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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 the Earth has had SIX, THAT IS SIX "Ice Ages!!"

    you cannot have an "Ice Age" without the Earth overheating.

    this is a natural course of events.

    At least Trump stopped funding these FAKE CHARLETANS!!

  2. Originally posted by No you're full of shit.

    Seminary school or not, your father and grandfather were not both professors of the Hebrew language and ancient esoteric Christian knowledge.

    I've asked him if he can understand it before and he said no lol.

    He's blatantly making shit up.
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood OP is a faggot that bans people from escape chat

    He's honestly a terrible person. Stuck in rebellious teenager mode. Just like a teenager, he can't handle his booze AT ALL. Passes out like a little bitch right there on camera.
  4. Originally posted by Solstice Try Wild Turkey 101 if you haven't yet. To me it's the best ~$20 bourbon for that price point. 50.5% with a nice burn and complexity to the flavor.

    Bulleit Frontier Whiskey is also good but might be a couple bucks more, I think it's still under $25 here though.

    I've had it and its OKAY. Maybe i need to give it another shot but I wasn't super impressed. I'll update in a bit with my decision.
  5. Originally posted by CASPER I just read SKYY and my stomach turned a little bit. Granted I rarely drink, but I remember that shit being awful. I can still taste orange-flavored bile in the back of my throat. Ugh.

    And everyone seems to hate gin for some reason. Maybe I’m just a massive faggot who belongs on the Gay Mountain.

    I'm pretty sure gay is more than 20? I wanna try it tho. I wanna go gay.

    And skyy was the first alcohol i ever had :3
  6. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False
    More Evidence of No Depletion. In addition, as on the ozone layer, Baliunas also examined the statistical fudge methods used by the ozone depletion theorists to embellish their theory. The 1994 World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) report on ozone depletion, for example, estimates the depletion starting from two points, 1970 and 1978-1979.

    Ozone Depletion –
    May 09, 2016 · HFCs don’t thin the ozone layer, but they are greenhouse gases. The Montreal protocol is about ozone depletion — can it really be used for global warming as well? Like EPA’s abuse of the Clean Air Act for greenhouse gases, the Montreal Protocol is being similarly expanded. Continue reading Warmists cheer misuse of Montreal Protocol

    Is global warming just a myth like the ozone layer depletion …
    Jun 14, 2017 · Yes, global warming is a myth just like the ozone layer depletion. The ozone layer depletion is not a myth. Therefore global warming is not a myth. See, science and logic. Honestly, no one who lives in the Southern Hemisphere, not even coal miners, believes that ozone layer depletion is a myth.

    Quora as a source lmao
  7. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Her dealer is a woman who was recently committed to a psychiatric hospital, the same one I want to except they had her strapped to a bed.

  8. You live in rural Indiana.

    I live in a metropolis with legal weed.

    Try again.
  9. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal The rest of my family are hardcore catholic zombies

    So i was correct.
  10. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I am a natural at this stuff

    Meanwhile the only instrument you can play is blowing a skin flute

    I've recorded and uploaded myself playing several instruments already, including the harmonica. Try again
  11. Originally posted by G No because I don't eat from dirty ass kitchens etc. like the food you post lol. I know you're used to RedCross, soup kitchen standards but not me.

    First of all, I'm significantly richer than you. So watch your tone.

    Second of all, you're just a weak bitch who can't handle food. Probably need a Tums after :( how sad.
  12. Originally posted by ORACLE Like in some children's books and stuff like Tom and Jerry they will sometimes show you their tiny homes made of human objects, I always thought that was so cozy and cool.

    Excuse me but Tom and Jerry is an adult cartoon, thnx
  13. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Come back to me when you have aliens controlling your thoughts and talking to you in your head all day while your plushie animals have a full on conversation with you.
    You have no concept of anything, you talk big but you're nothing, typical mexican bravado, all show no substance.

    Thats just your natural schizophrenia.
  14. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I spent thousands of dollars on thc in the mid 10s
    I smoked more weed than you have spent on your house and car combined.
    You don't even know what thc induced psychosis is.
    You're nothing.

    Thousands of dollars.

    Fucking lol.

    Weed is a drug for people who want to stay away from real drugs.
  15. Lol @ hikki spending holidays with his mom and a friend. His mom is probably ostracized from the rest of the family.
  16. You can't play lmao. Probably can't even do taps
  17. Originally posted by G Older lady whose grand kid I teach martial arts unexpectedly dropped by my house w/ an upside down pineapple cake. The gesture was all warm & fuzzy but I don't eat from random peoples' kitchens like that lol.

    Because you're a scared little bitch. Don't worry, you're not important enough to poison.
  18. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Also I have smoked and vaped more weed than this entire forum x100

    Your poor ass?

    Good god that you even think this is something to be bragged about is... Telling.
  19. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I was on a morphine iv with a button I pressed every other minute.
    You have absolutely no understanding of what delirium is, you only know what it's like to be a mentally retarded shitskin subhuman piece of manure.
    Come back to me when the tv in your room turns into a giant human head and you have alladin's flying carpet floating above your head shaking violently.

    Lmao hospital morphine. As if I haven't put opiates into my veins.

    Come back to me when you smoke so much DMT your body is flailing wildy and screaming bloody fucking murder, but you have no concept of it because you've entered an alternate dimension through the fractal leopard tunnel where a loving and motherly diety has brought you to help you learn the secrets to existence for all eternity. Come back to me when you lose all sense of self and all sense of the world in a black void of nothingness where you are but a disembodied consciousness trying to understand its own thought. Come back to me when aftet several millenia, you are ripped from the life that has always been and thrust into a world of physicality, where you wonder what that big soft thing is for (couch) and what sort of alien beings are trying to communicate with you (friends). Come back to me when you have to relearn what it is to be human and not just a spiritual energy in some timeless fourth dimensional void of flowing knowledge.

    You are a peon. A nothing. A rock stuck between the crevice of my shoe. In and out of existence without so much as a peep, without ever understanding your own cosmic insignificance.

    The shit you talk about sounds like you watched a movie on drugs once, and thought it would be fun to try and lie about it here. That pink elephant shit might work on some people, but not me, and not most posters here.
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The problem is that priests are not allowed to masturbate so they get someone to do it for them. they don't ask the adults because they know it's wrong and it would ruin his reputation.

    Catholics are retarded though they OWN EVERY NUN so they could have just made some sacred practice where the nun jacks off the priest and it's all ceremonial and stuff.


    Priests are allowed to masturbate. What kind of victorian shit are you on here. The bible says nothing about a good wank
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