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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. thermite would also be pretty easy to use, but put it in a lil clay holder to hold it in place so it burns where you want
  2. Dd this at karaoke tonight n was actually okay at it.

  3. Is anyone else into fucking chicks just wearing sneakers? Idk if thats a thing i got from porn, but ive never been a “foot” guy. Or watching a girl eat ur cum out of another girl? I feel that ones more universally hot but the sneakers thing has me perplexed
  4. remove hex bolts at the hinge. slide a piece of paper or use a bright light to see where the deadbolt locks up. Either drill or angle grind the right side of the safe to expose the mechanism and then you can possibly bang the bolt out of the way with a hammer and chisel.

    Or alternatively, thing looks so old that you might just be able to tip it off a roof or sledgehammer it open
  5. Good. Killed the karaoke contest. Ive never sung that well before, i dont think. Acoustics and sound system were great. Was super clear n hit all my notes and runs. Ofc i was ready to fall over from all the G i took in the car, but it seemed to loosen up my throat pussy. I didnt buy a single drink for myself all night. Im so critical of myself all the time, and it felt good to have people turn to each other and mouth “holy shit” during my performances. Or buy me a couple drinks for the road as they were closing out their tab. If i win next week I get $500.
  6. I made it to the semi finals on a karaoke contest so im taking my GHB now so i dont shit my guts out when im on stage in an hour n a half
  7. I want to lure people in with a gimmicky NFT/ cryptocurrency and then to an exclusive party where i melt their eyes with focused UV lights and microwaves. Batman villain shit.
  8. mash if i buy you a kung fu hat, will you wear it?
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!

    Looks like it’s time to activate this Tuesday ❤️

    Thats what im tacoin’ bout
  10. those eyes and bulging tongue look like those retards whose big tard tongues dont fit in their mouth.

    I wonder if theres a fetlife group for people who want to fuck retards. Tater toppers or something?
  11. Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian like shit honestly

    but pushing through it

    How many days?
  12. Originally posted by aldra

    we don't deserve to survive as a species

    In before she gets cancelled for having an abbo on a leash
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock yes, but do you spit or swallow

    She stares at it really hard and furrows that unibrow into an angry mongoloid face and then starts barking at it until shes rewarded with monster energy drink and ultralight cigarettes
  14. Originally posted by aldra yeah a lot of things seem really weird about it, specifically the way it's written but that could just be the writer being a retard

    the city has opened an investigation into the leak and has tacitly admitted it's real by saying 'the other 17 pages aren't about targeting white kids' though

    No shit?

    Im more blown away by the prospect that this apparent cluster tard could stop drooling long enough to purchase a weapon in tje first place
  15. These shit looks fake as hell tbh. Why does “Aiden” sign each notebook page? Just seems sketchy. Crowder seems hungry and well financed enouh to have the resources to throw money at a well executed scam. I mean hed probably throw $100k at anyone with a protonmail account and enough breadcrumbs of corroborating evidence to get his dick hard.
  16. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladyboy lapdancer.................................. which is why i offered the recommendation to you

    professionals use the assorted juices from the torn orifice(s) as lubrication

    Blood dries out too quickly. A loogie holds its moisture better.
  17. Not enjoying my reality, wishing i could entertain delusions of grandeur for my mental survival lol

    Drinking tequila in the shower with the lights off. Waiting to see if im doing surveillance 12-4am.
  18. Originally posted by Wariat Eeeeeeeeeeeek

    I noticed on Fotka dot pl or dot com some weird looking prod like bald head shady looking fuck was a vierwer of my profile then I noticed he had multiple profiles there including one of the so called group who does stings this ducking gay fag group in Poland as cops don't even do this and on top of this some other weirdos were vierwers I deleted it or everything including sympatia or the polish dating site but I'm still like wtf I didn't talk to a single bitch under consent age plus they can't even sign up there without stating 16 or above on Fotka so what in the mother fucj.


    Its almost like someone forwarded your photo and information to every english adjacent polish site in or around lodz. Imagine.
  19. Originally posted by aldra

    I had no idea most of the headliners were still around

    Yeah me either lol. Looks fun thouh
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