were that they kinda uncovered his vocals from under all that noise and dense percussion). So maybe lagging on the noise-rock front but that's fine, they did two noise rock albums, wouldn't be any better if they kept the same sound for a hundred releases.
All of reality, including color, is nothing more than just perspective. None of it is really there, it's just perceived as being there by our brains, our nerves, or senses, all of which are designed in a similar fashion. Even our own bodies are not really there. It's just that we feel and sense, and so we think we exist, but we really don't. We, and everything in the cosmos, is simply a perception.
That's retarded, the best you could do is argue for Humean skepticism about an external world (although Moore's proof makes a strong argument to the contrary), if you don't have reliable access to the external world then you fundamentally can not make statements about how it is or isn't, specifically you can not say "the external world doesn't exist" based merely on a lack of reliable direct perception of it.
Nah, curl just handles network requests, like a browser that doesn't handle state or do any rendering/JS execution. You can't get really get IP addrs off sites behind cloudflare unless cloudflare gives them to you, which it probably won't. And if configured correctly, sites won't talk to you if you're not going through CF. You can sometimes get around this by pulling the DNS records (`host` or `dig` should do the trick), CF doesn't do email so if there's a MX (mail exchange) record or a subdomain that's not behind CF there's a good chance that's the real address of the server, unless they use someone else like fastmail to handle it.
yeah, just googled it, if you're trying to build qt then you need to run the config script, just called "configure". So like change to whatever dir that script is in (probably the top dir), and run "./configure". If it complains about permissions do "chmod +x configure". Then try running make.