I'm not sure if I hate cyanid and happiness or if I hate the way people act like it's the most profound/hilarious thing ever when it's like sub-Seinfeld tier "absurdist" comedy but it really does turn me off.
I've still got time right? I want something I can pour my life into, some cause I can die for, and what better choice than space exploration? Other planets and shit. The immediate step towards immortality, or at least as a step towards getting as close to heat death as we can. "Life without appeal" is a touching sentiment and all but not so easy to live up to. Give me my god/opiate in the form of eternal empire and let us be done with it.
I can still be an astronaut right?
2016-04-18 at 3:11 AM UTC
Do you think I'm cute?
Yes sploo, I think you're cute in a boyish way.
You have a peasants features though. I do too, don't worry. Sometimes I look in the mirror and thing "damn nigga, your ancestors farmed the shit out of those potatoes". And you've got that look, round chin, wide face, big eyes and a round nose. A look like you'd be gaunt if you could, a lowland plebian only ascended from toil by industrialism and volatility of the times. You see yourself and you think "ashes to ashes, a long history of being little more than a lowland ape, destined am I to return to the earth and humble origins above which I am a mere generation-wide blip. Raised above my position and made to breathe among my betters, animated by a societal impulse yet naught but a fading mutation that erects as much as it destroys". The fields take what is theirs, everything returns to dust in the end. You can't avoid your fate, you can't escape what you are.
US dominance? What dominance? Sure we have a big stick but we've been too internally politically fragmented to engage in anything more than sandbox wars since the 90s. We're not about to be replaced in the next few decades, and not by China, but we all know where this train is headed and no candidate represents a departure from that. It's unclear if anything, regardless of political viability, could change that fact.
Sure Hillary has a track record of comparatively aggressive interventionist policy but it's foolish to think Trump is some kind of isolationist because he pays occasional lip service to the american libertarian movement. At least she represents some level of awareness of american political realities, Trump is a cult of personality and god only knows in what byzantine ways that's going to blow up in our collective faces if he makes it into office.
Also "leveled Syria" is kinda disingenuous, we may be pouring gas on the fire but Syria was going to be a shit show with or without our help.
2016-04-18 at 1:26 AM UTC
Humans are a disease
No disease ever gave us Metaphysics or primacy of substance.
Plato was the real disease.
nice damage control spectroll
Hilary will win and she represents the status quo. Things will remain largely unchanged for the next 4 years, military spending will remain high, our wellfare system will remain patchwork but slowly expand, the economy will continue to experience low-moderate growth and everyone will hate it but largely be in the best position they could expect to be given the circumstances.
You sky is falling niggers need to learn the reality of the american political system: there are no extreme positions represented. Even if Trump did win (he won't) he'd still be impotent to do any of the bullshit he's build his campaign on. We all know he won't get Mexico to pay for shit and congress won't touch that shit sack with a 10 foot poll, he will have power of foreign policy but the world already has about as low an opinion of us as it can given our economic/military position so there's not much he'd be able to do. I guess he could start us up a new war but who really gives a shit anyway?
old enter never would have fallen for such an obvious troll. All that mdma must have made you etarded
"problematic" in leftist circles.
In general maybe "autism" used as a generalized insult for being socially awkward
2016-04-16 at 2:57 AM UTC
The Path of Spirituality
Benzos are a better opiate of the masses than any opiate ever was. I enjoy them on occasion but being honest that shit is pretty sinister.
Half life for the common benzos is bretty short, I can't honestly say what the time to show up on a drug test is but I don't imagine it's more than a few days. Doesn't really matter though since benzos are prescribed, just say you have a diagnosis for an anxiety condition and that's that, no one is going to ask you to prove you have a script.
The superior alternative, of course, is to just become socially valuable enough that no one gives a shit what drugs you use as long as you can strumble into work sorta on time and do a reasonable job. If my boss asked me what drugs I take tomorrow I'd tell him I'm a borderline alcoholic, abuse benzos, stims, and weed and flirt with opiates. He'd feign concern for a moment and we'd go about our day. Drug testing is just one among many mechanisms wherein the poor are kept in their place so the bourgeois can maintain their social position without challenge.
At work. Still in the early stages but it's focused on coercing customers into using EMV and an apple-pay-like tokenization system. I feel kind of bad. EMV doesn't mean a conclusive end to skimming type attacks but it certainly isn't good news. That shit used to be a staple of niggas round these parts and in a few years it's going dry right up. Feels bad man, feels bad.