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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. The last time plumbers botched a job we were out of water for 48 hrs. I took shits in a Home Depot bucket full of water. Suprisingly exhilarating to try to pinch one out while getting screamed at by old men in orange aprons.
  2. ate some distillate n poured agigantic moscow mule. Smoking cigar kn the porch

  3. Originally posted by Wariat i feel super fwtigued wnd have had coughing wttacks wince friday fuys.

    Youcan cure this virus but you must expel the protozoa into a young virgin it must be dine
  4. I expected hed have gotten manslaughter which seemed fair. But idk how you charge someone with “unintentional murder”. Seems like they hit him with way heavier charges than they ever should have, simply because of political pressure.
  5. Only smoke methaqualone n AIDS drugs powdered in a backwoods
  6. I used to hate spider then i did mushroom n i was like killing things just bc theyre scary n inconvenient is kinda fucked up.

    So now if theyre daddy long legs or garden spider they can hang around. Also jumping spiders dude i LOVE jumping spiders theyre so i telligent n theyll follow u around the room.

    Other buff, hairy, or bitey looking spiders get relocated if possible, or if they wanna resist arrest they get zapped with the blowtorch taser a la daumtay white
  7. I felt normal. Coworker got pretty sick.
  8. Its amazing how smoothly things can go when you dont resist arrest. Truly remarkable.
  9. Just toured an apartment. Its so nice. You can see the ocean from the top of the hill. You can walk to the beach. I cant wait to get on with my life.
  10. I see opie has answrer a certain way but to say thus man has NEVAH take a man oenis in his mouth?

    i find this claim dubious to say de lease
  11. I see this band a few times they did not emascukate their enemy but was display of power none the lass
  12. Yes unfortunately some people are like children they squabble and do not accept the light of jesus so they can not forgive but let he who has not made a mistake throw the rock is a saying that came to me in a vision
  13. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready having thoughts

    of being. a rap e *

    I connect wit this sediment on a spiritual level
  14. oh is not fishes is lovely dte

    i give all my posession to charity to make up for my sins. i follow in the steps of righteousness now i have turned the leaf
  15. yes i also smell fishes
  16. This sounds like a dofficult thing i hope lord jesus give u billbillBill Krozbybyby the strength to fight the demon who keep hes grip on your soul
  17. I do not think you would survive to be high with me

    We will peel back many layers both metaphor and very literally
  18. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Getting 3am phone calls that my Aunt flatlined after surgery and is brain dead on life support. My little cousin already lost his Dad to cancer a couple years back and now his Mom is gone too. Fuck the last year i swear.

    I am sorry to hear this has transpired brotha

    i will make offerings on your behalf
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