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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What do any of you dipshits even think "there are infinite dimensions" would even mean anyway?
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You should try moving up to 40mg twice a day for at least 5 days before you're through. It's not going to hurt you, you sissy.

    As if an extra 10mg a day is going to make any big difference. Besides, that's just some random number someone picked for a trial and now everyone is acting like it's some established treatment protocol.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I don't see how thats lame but whatever,

    It's denying yourself the enjoyments of wide and interesting genres of music.

    I'm just really into psyche rock, I actually met noah lennox last night and he was pretty trill

    Yeah, Panda is the brains and soul of AnCo IMO, and even if RAM was shit his solo album this or last year clearly shows that, he seems like a funny/awkward kinda guy from interviews, I could imagine him being cool to hang out with in real life.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lanny, did you ever experience/notice (possible) hyper emotionality/increased emotions while on NSI-189?

    Haven't noticed it. In fact I haven't noticed any long-lasting effects at all, effects are always noticeable for ~4 hours after a dose and then I'm back at baseline. Still working through 2g at a rate of 30mg per day, I figure I'll at least finish what I have before making up my mind. As treatment for ADD-like symptoms, it's an interesting effect for me at least, like I do find I can keep my attention on things for longer I guess "focus", but I feel like I think slower, almost like a small hit of pot, I don't find it has any stimulant effects at all.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I agree with the graph on some instinctual level.

    UML and anyone who foists it upon the world deserves to be hurt.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you guys ever decide to open up your mind and explore modern psyche bands check this out

    Lame. I do like deerhunter tho
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    He says "why you eat the nutmeg? You starve?" I'm like yeah sure I'll play the part and said I'm homeless and all I have to eat is nutmeg

    The absurdity of this situation is really stunning/hilarious/beautiful
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Fuck I hate liberals. I hope Trump IS like Hitler and he sends all those cucks into the ovens. I'm sure Carl's last words will be "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!" as he's tossed into the flames.

    Too much /pol/ rots your brain m8
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    stupid joke but I chuckled
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Cop nigger lover confirmed.

    Aww, you're mad because my goons made you look like a pussy. It's alright Bill Krozby, you are a pussy, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Because I smoked an "illegal" drug and didn't stay and bow down to their "authority" and get arrested… (they failed at their job) herp durp, you should go shove some more nootropics up your asshole because you're a dumb nigga

    Oh, you smoked some weed and managed to only be harassed rather than actually arrested by the police. Good job bro, we're all so proud of you. That's really an unprecedented success, I'm sure no one here has your level of courage to... *in a hushed tone* smoke weed!.

    Hey, so it's not as cool as your story but the other day I... I jaywalked and got away with it! Haha, oh man, I sure cucked those cops, crossing outside of a crosswalk. It was really exhilarating, walking on the street outside the white lines. Maybe tomorrow I'll cuck the cops again by parking in a handicap spot! Haha, fuck the police! Sticking it to the man is what we do best Bill Krozby, keep on keeping on brother
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I was waiting for you to return and comment on my Oculus post:

    My reason is impetuous, my logic is impregnable, and my argumentation is just ferocious.

    I didn't have anything particular more to say, I think VR is cool but I don't think it's going to have as much impact as you seem to think it will and honestly I'm probably just going to play games with it for a while before developing anything so it's not an especially productive item to have. Plus I'd hate to get stuck with one of those shitty PC bundle deals, they're almost always a total ripoff. Probably should do a new build soon though, had my current machine for four years now although I haven't found anything I couldn't play and it runs like a champ. Probably going to buy a new development setup first (probably a MBP and some cinema displays) though, so maybe next year. We'll see how it drive an occulus.

  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    but i didn't ultimately submit though fam


    you got chased away and stopped from smoking
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I feel like you're at least partially telling the truth, so what are the chances of flipping a switch and turning over a new leaf? I know you think I talk a lot of bullshit nonsense and yeah maybe I do but honestly I used to be a really depressed kid and found my life hopeless and somehow I'm not like that anymore. I didn't find god, I just changed my perspective.

    Not so bad I think, I've only been out of school for like a year or so. I was really getting tired of being poor so the professional thing was refreshing for about 6 months, more disposable income than I want to spend was fun but then I got bored with the work and the drugs are fun but one has to watch them closely. It's turned into a shit slog but maybe that's OK, maybe it's been a learning experience. Or maybe I'll have to flipflop back and forth between the professional world and academia periodically until I die as long as I don't get trapped in one or the other.

    I have LSD and was going to do my first acid trip this weekend but I have to put my dog down today and I think I'll be too depressed to have a good time or maybe I should just do it any way

    I'd wait. I think there's something to waiting for on a psychadelic, not just like waiting for the best circumstances but just in general. The best experiences I've had involved some level of preparation, not taking other drugs for a while before, just anticipating it, maybe small "planning" activities like stocking up on the right foods or finding the right book to read or problem to work on. Maybe that's just me, you can end up obsessing over stupid things and never getting around to it which is bad but I think there's something to be said for deliberating on it a little bit.

    Not a good idea. Stanislav Grof, who conducted/supervises thousands of LSD therapy sessions before it became illegal, referred to psychedelics in general as non-specific general amplifiers, and I consider that a very good general description of one of their main qualities. You're more likely to have a bad trip. If you want to use it to help process/come to terms with what occurred, it would be best to wait until the grieving period is over.

    Have you read any of Grof's books? I got the urge to pick up something of his recently, it sounds like LSD Psychotherapy would be the most up my alley but I'd be interested if you had any opinions.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    First time I ever tried to buy weed, I had smoked it maybe twice, a guy I knew/used to hang out with asked me if I wanted to buy some "grass". Arranged to meet him in a couple of hours, passed him some cash and he handed me a foil packed with, you guessed it, literal grass in it. I didn't realize this until I got home because I didn't pause to open it, like the police were going to roll up any minute or something.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You know if you could do you drugs in a quasi private place like a civilized human being you might not have so much trouble with the police. Also almost getting arrested for something can hardly be considered cucking.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So do you or don't you?
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you object to homosexuality on the grounds that it doesn't stand to produce offspring then I'm not clear on why you endorse heterosexuality without chance of conception, they seem to be functionally equivalent.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Would you make the same criticism for heterosexuality where there is no chance of conception?
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Mating: the action of animals coming together to breed; copulation.
    What is called homosex cannot be called mating as it cannot produce offspring. This is where I am critisizing your naturalism. You can take two things, in this case two actions, and equate them even though their inherent outcome is different. Sex between a man and a woman is copulation, mating, real sex with the potential of real offspring. Gay "sex" between a man and a man or woman and woman is nothing more than glorified masturbation. Refute that.

    Masturbation is fine?
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