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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    No, not really. You have never been confused by what I mean when I use the word colour.

    I'm not sure that's true but I never said the issue was that I was confused or that anyone would be confused at all. I said your definition of color would make usage incoherent. There is a difference between coherence and confusing, many incoherent ideas confuse no one. The relevant detail here is that if we take color to mean what you insist it means then it would entail the word means something different than common or technical usage. Since the meaning of a word is dictated by one of those two things (depending on context) accepting your premise leads us to paradox, if we take Q to mean "color is not something out in the world" then your premise would lead us to the conclusion "Q and not Q" (the former from usage, the latter from your premise). We can thusly reject your premise like we would reject any premise that leads to paradox.

    The entire time we have been having this conversation you have understood exactly what I mean. I'm not saying anything incoherent at all. Colour can be used to describe a perception, to describe the way an object appears. When I type the word "RED" and your eyeballs see that, your brain automatically associates that with the colour red. You are probably imagining the colour red right now at this very moment, in a very subjective way. And when light of a specific wavelength which does objectively exist enters into your eyes, your visual system subjectively interprets that information as the colour red.

    And we're back to lavalamps. When I write "lavalamp" you might think of lavalamps. This doesn't make lavalamps devoid of an objective existence.

    No, the phenomenon which becomes the rainbow objectively exists. All the conditions are objectively met. But a rainbow is not the conditions. A rainbow is the appearance of a colorful arch in the sky. It is perceived subjectively, it does not have objective existence. The conditions which create it do exist objectively, but the rainbow itself does not.

    We're back to lavalamps. I could make the exact same argument that the effect which produces lavalamps is objective but lavalamps themselves are not. This, however, would be stupid because your argument is stupid and remains stupid for most, maybe even all, possible values of rainbow.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh, this thread again.

    Anyway, yeah, depends on free will. Sounds like OP is talking about libertarian free will, which yes, it's a fundamentally incoherent concept and no finding in physics can change that. And I've argued in the past, and still hold, that common usage of the term "free will" is in line with the libertarian definition. Compatibilists are, if we allow them their terms, strictly speaking correct but I maintain their move is largely a semantic one. I've softened my position on compatibilism a bit in recent years, I do think that in the context of philosophy, in an effort to find an answer to the question "what should I do?" it probably does make sense to adopt that language or minimally the idea of moral responsibility being dependent on compatibilist the presence of free will but I still maintain coining a new term would be a saner approach. Although Sarte's radical freedom isn't the same thing I think he made a good move in tacking radical on the front there. Even staunch determinists can come to terms with Sarte, and those that still disagree at least never do so for failing to understand his meaning which is more than we can say to the compatibilist tactic.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Not really. The phenomenon which becomes colour objectively exists (the existence of visible light). However, colour itself is only perceived subjectively (your unique visual systems subjective interpretation of the objective wavelengths of light).

    We've assumed earlier that perceptions and noumena are of fundamentally different kinds, perceptions and their causes are distinguishable at least in the sense that is necessary to say they have distinct objectivity statuses. It would then be odd to say both perceptions and noumena can be perceived. Either perception is the translation from external reality to objects of the mind or perception (verb) acts on perceptions (noun) such that we perceive subjective perceptions but do not perceive things in themselves. Using it both ways is awkward and confusing.

    But it's largely irrelevant, for the following two reasons:

    1. Wether we perceive perceptions or noumena doesn't change the kind of thing color is. Common and technical usage do not permit for "color" to describe a mere perception, it must describe something out int the world. So how you use "perceive" (verb) is irrelevant, it may change wether it's valid to say "I perceived a color" or not but it does not change the fact that "color", for usage to be coherent, must be something objective in the world.

    2. Even if color is a mere perception (it's not), then you still have to give objectivity to its cause (light of a certain frequency) in which case rainbows still have an objective existence because, the light which causes their perception is still real, they are composed of objective parts (fields of light) thus they themselves must have some sort of objective existence.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I was expecting some bell-air pasta at any point. In fact I'm still expecting it... but I still want to know what happened. Imma read any followup but I'm just going on record now as anticipating bel air
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why is christian bale looking at a les miserables poster?
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I found an old ipod I had when I was a teenager while visiting the family abode (20gb classic model, these things are are still pretty groovy though the battery life sucks ass despite having like a 300x300 display) and it had every tool album up to 10,000 days on it. I'm listening to it now and it's actually pretty fun. So like I know they have this reputation of being really far up their own asses but it's 99% an obnoxious fanbase. They've even said all that shit with fibonacci sequence was just thrown in there for a laugh, there's nothing particularly "deep" in it, just kids to who smoke a little to much and read too far into song lyrics and shit. Like really, they have a couple of songs actually making fun of this kind of fan (ala rosetta stoned).

    There's some pretty impressive production on these tracks (gets better with each album I'm noticing) and I mean the guitar churn/bass rumble thing is pretty fun to listen to. Anyway, obligatory video:

  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yes, I too sacrificed a bird to the bucklehat gods of consumerism in hopes they give me strength to avoid death by trampling in tomorrow's mall rushes.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I was thinking circle centered at (6,6) at first because the shape of the board but that doesn't work out. Then a rotated ellipsis but I couldn't find parameters that fit. Still don't have a good solution.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I have the following table (it was produced from the valid positions on a Yinsh board, if you care).

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    a _ 1 1 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _
    b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _ _ _
    c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _ _
    d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _
    e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _
    f _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _
    g _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    h _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    i _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    j _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    k _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 _

    I'm looking for a function of two parameters that describes it, so like f(1,1) = 0 (because the cell at a(the first letter) and 1 is blank) but f(1,2) = 1 (because cell a2 is not). A big piecewise function is obviously cheating, if you can find something that fits everything but a1 and k11 that would be a little unsatisfying but would help in the practical effort. Behavior beyond 11 is irrelevant to me although it would be cool to see if there's a simple extension of the yinsh board somehow.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Thanksgiving is the one day we abstain from ejaculating freedom on everyone else to gorge ourselves on turkey. We'll have extra tomorrow though, no worries.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The BBS didn't need to be on dialup. The connection method is irrelevant. You can still run the pre-WWW terminal on a modern, high speed cable connection. Now be quiet and go count your beans, kid.

    <a href="javascript:alert('lol/jk. die in a fire you old cunt');">yeah, that's a totally valid argument and addresses all the problems with such a plan. I'm sorry buddy, let's just be friends</a>
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Diablo and halo are the only one that are really "biblical terms", the rest are used outside of a biblical context all the time.

    Also "morrowind" isn't mentioned anywhere in the bible. Though maybe moses' "the wilderness" could be translated as borderlands
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Pirated FO4. It's aight, haven't gotten a lot of time to play though. I think I fucked up and went for a stealth build when I should have just gone full commando. I thought skyrim's much improved stealth system would translate but gun sneak bonuses aren't quite enough for reliable 1-hit-kills even on mooks but because they exist all sneaking is nerfed so playing melee-stealth is basically impossible. Guess it's my own damn fault for being an ammo jedi but whatever.

    Also last weekend or the one before I played a game of Civ3, then Civ4, then Civ5 in like two days. Fun shit, I played so much 3 when I was a kid, playing it again was super nostalgic.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What, you saw that in some study or something, probably funded by the CDC or NIH?

    You leftys would believe anything if it was packaged and presented as if it was 'academic'.

    Yeah, because when research shows that being around guns makes you more likely to be shot by gun, that must obviously be a leftist conspiracy, right?

    Firearms don't just leap up off the table and shoot people, they are literally inert objects unless manipulated.

    Genetically engineered biological weapons don't simply spring into existence nor are they deployed of their own volition. This does not mean they are good things nor that everyone is A-OK to own them.

    In all my years on earth handling firearms, I have never had an accidental discharge, never once. Haven't even come close. If you are careful and responsible, there is nothing to be afraid of.

    Aside from that being an anecdote (with a pretty hilariously obvious survivor bias) do you think everyone who owns a gun is always careful and responsible with them?

    To be fair, I do know some people that it scares the shit out of me that they have guns, but they are felons and shouldn't have them anyway. This one guy I know traded some pills for a hi-point .45, from a guy who was desperate and sick in withdrawal. Within an hour of acquiring it, he was messing around with it and accidentally fired it, and the round went through his headboard, his bedroom wall and through his living room, while his kids and wife were in the house.

    Conversely, I do not know one, even one, legal gun owner who is anything less than responsible and respectful with their weapons.

    Legal gun ownership is a good thing.

    The problem with firearms is when niggers and felons get ahold of them.

    see anecdote/bias comment above
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    life sentence, maybe
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I think I reverse image searched your avatar fairly recently, or maybe saw it somewhere else at size, and cracked up. I was thinking it was some girl who got acid thrown on her face in iraq or something.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Biggest mistake was going to the WWW format. Many of us warned it was a fatal mistake. Jeff still got his way. He finally learned the lesson in the end.

    I was going to point out that dial up BBSs are basically non-existent in 2015 while web forums are still largely successful in housing niche communities but then I realize this, like everything you post, is just bait trying to start up some BS so you can rub your dick over how "old sk00l" you are.

    Fucking faggot
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The HTC Consumer version may be available online in limited quantities soon. Both should definitely be available early next year, just a few more months. Are you sure you have a good idea of the shortcomings of the DK2, particularly compared to the consumer specs? You may end up disappointed.

    What specifically? I mean resolution leaves a lot of room for improvement but I've yet to see an alternative I believe is going to be able to drive anything impressive at significantly better res. Jitter, if it's improved in the near future, is almost undoubtedly going to come as a software patch (can't attach significantly better sensors than what's on the DK2 to mass market electronics, improvement is going to come from better heuristic short-cycle hill climbing or other clever hacks). FOV issues are real but they're not a show stopper, especially since it's highly content dependent. I've used a DK2, loss of peripheral isn't half as bad as people make it out to be.

    The VR device that can fully fool a human visual system trying to detect differences from natural vision is not coming out next year, or the year after, and likely not for many years following that. The interesting question is "does this provide a worthwhile experience", and I think the DK2 does, and better in most respects I give a shit about than competition. I can forget a world outside of my 20" screen sitting 3 feet away in a fully lit room representing maybe 40 degrees of my visual field, clearly perfection is not required here.

    [SIZE=18px]What if I told you…[/SIZE][SIZE=18px] she is 13.[/SIZE]

    I'd tell you that pedofilic mental gymnastics attempting to justify and normalize wanting to violate children is more disgusting than the thing itself.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ephedrine is better than pseuoephedrine… but neither are meant for "studying" in my experience. Dont you have vyvanse?

    Anything can be a study drug if you take enough of it.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I can see how thanksgiving is going to go
    "oh wow congratulations on being sober for 6 months we are so proud of you"
    "so why aren't you making 6 figures yet ?"
    "why don't you have a girlfriend?"
    At least there will be pie.

    I'm going to spend thanksgiving around a bunch of depressed people all telling me they're sorry my dad's in the hospital. A fact I fully accept but could really do without being reminded of every twenty minutes, having to do though the awkward ritual of looking sad and saying thanks. Yup buddy, thanks for making me feel like shit again, really appreciate it, things are a lot better now that you brought it up and ended whatever modicum of contented distraction I was enjoying before.

    Ehh, I know should be grateful people care, it's better than the alternative but it feels shitty.

    Im thankful for drugs,

    Amen, wish some redskins would show up at my thanksgiving and share some peyote or something.

    Fuck that sounds cool. Last time I was thinking of getting the DK2 someone talked me out of it, saying the consumer release was going to be this year for the holidays. Well that's not going to happen now, and the fucking things are cheap enough I don't know why I didn't just go for it and buy again at consumer release if there was a significant improvement. Just picked up some side work, paid in cash at a decent rate, good excuse buy myself a toy.

    ... and the DK2 is sold out. Fuck me.
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