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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The broken english made that article like 5 times better.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I bet sex while candyflipping is fucking crazy. Psychedelics are kinda aphrodisiacal on their own but it can get strange/distracting. I bet with some mdma it'd be the perfect love drug.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    because my penis is a vagina fractal

    cum at me bra
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Social stigma and the government's concerted effort to withdraw support of psychological welfare programs for the last several decades is a far greater detriment to people in need seeking treatment for mental illness, yet I don't see the right crying about that (in fact it's classical champions of conservatism ala Regan who are responsible for our country absolutely ass raping the mentally ill at every turn). If you're a gun-nut and have some a priori belief that owning lethal firearms with no social utility outside of murdering people is a fundamental right then ok, you can believe that if you want, but trying to pretend like it's some deep seated concern for the mentally ill is just disingenuous and totally transparent
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    But nigga its actually your picture nigga why you action like a nigga? Fukit I'll host with tags but you are a moist cunt you cheeky limey.

    wut? I just don't want to host pics because 1. no point in me wasting bandwidth on it when imgur does it faster and for free and 2. because the "I uploaded a picture with this post" thing looks dumb and only shows up at the end of a post. I wouldn't ever use the feature even if it was turned on.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    sploo is a modern day gg allin

    lol, this cracked me up for some reason
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    host it and use an img tag, I'm not hosting your shitty picture nigga
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You know I'm rooting for them, it's really a shame they seem to be avoiding killing people. It would be really interesting to see an intelligently done anime like this with a misanthropic lead character(s), whose goal is to kills as many people as possible, induce mass terror, and do so in very creative and effective ways. Sort of like "Dark Knight" Joker.

    Some people would argue that's what Death Note was. I'd say they're either stupid or deontologists (although I'm not sure there's a difference) but the canonical interpretation is that light was a villain protagonist and the ends didn't justify the means.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    How to find people who have read GEB

    "how about those strange loops?"
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh shoot, I was watching Zankyou no Terror when it was airing but gave up partially because I didn't like waiting a week between episodes and because I was kicking around /a/ at the time and people were going full retard over that shit (it was airing in the same season as Tokyo Ghoul so if it wasn't bitching about TG deviating in any way from the manga it was people going apeshit over the 9/11 thing). I should totally watch it. It had someone important from cowboy bebop working on it as I recall.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    that logo, the one up there right now. that's the one.

    Which one? It picks one of three at present randomly (although caching behaviour may make it seem like there's a bias or it isn't changing).
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    cammmm rammmm
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I dig it blood but it misses the dimensions by a mile. 300x150 is what you should shoot for. I'm not going to be a nazi about it but a fold and change worth of banner would just be annoying.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, pretty much. I do what I want, fuck the police.

    Just cuz I love you tho bae put in the new banner thing.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Fuck, I just blew like half my day yesterday on this shit. This is what I was talking about -_-
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I started playing pretty early on in development, pretty much since the first public beta (don't remember the version number or even if there was one) but left after a bit, came back some time later and played for a while and got simi into it but never really got to the "endgame". Should prolly give it another swing but given how readily it's compared to minecraft and considering how much time I've burnt on MC I'm a little afraid to dive that deep into a game again.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    There was actually a study done where people where left in an empty room alone with their thoughts, except for a machine to shock themselves with, and people actually started doing it pretty quickly just to alleviate boredom.

    Here it is:

    Kind of amusing, and it seems your behavior isn't too abnormal.

    Yeah, I think there's positive selection pressure for ADD-like qualities. In a world where the vast majority of the best professions fall under the "knowledge worker" umbrella you can choose it makes sense that abhorrence of non-novel activity is becoming more prevalent.

    Hearing your philosophy on pharmacological enhancement/augmentation and knowing that I helped plant the seed in you makes me feel pleased.

    Take solace blood, whatever becomes of you, at least you participated in the creation of ubermensch, the being so perfectly torn between self indulgence and neurrotic self restraint that nothing but the raw, unadulterated reality is present and all that is left is pure truth. Even if you perish beneath the weight of your sorrows you participated in the birth a future for our people...

    nah jk, I'm just some rando drunken programmer.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Red wine makes me puke EVERY SINGLE TIME. No joke… Grey goose is the shit. You can't find a smoother vodka. Only vodka I ever drink

    Grey goose is way too expensive for just being smooth. If you're dead set on a vodka, pick up some absolut and pick like the citrus kind (or another flavor, but citrus is best IMO) if you want smooth. For less than half the price you can get smooth plus a good taste in a bourbon. If you want something you can drink fast go for one of the honey/bourbon things. Evan Williams' honey offering is tasty as fuck if you like sweet drinks and 70 proof to boot although it's a little too sweet for my tastes (give it a shot tho, if you like GG you'll probs like this stuff). If you want something you can drink straight but don't want to man up and learn to love whiskey then an 80 proof gin will go down a lot like vodka except less burny and actually taste good (if you pick the right gin (gordon's 4 lyfe, but there are prolly better choices if you're not mixing it)).

    GHBcohol is the tastiest and most pleasant I've had, I'd highly recommend trying it out, it's so easy. Standard alcohol feels like shit to me, it's an awful drug. Genetic variation effects drug response, something that most dullards seem to have never considered in their lives.

    Fair enough. I remember you trash talked my beloved booze last time you brought it up as a pleb drug but genetic or even environmental differences could account for a lot of the difference in enjoyment. Your last post in TRT was actually inconclusive about your GHB brewing experiment, you said you'd try again. Have you? What was the outcome? If it's not too involved I'd be down to do a DIY. Shrooms are probs on the backburner until I can get in contact with someone I know has a good line on reliable spores (a few months away), so GHB could be something interesting to keep in my closet until then.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yee blood, alcohol is dope as fuck. Grats on turning 21 (or whatever, do any states have a under-21 drinking age anymore?). Don't overdo it too often, my first love in booze was dark rum but I had this experience where for some reason I drank until I passed out and woke up hung over a fuck and threw up every night for a week shortly after turning 21 and I still can't drink dark rum almost a year later.

    My advice is to try and find a cheap red wine you like. Hard to find a cheaper drunk than red wine. Probably don't want to drink it all night long but it's good for maintaining a solid buzz after harder drinks. Gin and tonic is way better than you think it is, has a weird reputation but it's a fan-fucking-tastic drink. Every whiskey you can afford that isn't shit is going to either be Jameson (try it, I think it's shitty but form your own opinion) or a bourbon (Jack is very different than most bourbons you'll taste, just fyi. Drink snobs shit on JD from dusk to dawn. I don't really like it, but fuck people who are too good for a drink). Old Crow and Evan Williams are my recs in that department.

    Try a vodka but be sure you've given other stuff an earnest try before deciding it's your liquor. It's another thing booze aficionados shit on but I honestly tend to agree. When you haven't drunk enough to tell alcohol-burn from taste vodka will seem pretty good in that it gets you fucked up with a minimum of fucking around but I think if it's the only thing you're drinking you're really missing out (and people who drink vodka with any regularity usually only drink vodka). There's a lot more enjoyment to be had from even shitty whiskeys and wines than there is from nice vodka IMO.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Have you tried them in low or "non-recreational" (scare quotes because they can still be fun) doses? I think for people with a need for constant engagement, stimulants can correct a sort of anxiousness that many people feel when they're not doing anything in particular. For me sitting still or just laying down is pretty unpleasant, going on for long enough it borders on unbearable. The few times I've been in a situation I literally couldn't do anything else I'd start doing things to hurt myself just to break the lack of sensation. On an appropriate dose of stimulants (not too high) that's not a problem. I can sit quietly and the experience itself is sufficient to keep me content. It's a totally different experience from the muscles-tensed breakneck energy of a high dose (although that's fun too), it's just like the nagging sensation of boredom is removed from everything for a while. I'm not sure if everyone experiences the same thing or you need my particular personality defect to get that response but it feels a lot more like being "fixed" than anything synthetic or unnatural.
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