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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Answer the question, SpectraL. Which religion is the one with the alien connection?

    islam, but not real islam. its the americanized nigger-fuxated version of it.

    it's basically islam that some nutty coon (farakoon most recently) perverted to suit his own prejudices and interests. the exact same way every religion in human history has been created.

    part of the doctrine is literally spash-shipz and alienz...

    I'm not joking...go google 'farrakan'...the search result will come up with NOI (nashun ob izlomb) sites that proudly proclaim their fruity and nutty flavors for the whole world's comedic relief
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If you mean, do I believe Jesus existed as a real person, and that he had miraculous capabilities, and that he died and came back to life and then rose into the sky, and that he will return one day soon to judge everyone, both the dead and those alive, then yes, I am. However, what you are probably thinking of as "Christian" is not actually associated with any real facts about Jesus, but is merely yet another false religion - a clever counterfeit installed by Satan himself - which only really serves to take in more cash and power for itself.

    you do realize that everything in the bible was written by der juden...

    the same juden that run hollywood...and who's entire existence is creating fanatsy and destroying facts and reality...
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Let's put it this way: two plus two is four; it doesn't matter who wrote it, the fact contained therein proves to be true, and that's all that really matters - it's all that's relevant.

    you're going to need facts to have relevance. there are no facts...only fables and childrens stories.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR You are lame as fuck.

    and you fuck like old people drive.

    slow and sloppy.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Smoked.

    you want something to satiate your oral fetish...I have just the thing.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ If you want to invest in my small intestine you can pretend your tongue is made of money, bitch.

    that's adorable. you're blatantly plagiarizing what your other boyfriends have told you.

    you better appreciate the time you have with your intestines because when I'm done with you the only thing that's going to occupy the space in your lower abdomen is several gallons of my testicular emissions.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Good boy.

    now your just plagiarizing your other suitors
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ What part of 'they would absolutely tell me' do you not get? You smell like shit and have to bathe frequently to keep it masked. I don't smell like shit and bathe every other day usually just to clean off the germies, and thats all there is to it. Your natural fecal scent probably runs in your family or something.

    you're fooling yourself. I guarantee if you were withing 8 feet of me I could tell if you'd taken a bath within the previous 24 hours.

    I also guarantee the sheets on your bed are a festering smorgasbord of microbial primordial soup.

    how many weeks do you go wearing the same underwear and socks, you nasty bitch...

    I bet you don't wipe your ass let the klingons get rubbed off on your thong panties as you sashay up and down your street corner

    it's unbelievable that you publicly admit to having the hygienic practices of a homeless crackhead.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ That wouldn't make sense of a literal retard sai– oh, right. Keep trying sweetie some day you'll be a big boy.

    just shut the fuck up and give in to my advances already.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ You've already said this at least ten times. That's all the material you have? Jesus Christ no wonder you wear Velcro shoes. Does someone help you brush your teeth and get dressed too?

    when I'm done with you steven hawkins is going to be considered an olympic athlete compared to your ruined physique.

    now stfu and show me how your small intestines feel when they're trying to crush the head of my cock
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject And what

    what the fuck do you think this is...a fucking naacp safehouse? this is the 1940s south...whites only. gtfo nigger.

    someone ban this fucking sausage lipped sub-primate
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Uhhh yeah, they can. I've gone similar time frames without bathing and being around people who would absolutely tell me if I smelled bad. Sounds like you just emit some natural shitty odors. Some of us don't have that condition. Sorry you have to deal with that on top of your mental deficiencies. I'm starting to feel bad for you.

    no you cant and if you believe that you're fooling yourself. I know what I can smell on people and if someone doesn't wash their ass, do their laundry, or clean their socks, I can smell it. part of your arrangements for living in my basement are going to be you douche your nasty ass multiple times a day because I don't want your rank odor sticking to my dick after its done some colon pummeling betwixt your ass cheeks.

    I know I smell foul...which is why I never go without taking at least one shower a day if I'm not doing anything. if I've done physical activity I'll take 2 or 3 or more showers in a 24 hour time frame.

    the only feeling you're going to be doing for me is with your tonsils on the base of my nutsack. and it'll be after I've plugged the ass of some unhygienic homeless crack whore (most likely Bill Krozby or risir) so you can decide if the lack of simple hygienic practices is something you want to espouse
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ *fail horn intensifies*

    im as willing to negotiate terms of your sexual servitude as any of your other suitors so you're going to have to be more clear in spelling them out. and retarded circus clown noises may work well enough when your clientele is a bunch of unwashed carnies but I'd prefer to keep our relationship a notch or so higher in sophistication
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject The African lad

    you're a nigger?
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby thanks for fucking up my thread with your retard bickering you faggots, i hate everyone that posted in this thread

    stop being jealous. you know you're still my favorite piece of ass. well...a tie between you and risir, but I've definitely fapped to more of your pics than his.
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ *price is right fail horn*

    fair enough...I'll even leave a TV down there so you can watch all your game shows and soap operas like a good little house wife.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby these are some shitty stories. One time on a boat with some friends some girl needed to diareah and she just ent up going to the side of the boat (she was wearing a one piece swim suit) and just yanked it to the side and diahreaaded all over into the lake. After she was done, she was crying and since she stretched the suit to the side it was all stretched out and you could see her pussy as her friend came to console her.. the same friend that ignored her when she said that she needed help…

    pics or it didn't happen
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by puffy butts i wish i could suck shit out of my ass with an enema vacuum and have a shower that sprays soap with water. that way cleaning myself would take 30 seconds and i'd do it more than a few times a year. i'm sexixiciccci so i can get away with no hygiene for weeks and people can't tell. it's eh bretty nice dude.

    Originally posted by puffy butts i wish i could suck shit out of my ass with an enema vacuum and have a shower that sprays soap with water. that way cleaning myself would take 30 seconds and i'd do it more than a few times a year. i'm sexixiciccci so i can get away with no hygiene for weeks and people can't tell. it's eh bretty nice dude.

    no one can get away with no hygiene for a week.

    you're just around people who hold their noses well and are too polite to tell you to douche your nasty ass.

    most likely they don't want to set you off into some sort of fugue.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It has to do with free will. The Creator doesn't want robots which just follow orders, it has to come from the heart. That's why we are all under test right now, and it is totally up to us which way we want to go. Death follows evil, and life follows good.

    you do realize that every single word written about every single deity in all of human history was devised and composed by a human being based on said human beings own perceptions and points of view....and mental defects...rite?
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ You should move into my apartment so my rent and utilities are cut in half. Thanks.

    you should move to my basement. I won't make you pay any rent or utilities and I promise to keep the straps and blindfold not-too-tight.
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