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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CASPER Eating tamales n maybe gonna play some video games while I keep watch for Santa and make sure no one tries to sneak any presents under the fucking tree

    Addme faggot
  2. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country WTF baby yoda? Is this in the new film? Do yodas spawn from eggs like frogs? I assume they do.

    Yoda's race and planet has never been defined in even extended universe

    So baby yoda is a huge mystery.
  3. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont have to be a genius to know that our ozone has been thinning rapidly since the industrial revolution.

    Scientists have been saying this for over a hundred years. Corporations have been working their propaganda game hard.
  4. Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller It was expired and the State Attorney wouldn't budge on possession of a controlled substance without a script. I might have won if I took it to trial, but I was ready to get out of that county jail and get the original case wrapped up.

    My original charges from January of this year were Trafficking in Heroin (first degree felony) and possession of narcotic equipment (third degree felony). There was 4g of heroin, a gram of meth, and a script of suboxone allegedly tied to me. I got off with possession of a controlled substance w/o a script (third degree felony) and possession of paraphernalia (misdemeanor) and they withheld adjudication.

    While I was out on bond for those charges I got arrested for the tramadol in August, served 100 days and got time served. My original bond got revoked of course, so I stayed in jail in the original county until that case got resolved and I got let go on probation.

    Sounds shit. How did you get caught?
  5. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Also mexicansarenthuman has never dabbed anything bigger than his toe nail sized brain.

    This is hilarious coming from a guy who besides a joint or two, has only had walgreens drugs and malt liquor.

    Take 750ug and get back to me about delerium.
  6. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What's a keenan

  7. 28% is an uncomfortably low amount of alcohol for my tastes.
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no, i dont speak common language.

    i speak only very specific languages.

    Lol you definitely used google translate for this
  9. Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller My patient called the cops on me for petit theft. They found no evidence of theft so I was supposed to just get a trespass warning. The popos came and searched my person, my car and my work bag. They found an expired script of tramadol that I was actually prescribed. I wasn't on probation at the time, the first case was under way, I was out on bond.

    She was on a different level of crazy than I was. I don't want to talk shit about her, she's just doing her thing and I'm doing mine. I'm over the junkie girlfriend thing, that was a bad idea from the get go.

    I'm really trying not to use drugs on probation, but I'm so fucking depressed. I can't blame drugs on my fuckups, that's on me. My life as I knew it is over for good. I wasted $120,000 on a degree that is gone because I thought I could responsibly use drugs. I am either all in or stone sober, there is no middle ground for me.

    Must be missing something. You're saying you got locked up for having a bottle of tramadol that was prescribed to you?

    What are your actual charges
  10. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Lol VITALY! SIT MY FRIEND!

    Imagine being named Vitaly and being like

    It has my name on it!

    Yeah cuz its cheap like you!


  11. Originally posted by Sudo imagine still pining after hydro like a little ยงmยฃร‚gร˜L

  12. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You're projecting

    I'm not the one becoming delirious on dabs
  13. Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller There's a crack whore in Pensacola named Flipper that doesn't have arms because of a congenital birth defect. She just has hands attached to her shoulders. She uses her feet for everything, including smoking crack and giving awesome foot jobs; quite a sight to behold.

    I'm not ruling out a crippled retard, it's been a loooong time since I've gotten laid.

    You can just say its hydro
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The cheap stuff burns in a bad way, not fun. Chasers are gay

    If you go too cheap I agree. There's a store brand here called Vitaly that I don't like. Has a weird raw pungent flavor to it almost like sorghum alcohols if you've ever had those. Not so much the burning that bothers me.

    If you go SLIGHTLY above that and get Skol for 15/1.75L then it's tolerable and doesn't have that off taste that very bottom rung vodka has. That's why i said earlier I buy the second cheapest.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood If I'm doing shots I will buy a decent vodka but if you are mixing it you can use any cheap crap

    Why do shots of trash it's unpleasant. Good vodka goes down smooth

    I actually like the burn of alcohol. If it's smooth I want it to taste good, not like water. That's why people sip whiskey and get special glasses for it so the aroma concentrates. Put a few drops of water in to dilute the alcohol and taste it better. That kinda shit.

    There is no point to tasting vodka. It's purely for getting drunk, not for enjoying.
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Hey that's the British guy from that show

    yeah and also that other show
  17. Originally posted by CASPER Rarely. Dropped in like once in the last two months.

    I thought you guys were on good terms.

    You know the drill…if you smashin in the family you gotta spill the beans…

    Still waiting for the HTS/Scron story. I'm glad I caught it in time.
  18. Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller What's your excuse? We're eskimo brothers.

    I was 20
  19. Originally posted by Bipolar High Roller Would bang. I like girls that are completely broken and mentally unstable like me.

    Yeah I can tell
  20. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal DPH fucking sucks in every way

    If you want to experience true delirium do a huge dab hit after staying awake for five days

    You're such a massive pussynoob.
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