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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Just curious.

    on their knees...mouths and asscheeks opened wide
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump i brought a rocketship caƩpable of intergalactic travel at light speed

    sit on it with the nose just barely kissing your ass crack. press the launch button.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 You're just as much of a jedi as I am. actually the proper term is Hebrew. many of us have mixed lineage. people fuck people. and thus we were conceived. unless you're full on Asian like chinese. you still might have some Russian or some slavic shit in you as a Chinese.

    "Judens" were used by false jedis to appease the Nazi Kraut Jerry Bastards.

    I am no juden...
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny It actually does. Post your picture and I'll explain it for you

    my picture has nothing to do with niggers and camel fuckers
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I bet anything you're a black dude. either one of those weird Nazi black kids you see on Maury Polvich or just for lulz.

    Or you live in Idaho on a compound. You still angry at the Weaver case regarding the FBI? that was pretty fucked up I have to admit. :(

    stfu and suck my big black cock
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    self checkouts are shit.

    literally every time I tried to use one some shit fucks up
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Actor $7 a hour won't feed ma dog!

    then get a real job.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra you can buy scopolomine from a pharmacy - probably a grocery store depending on local laws

    scopolomine is not available in the us without a prescription
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon It's time to stop, Actor

    no, no...keep up the good work
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dearth I don't know what American welfare is like or the social shame that comes with it, from what I'm reading here; but over here like, I'm a musician. I don't have any delusions of fame, or even just success. I get by fine on our equivalent of welfare and pretty much just hang out with other musos, making tunes. The general outlook between us is that it's not a big deal that we don't want to work. Unless your career is your life it seems a little insane to spend a big chunk of your short time on the planet making money for someone else, if you can get by and be happy with what you make on welfare.
    I'm more than comfortable to let others spend that time and pay taxes so I can enjoy myself.
    Life was tailor made for our refreshment you dig?

    you know where that money comes from that pays for your welfare, right? from people that actually work and are productive membets of the community...instead of parasites such as yourself that have no use whatsoever. the fact that your comfortable in this situation makes you even more despisable.

    a few centuries ago you would have been banished from the village. a few centuries before would have been butchered and used as sustenance for the other tribesman to make your useless self slightly less useless.

    what shithouse country are you in?
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump zill the zat

    I zill plunder zat asshole betwixt your ass cheeks until it can be surgically removed and sold as a squishy hula hoop
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ words words bla bla blah words.

    kisses, pretty girl...
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist Thats assumming the whole story isn't just total bullshit anyway.

    that would be the most accurate assumption. occams razor and such
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ You're a fucking retard and every comment you make reflects it. You literally have the comprehensive skills of a toddler and I can't try to explain to you otherwise. Go fuck yourself faggot.

    there, there, my pretty little rosy, there's no need to get your panties in a bind. it's completely understandable that you lack even the simplest capacity to reply to the most basic of adult conversations. it's mostly your mother's fault for not teaching a lady how to properly behave in social interactions. no wonder, considering her chosen profession as a simple whore. fear not, my bonnie lass, for I shall school you in the art of how to properly please me, and in you out to other men so you may fine tune your skills.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I was in a very old 20-room house in Old Montreal back in the '70's, and witnessed first-hand floating furniture, a floating bed, and small objects being hurled through the air by themselves. The house was owned and lived in by a practicing female voodoo spiritualist. There were other things I saw first-hand in that house, which no one would believe.

    that last sentence was the only one that was accurate. or it didn't happen
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon In space, no one can hear you cream

    no, but when it results in internal damage and requires medical attention, the paperwork is a bitch.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ As weak as your faggot ugly bitch ass not being able to post a picture of yourself? Haha stop requesting pics if you're unable to post your own you insecure pussy.

    your mother obviously didn't train you in proper etiquette. when the men are speaking, the little ladies stfu so as not to point out the extensive degree of their ignorance and lack of more advanced concepts. once again you have shown us why that rule of etiquette is in place.

    now kindly clasp your hands, smile pretty, and go find a nice corner to sit in until I have time to shower you with my affections, my lovely little rosy...
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Bah^^fuck off

    that was exactly the plan
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didn't happen
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Sorry can't help you.

    yes you can.

    don't be so weak...
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