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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    duck my balls, faggot
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    A proud Florida nigger we have here.

    you're from're not allowed to be from florida. you're mudslime so you're allowed to be a nigger
  3. infinityshock Black Hole

    less clothing. more full frontal
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Hey guys look! One of Finny's chickens is in his computer posting.

    the little bosnian pedo bait is infatuated with my big black cock
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    How would you like to be the next raspberry jam? Hurry up, say "you'll never be able to do anything to me". Go on. Say it, fuck face. Fucking say it.

    the only raspberry jam I want from you is what I turn your asshole and larynx into after I show your face the definition of being fucked.

    bring some bread and peanut butter and you can make yourself a sammich. literally.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    you sound like a woman. 'do you think I'm pretty?' shut up...spread your legs...and put that purty mouth to a better use
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    I just had to read through like most of a 5 page wiki article about some washed up kung fu nigger to learn that fag died of the ole choke and stroke.

    Jesus, I'll google some dumb shit for just about any old reason these days.

    it's generally accepted that wasn't a self induced situation. accidentally or intentional...but either way, not suicide.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    be your own person an stop trying to mimicking someone else's life. you can start by impaling yourself on some sort of sharp...or even marginally pointed...erect object. no, your boyfriends cock doesn't count
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    again, again, I repeat: after the authorities interviewed virtually everyone claiming to be an ass-buddy to the haji, the conclusion is there is zero evidence he was a fag. the only information is the word of fags who are known to be attention whores. zero evidence of a dating app or membership on a dating site. if spicfag met hajifag on a dating app or site...where is the exchange of messages and pics? no one meets off an online dating site without doing so. if there was one shred of hard evidence hajifag was full-fag the media would be parading it everywhere. it wouldnt even have to be hard evidence...just something they could stretch to fit their agenda that this wasn't terrorism.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    I have audio proof Omar Madden had a gay Latin lover and was involved in a 3some and contracted HIV, it explains this entire event. The gay Latin lover was one of people the FBI talked to.

    Pulse isn't even the biggest gay club in Orlando, it was just one that had a significant emotional attachment to him, plus he struck on Latin night so there's the entire narrative laid out flawlessly.

    The media won't ever tell you this stuff.

    again: after the authorities interviewed virtually everyone claiming to be an ass-buddy to the haji, the conclusion is there is zero evidence he was a fag. the only information is the word of fags who are known to be attention whores
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    What does cops accidentally killing people have to do with anti-gunners?

    based on my observations i wouldnt call them accidental.

    negligent is what id call them

    and what aldra said

    and....the anti-gunners are harping on the numbers of people injured and killed and trying to correlate that to how deadly an xxxxx type of firearm is. if a significant number of injuries and deaths were at the muzzles of trigger happy and sight-blind would throw a monkey wrench in their always flawed logic
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    interesting insight on the breaching, also didn't notice the full auto trail like a foot from the floor. wtf.

    exactly. full-auto training involves firing 2...3...maybe 4 rounds before letting off the trigger because after the 2nd or 3rd round the sights are so far off the target the rounds are going to impact way off target. that string was a shit ton more...showing the fire-er held onto the trigger for shits an giggles.

    it is impossible to precision-fire an automatic of any caliber in the degree that would be necessary to prevent bystander injury in the situation that was the fag club shooting
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    1. his treatment by the FBI is consistent with their MO - reach out to an individual who's 'at risk of radicalisation', try to convince him to perform a terrorist attack, give him dummy weapons and arrest him when he actually does it. the fact that they interviewed him and let him go without any real documentation indicates they likely tried this process on him and found he was unwilling to perform at the time and were forced to let him go. if this is the case it's highly amusing that the FBI's failed entrapment attempt likely led to his actual radicalisation.

    2. do you have any info on this? I'm fully aware that allegations like this are often totally unfounded and are used to manipulate public opinion, but I've not dug too deeply into his personal info.

    3. I think 10 is a very generous guess. I read an interview with the officer in charge at the time where the reporter directly asked if any of the people killed were accidentally shot by police in the siege; he froze and said that 'all of the deaths today are on the perpetrator as far as I'm concerned', which is more or less a tacit admission.

    1. exactly. he was a wanna-be cop and if an betabet-soup kid offered him the chance to play one for realz hed shit all over himself to take the opportunity and do everything he could to keep his handlers shit-eatingly happy with him.

    2. the feebies released info that their dissection of his phone and interviews of fags claiming to have first-hand knowledge of the shooters faggotry have led to zero evidence of any haji faggotry

    3. another of the key datapoints is a photo showing the side of the building that was breached. this breach was officially stated to have been the location where the haji was barricaded along with several hostages.

    - the police claim to have attempted explosive breaching on this location, which failed. as a demolition expert, (explosive, mechanical, etc.) i can say with zero guessing that an attempt to explosively breach a steel-reinforced hollow concrete block (CMU) wall (im familiar with building practices and codes in the C.florida area because thats where i live) in a bathroom, with humans in a close proximity, in a closed/sealed room, will result in casualties...the minimum being overpressure injuries (ear drums...sinuses...lungs...yaddayadda) extending to fatalities due to spalled construction material and secondary say nothing of fatal injuries possible due to nothing more than the blast overpressure in a closed space.

    im not trying to be an armchair quarterback since i wasnt there but everything i know about breaching, points to flagrant negligence on the part of whomever authorized explosives to be used in that instance when they had a mechanical...and more effective...means, based on what i know of the scenario. a bathroom is the last place to be using 'splosives to breach due to all the plumbing in the walls (copper pipe tends to not fragment but it takes away from the explosives effectiveness), PVC and that old iron pipe does...which produces extraordinary secondary projectile damage. holy shit, does iron pipe make some shit-burning projectiles. 'modern' galvanized pipe tends to 'tear' and stay together instead of fragmenting)...and thats not taking into account civilian hostages bunched up in a closed room behind the wall.

    - there are several dozen bullet holes surrounding the breach points up to about 12 feet away from the central hole. (i get 12 feet based on a wild ass guess on a standard sized CMU (concrete block.) those werent the 16inch-length ones but i forgot what i measured them out to be...its been weeks. regardless, theyre 8inches high. additionally...there is at least one example of full-auto use low on the wall. (armchair quarterbacking: someone seriously thought full-auto was appropriate in that situation? someone who is now publicly outed as being wholly incapable of controlling a full-auto firearm...much less properly aiming it)

    most likely the cops were using .223 rifle rounds which are notorious for over penetrating. if they were using .308 when there were hostages close by...theyre insane. i dont know what rounds they were issued so there is no way to tell what the terminal performance would be regardless of the caliber used. there were several large holes in the wall, some that penetrated through at least the outer block and some that didnt fully penetrate. i dont know of any police issued rifle round that WILL NOT fully penetrate a hollow concrete block wall and remain fatal to any human on the other side. (.223 or .308.) the string on the lower part of the wall that looked full-auto didnt fully penetrate giving the impression it was a pistol caliber. quite a few of the through-holes were massive...larger than half an inch. again...basing my evaluation on a picture...the only thing that would make a hole that size is a 12gauge shotgun slug. (theres no way someone would use anything of .50 calibers...thats beyond insanity) a 12gauge slug, no matter what kind...even the 'low recoil' ones, will penetrate an entire concrete block wall and keep going...and going...and going. if 12ga slugs were used in that situation the shooters need to be held criminally negligent. even a direct hit on a human target will result in full penetration with more than more-than-enough energy to kill multiple hostages.

    for there to be rounds impacting so far away from where the actual target was stated to be, there are going to be far more rounds missing within inches of the target and with nothing to stop them theyre going to keep going until they hit something. such as...a fag hostage. even a direct hit on the haji target is highly likely to result in over penetration, with the round exiting the haji to find another target. if there was a large number of fag hostages clustered up in the bathroom there is the potential that a majority of the injuries were a result of the responders. there are several examples of a majority...or all of the civilian deaths in a shooter situations being from the cops.

    the reason im so interested in the number of deaths caused by the cops is because im going to throw it in the face of anti-gunners that i argue with.

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    my current assessment:

    - haji was in some sort of ongoing relationship with an betabet-soup agency. i dont know in what form...perhaps a 'confidential informant', some sort of patsy, a recruiter to find a patsy, i dont know, but there are too many coincidental tidbits of information leaving a trail directly to a .gov doorstep. the relationship went bad somehow and this shooting happened.

    - the haji isnt/wasnt a fag and that misdirection was due to the mental deficiencies of the faggots that made the various claims and promoted by the MINITRU propagandists.

    - of the total publicly stated deaths i would say at least...ten of them were not directly due to the haji. (ie, the cops were responsible)
  15. infinityshock Black Hole

    the blonde on the red car is the one i was talking about in another post about a whore.

    i have too many vehicles to post pics of them all...
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    as usual, youre delusional considering it wasn't invented until the 1800s, you gibbering mudslime pedophile worshiper
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    I thought of him, too, when I came across his mother's chin
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    silly bosnian...Germans don't play football
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    the silly little bosniac is making naughty posts again. his mommy must not be paying attention to him again and he's on her puter
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    No. Most religions say that you go to hell if you murder a human. I wouldn't mind fucking an old lady in a coma though, just as long as she didn't lose control of her bowels and end up projectile diarrhea'ing all over my chest.

    ending a vegetable isn't's euthanasia
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