I see opie has answrer a certain way but to say thus man has NEVAH take a man oenis in his mouth?
i find this claim dubious to say de lease
I see this band a few times they did not emascukate their enemy but was display of power none the lass
Yes unfortunately some people are like children they squabble and do not accept the light of jesus so they can not forgive but let he who has not made a mistake throw the rock is a saying that came to me in a vision
oh is not fishes is lovely dte
i give all my posession to charity to make up for my sins. i follow in the steps of righteousness now i have turned the leaf
This sounds like a dofficult thing i hope lord jesus give u billbillBill Krozbybyby the strength to fight the demon who keep hes grip on your soul
I do not think you would survive to be high with me
We will peel back many layers both metaphor and very literally
If every household got issued a george floyd, id have to get back into the fentanyl racket.
2021-04-21 at 9:13 AM UTC
Chauvin is beyond fucked
If u tuck it between your legs like a lady the bullet spirit will not dare touch you because they fear womb-magik
2021-04-21 at 8:25 AM UTC
Chauvin is beyond fucked
It inspire me to know that corrupt politicians, rabid mobs and de threat of violence and destruction can still bring about the change u wish to see in de world.
Truth be told if i had known it was this simple i would not have eaten half so many babies
In my country we only make sex wit de children to cleanse a unclean sprit
To do so from de animal urge, and at a SeaWorld? How many children and sea mammals must be subject to dis depravity?
If your anoos become excited and youmake feces while a man hold you close to his body this is not from God but the enkueue spirit that cause the gay virus.
Insummary this young boy is a gay man pedofail and his statue make me think he has small man syndrom.
2020-09-19 at 11:26 PM UTC
Do Black Lives Matter?
None of de lives mattah.
De only weth u life has is the calories provided by u flesh and sweetmeat
I learn to crochet many things. Maybe basket for vegetalebes?
If this one had tie a piece of steelgrass around his foreskin and have the witch woman spit it with kerosene, when he show his penis to the knife man, he will fall down and cannot move. He cannot piece your skin with the knife