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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I'm sure it's always queasy tum tums when you're inserting coke (AKA Parachuting) up your ass.. but I don't do street drugs.. just from what shithead highschool friends told me.

    lets find out how you feel getting something crammed up your ass...

    i have the perfect candidate object to use...and ill even use lube
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I've always wondered if when you skydive if you get that weird stomach feeling the whole time like when you go down a steep incline on a rollercoaster or one of those falling tower rides, or if it goes away shortly.

    no. only when the chute opens, but its a giant jerk on everything...and if you dont have your balls oriented properly in your harness, thats the only thing you feel.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Pretty powerful for something that came out of that little dinky cannon. of course it looks like it hit the refinery.. so was it secondary nor the initial so called IED?

    All of you needed to be rounded up anyways. placed in a special part of North Western Cuba aka gitmo

    youd know all about that rounding up thing...

    reminiscing on back when you tried to escape from your pimp and you made him show you proper discipline for a bitch?
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SBTlauien If I were going to do something like this, I definitely would NOT be talking about it with anyone at all. This is the type of thing that will get you arrested and your reduce your availability for legally buying a high powered rifle like an AK47 which has large bullets that are said to spray well, can have a drum magazine attach which would allow the gun to hold 75 rounds(maybe more), and can easily be modified to automatically fire the highest grain bullets you can find.

    I wouldn't say anything to anyone at all and I definitely wouldn't talk about whatever problems would make me have such thoughts. Those types of things will get a person locked up and a felony place on their record.

    an AK47 is not a high powered rifle.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 You really got to watch who the fuck you are talking to. Time/ Place i'll be there before you get there and you won't even know what time it is when I'm done. nor planet for that matter, Tough guy.

    thats really know how to do this cybering thing well. you show your experience. how much are you going to charge me for this? and are you going to spit, or swallow?
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Naw.. that title goes to infinitishock

    i dont mind sharing the title. just as i wont mind sharing your ass with all your other boyfriends.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Ooo Good one Brutus who looks like Wimpy, the cock burger munching leech.

    doesnt really matter when youre the one looking like a giant ventriloquist puppet
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ You should try and become that little paperclip helper I think his name was Clippy.

    you should try taking a shower.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Whoa tough guy loves to fuck old decrepitated women as well as young children. You're a real sicko Ya Beast! Keep stomping your chest so I can cave it in.

    im not preferential to the orifices i plunder. i have no objection to plundering yours, other than the excessive use theyve had from so many other men. in all you think they would be jealous?
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Oh I get it.. I'm Popeye.

    Looks like we really do have old crew. Where is Era Mad Tom at? is he in texas or is he in Florida. He went to Florida. he thought I was some Ship mate.

    Sorties! More like Sore Ass! fuck that old piece of shit.

    lets do some roleplaying...

    you be popeye the sailor man...

    ill be captain hook...

    then ill fist your poop deck and show you the meaning of a sore ass
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 infinity has to look up resources off of bing everytime he tries to sound intelligent. it's pretty pathetic.

    Everyone knows you have an IQ lower than 50. Hey, At least you're not average. I mean it has to be boring to have just a 100 IQ .. so you are in fact special.

    im feeling a bitch of a twinge on my nutsack.

    come scratch it for me

    use your tongue, like my good little bitch
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby my fucking neibor that is taking me to blink182 punched me in the face because i was talking about how i hated the stranger things and she told me to not talk and so i slappped her and she started punching me and crying. now she is asleep. id jak off all over her face but she would prolly call the cops

    pics or it didnt happen
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 The only experience you have is rubbing icy'hot on your nuts by mistaking it for the peanut butter you wish your dog was gonna lick off of them.

    i never mistake the assorted things i rub on my nuts.

    most especially your mothers lips
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Piece of shit. I would beat you down so low I'd be scraping you off of my waffle stompers.

    bitch, id kick your ass so far between your shoulder blades youd have to do a hand stand to take a shit
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Wrong ^


    you fucking retard.

    you have no idea how human excretory functions work. im sure you know that digestive wastes mostly are discharged via your ass, as shit, and your vagina, as piss. maybe you even know that a large portion of waste gasses are exhaled via the lungs. what im sure you dont know is that a significant portion of bodily wastes are discharged via pores in the skin. thats right...the largest organ in human physiology. youre basically shitting and pissing through your skin...and going days at a time without cleaning that off. i take that back. you are LITERALLY shitting and pissing through your skin. not only that, but oils produced by the body, and other substances are coating the skin...which is then the breeding grounds for all kinds of microbiological organisms...many of which arent healthy.

    do you ever wash your bed sheets? what...every 6 months? year? longer?

    go look at the water in the washing machine when (if?) you wash them...bask in the glow of the nasty sludge that is the funk emanating from your disgusting carcass.

    i dont even get into my bed without taking a shower first...and my sheets leave a haze in the wash water. i cant even fathom the toxic soup that is the shit festering in your bed clothes.

    you nasty mother fucker...go douche yourself
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ You didn't provide shit you basic bitch. Luke wasn't a jedi, and you can't prove to me was. I also dismissed your claims that everyone smells if they don't bathe for a few days. The fact that YOU smell like shit isn't an argument against the fact that I don't. You haven't refuted jack shit, guy, other than a reason for anyone to take you seriously about anything. You're wrong a lot. It's kind of embarrassing because you think you're right and oblivious to counterpoints and facts refuting your stances. Old, ugly, weak, simple minded, delusional, bland. You have the quite the repoirtoire of negative traits going for you Bill. Impressive!

    youre so fucking retarded and lack the most simplistic of understanding skills its no wonder youre so confused all the time.

    my original statement was the bible is written by der juden. your useless attempts at contradicting me they always do...when i explained how, regardless of the lineage (which has zero proof or evidence) of a writer, the entire bible is wholly the work of der juden. go back to the post i explained where i had the analogy of modern-day hollywood purveying judenkind thoughts and beliefs to the goy. a writer may not be DNA-jude but when they write something that der juden wish to use as their propaganda, and der juden use it in the media, it is considered as being juden.

    the content of that video would never make it to main-stream media.

    yea. everyone smells if they dont shower for a few days. ive already clearly stated i can smell people who dont clean themselves in some way. examples are people ive worked with, kids of people i know, and generally people in public. old people are the worst when they skip bathing...with their defective kidneys and failing bladder control, the odor is horrific.

    you stated, in writing, that you go extended periods of time without cleaning your stank ass. that makes you a foul, disgusting, unclean piece of shit. nasty motherfucker.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    i was on there before that...and i have no idea who you are

    dont care, either
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ The government should pay for my socks because I go through a lot and it would be nice to just not have to pay for socks ever again. If I had one wish it would be to have a fresh never worn pair of socks at my disposal whenever I wanted them. But nope, took my guns, locked in a FEMA camp, forced me to practice Islam and get gay married and took 100% of my wages to support their golfing vacations and trips to the liserd meetings. Thanks for that, government.

    your nasty ass only needs one pair of socks considering you never change them.

    dirty, disgusting, slag
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I literally pointed it out I'm my first fucking 2 sentences you quoted. Haha and you just got done telling someone they lacked athletic abilities. Dang you might want to go see a doctor and see if there's an explanation for being that stupid.

    i ignored the two examples considering i already provided sufficient evidence clarifying the accuracy of my position and the fallacy of yours. this is why youre not allowed to talk when the adults are present. now get back to your corner to await further instructions, you useless slag.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 We have a Wand. Please don't let your black nazi anger distort that reality. It's not in your

    that has absolutely nothing to do with my kind offer of allowing you the priveledge of sucking my big black cock.
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