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Enter's Ego-Fuelling Questionairre

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can't remember where. I was determined to destroy him after he said I couldn't though. You don't push an unemployed, autistic sadist like that.

    His whole inbox was filled with bitching to the mods about me and other trolls, which was hilarious because he'd publicly state we didn't bother him. How did you ever deal with this moron?

    Lol i make a cameo appearance. For all his bravado, he was quick as fuck to contact the mawds when push came to shove.
  2. #22
    Raspberry Jam, if you're reading this, I'm not done yet.

  3. #23
    Haha, naw, I'm done.

    ...or am I?
  4. #24
    People actually thought I was this Raspberry dude. Fuck you all. He was a total bitch. What the fuck?
  5. #25

  6. #26
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Hey guys look! One of Finny's chickens is in his computer posting.

    the little bosnian pedo bait is infatuated with my big black cock
  7. #27
    infinityshock Black Hole

    less clothing. more full frontal
  8. #28
    Hahaha just goofin', raspberry.

    ...althoooough... ;)
  9. #29
    the little bosnian pedo bait is infatuated with my big black cock
    A proud Florida nigger we have here.
  10. #30
    infinityshock Black Hole
    A proud Florida nigger we have here.

    you're from're not allowed to be from florida. you're mudslime so you're allowed to be a nigger
  11. #31
    you're from bosnia…you're not allowed to be from florida. you're mudslime so you're allowed to be a nigger
    That was seriously weak. Haha. It took you 20 minutes to come up with that? Step your game up, nigger.
  12. #32
    infinityshock Black Hole
    duck my balls, faggot
  13. #33
    duck my balls, faggot
    I'll cuck your ball with your mother, slaveboi.
  14. #34
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    1) Would you want to be my friend in real life?

    I suppose, but we'd never talk or hang out probably, though it wouldn't be personal. I just need to get on some of them good anti-depressants and then I'll be a better IRL friend to you.

    2) Do you like how I am a regular poster here?

    Yeah. As others have said, this site has been relatively slow lately, so it's nice to have someone making an effort to 'keep it going' or whatever the fuck you'd call it. I sort of like to think we all take turns doing just that. You'll see people come and go in spurts. You'll probably go soon too, to be honest.

    3) What is your favorite memory of me?

    I don't know. I was a late-term zoklet guy so I don't have all the memories of you and your comics like the others seem to have enjoyed, though I was around for the Proots on the wall comic. I just recall you being really mean, and always being referred to as enter/blunderful/nero and even more names that I can't recall. Those really don't quantify as 'favorite memories'- they're just sort of the ONLY memories I have, if I'm being frank.

    4) Any advice you can give to me?

    Don't suffer from anxiety and depression; it fucking sucks a major ass.

    5) Closing thoughts you have about me as a person?

    You were mad, took a bunch of drugs, now you're less mad. I don't know my brain feels scrambled right now I can't even think of anything to say. I'll probably just go draw a nice hot bath and slit my wrists. Have a nice day Enterful.
  15. #35
    1. No, your Australian accent would be too hard to stomach
    2. Post less gay shit. Post whore to a chainsaws PI
    3. There are a bunch. The constant posts about Tokerface were fucking incredible. The one that got you banned for Unwyreds PI with the Christmas picture of him and his wife was hilarious. You also made a thread asking how to become "pure evil." Too many. Abandoned Neutrons really wasn't anything an interested child couldn't do but no one else did it so thank you muchly.
    4. Figure out what you know you want (even if it's harder) than chasing after things you think you want.
    5. Did you ever find tokerface?
  16. #36
    No, I never found him. Lol, I hated him more than anyone for stealing my jokes and posting style. I wish Zoklet was still open so I could read all those threads about him again.

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