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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. Originally posted by Solstice I honestly think you should kill everyone else involved

    Im not entirely convinced the kids arent in an oil drum somewhere rn.
  2. Originally posted by Sudo Well the thing about females in my mind is that they're essentially archetypes in their utility to males. Of course everyone is different but so many women are similar or have overlapping qualities at least in how they are understood and interacted with.

    What I'm getting at is by fucking bitch A you are potentially fucking a plethora of women like her. You have taken her soul and now have the power to make the legs shake of every girl with 51% overlapping qualities she has. Just know you now have that power, validation is unnecessary if it isn't leading to a positive outcome for yourself (and ideally them as well). You honestly have alot of good qualities that my fruity ass can see over the internet and its sad u weren't being appreciated for so long. Might be why unappreciated women are coming onto yoy and you accidentally know how to unlock them and make them open up. Just have to know what you are seeking. If it's attention, that should be as easy for you as opening up to someone who is willing to spend time with you. The rest will come as u figure out what u want beyond that. Effort/risk/reward etc. Rewrite your narrative where you're not telling yourself you were a fat mopey junkie, you were someone lost who didn't know a way out, which is likely much closer to the truth.

    It kinda feels like im just living out the 20s i lost to heroin, in as condensed n normal a way as possible. But its also leading to some really dumb shit. A girl told me im a black belt in emotional jiu jitsu, and i think that statement is accurate as fuck. When youre tuned into pain and sadness you just kind of know what unlocks people. Like being a sexy con man, but i dont even try to do anything imjust genuineky want everyone to be happy and okay
  3. Originally posted by Kafka I think you should get guard dogs it sounds like he did something to her. It reminds me of 1Q84 when the husband tells the man his wife is irretrievably lost.

    I got guns instead but it would be a fantastic excuse to get a pupper
  4. Originally posted by Bradley I Always imagined you to be quite slow irl not like dull but like a fat guy who doesn't hurry, ever.

    Think tort told me you were gonna walk a block a day for your health when you the chat and you came back with snacks and cammed up

    Nah im like a grizzle bear or groot. Im not quick but i observe everything. I lost 100 lb n got my grill fixed during covid i think thats why all the middle aged women want me to put babies in em n shit i got those berzerker genes
  5. i mean i have low self esteem so sometimes its nice to just know i could fuck someone if i wanted, even if i know im not gonna do it. Like i never got this much attention before n idk why. Im only a slightly less fat version of the same mopey junkie i was 10 years ago. Broken people just kinda gravitate towards me.
  6. I wonder if i should emasculate him further by just sending him a picture of my cock?

    And then just resend the same photo like 25 times n be like “shit my bad my phones glitching out srry”

    N then the same photo another 40 times until he sets the house on fire with all of them in it
  7. Originally posted by Bradley If he eats her out and feels included you can probably move out your mom's and if you running her mind by then just evict him when you get bored. Doesn't seem like wifey material but fun for you

    Do his kids know u yet

    Yeah she brought her kids to work she says the house is in her name n shell take care of me and give me a job lol. Like what a shitty fantasy to have, shacking up with the UPS dude. Honestly the kids are lil fucks the 5 year old still shits his pants and threw an apple at his mom the other day bc he wanted nuggets n I was like “that lil nigga needs his ass beat”.
  8. Originally posted by Bradley Get a hold of him and ask him if he ever seen cuckold porn ask him if. He. Wants his wife fucked. Right he can make sure. Not your moms property /house but I know you know

    Yeah honestly i kinda thought thats what was transpiring bc he was on the phone with her a few times when she was lingering around waiting for me to get off work N i was like “maybe hes waiting for some stand-in cock”. Idk man old people are WEIRD COOCOOOOOOO
  9. Originally posted by G Doesn't make them not degenerate addicts lol.

    I mean i think everyone is fucked up to some degree or another.
  10. Originally posted by Sudo Oh man someone drops my addy to me after trying to catch me like that I tell em come out after the chillins are asleep and I STAND MY GROUND until the box empty nahmean. You hamdled it like a stand up gent and must be practicing your inner ninja monk. You can harness that raw power into new positive outcome vectors just be patient (which I'm sure you know)

    My thought was if he has her phone, he can read the texts n see shes been throwing pussy as me for a couple months n i was always just like “ idk if ur husband would appreciate you trying to get me to come in ur hot tub while hes golfing”. Ive basically been a glorified marriage counselor. She even a bit a huge bruise on my bicep when i wouldnt let her whip my dick out, Like if a 40 year old man wants to blame me for his hoe wife n their midlife crisis idk what to say that wouldnt hurt his feelings.

    LOL he prolly read the text where she said he had a tiny useless dick. Fuck that must suck. Id totally let him beat me up if it gave him some dignity back.
  11. Originally posted by G Stop running w/ degenerate addicts.

    Shes a cop n hes a real estate developer i think theyre just normal fucked up people who had kids with the wrong person
  12. Originally posted by Bradley Casper you ever lay in wait for someone to do them fat nasty in the shadows?

    only when someone owed me a substantial amt of money
  13. Originally posted by Bradley That's what you deserve for ruining someone's partnership. Yeah it's not your husband but the cumshots of sin will still dribble on your lips.

    For real. I would've been in your room when you came home like a scary movie.

    I wouldn't kill someone over that though but especially if you knew she was in a relationship.

    Unless she's this niggas main bitch but to you she just another thot

    Its his wife of 17 years n they have a 5 year old n a 7 year old
  14. He just said my moms street but not the number. But i mentioned it to his wife sometime a long time ago. Idk. Homie dont want smoke, He was so skinny unthreatening that i just let him punch me n then was ready to turn the other cheek like jesus himself. When it comes down to it im kind of a saint.
  15. Pretended to be the woman i got caught with the other night, used her phone n asked me to come outside n talk. I think he thought he was being spooky or something but i was just like ay whatup man. N hes like “You should know she overdosed, and shes in the hospital unconscious. And this is on you. I gave the police your number.” N i was like “aight dude yeah have em holler at me. Sorry bout the whole situation but i didnt bang ur wife n whatever drugs n shit she took, whatever stuff you guys have going on is on you.” He casually mentioned my address which he prolly just google searched, n idk if that was supposed to be a veiled threat or whatever but i kinda dont care.

    Ill keep you updated as the white trash bonanza evolves but if he poisoned her maybe she wrote me into the will n i can purchase NIS from lanny n build my own sausage castle in Nevada wjphere yall can come drink cough syrup and smoke chewy blunts with ya boi.

    Ok gg eat spaghetti later
  16. I don't even read wariat posts anymore I just archive them for the Nonce Police
  17. Originally posted by Wariat so you think having a conversation with two hot chicks at a hot tub over the legal of age of consent in a given place youre at not even about sex or dating then later joining them alone in a sauna room and having a conversation also not about sex and when you mention next time youll talk ore after rudely out of the blue being asked your age like its any of their bsiness than simply saying hi the next week is preying on people or illegal somehow?

    Originally posted by Wariat candyreign how else are males spposed to ever get laid especially in a country like poland where chicks never say hi first or talk to guys first and expect you to ake the first move if not talking to them?

    Originally posted by Wariat how is that diff than what blacks and nonwhites do in every usa malls to teenagers all the time making conversatrions or recriting them from prostitution actually who arent even legal there? how is that diff than that fuking giy with the water shoes over 30 also and with the plastic swords at that park who always was trying to say hi or start conversations with kids when i trained with him but unlike me all of a sudden was surrounded or hanging out with teenagers when i went back to that park after moving to another side of town like a year later? that guy at the warsaw agrykola park who hangs out there and unlike me is doing basically nothing with his life.

    Originally posted by Wariat fucking teenagers… why they treat me like this and see in that stupid guy with long hair and water shoes and fake swords? or those nonwhites in us malls?
  18. Originally posted by Fonaplats

    I think I somehow made burnt sushi.
    Practice makes perfect though.
    I gotta learn to cook so my girlfriend trusts me to make stuff that isn't cinnamon toast crunch.

    I can gove you a recipe for a spice rub. Do it in the oven tho, and make sure you let the fosh come to room temp before you try to cook it. 6-7 min at 475, skin side against the baking skeet
  19. Originally posted by Wariat some can be fun or it can be fun to treat them like whores for an hour and feel that power also of being looked up to and feeling manly. polanski did it and even way older than me and im sure they didnt treat him this way or act that immature around im did they? Maybe its just my lack or society as a whole is regressing and getting dumber or ore immature due to social media.
  20. Originally posted by Wariat Lol i added her on a second snap char i created and unleashed the whole schpill or my opinion on the matter and she read half of it stopped fir a while some minutes it was half read and never responded and so i got antsy and blocked her.

    Originally posted by Wariat I cane up with a brilliant plant: im gonna make another account add her in like a week or even later and send her the twitter feed in polish me complaining about the situatjon i was in and polish teens overall how they treat me and are.

    Originally posted by Wariat Exactky so theyre perfectly legal to fuck anyone if any age as the aoc is 15 so i did nothing wrong or unnatural for a man anyway and nothing what any guy would of done as ppl start convos with hot chicks or at at the pool moron at least in cidioised countries or what any guy is wishes they had the balls to do and they displayed no signs if discomfort only one if them ssud the age thing which is not a sign if discomfort just rudeness and hypocrisy because i owed them no fukung answers and its rude to ask someone just out if the blue how old r u in sure they wouldnt like it if u dud that moron.

    Originally posted by Wariat Please tell me what crime again i saud saying hello to iver the age if co sent chicks at a pool?

    Originally posted by Wariat In 24 hour fitness for instance mexican or middle eastern guys would constantly st the hot tub start convos with chicks its perfectly normal in most cultures tard. How the fuk else am i supposed to meet a teen over legal age if i dobt try tard? And what if i didnt talked and some other person and what woyuld even make them uncomfortable talking about travel tard?

    Originally posted by Wariat Do u think theyll just appear out of the blue and come in my lap how the fuk am i supposed to meet them besides rhe intetnet if i dont talk?
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