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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. All the jenkem and raid you can huff
  2. 401X???
  3. You dumb
  4. Originally posted by hydromorphone I live by myself, deep in the woods, in a tent. It's a safe and secure spot, and hard to access, if you don't know the way, which is heavily concealed.

    I have a propane heater, plenty of 1lb tanks, which I can refill with my 15lb tanks (2 of them, and I just use an adaptor hose on the big tank when I'm here and use the little tanks for when I'm panhandling so it's easy to carry/tote along. Just becareful of some hoses, especially felible ones as they are manufactured with an oil to make them felible… It leeches into the heater lines and clogs it up, rendering your heater useless. You sometimes can pull it apart and blow out the oil, and best is to use a compressor to blow the oil out. Put it back together and it runs fine. Sometimes the pilot light assembly needs replacing, which is maybe once a season with heavy use (done a lot of camping with these bitches waaaay before I ever was homeless, hence why I am well informed on this wonderful thingie madoodle.

    I can happily say I've never once stayed in a shithole shelter, which often has lice and bed/body bugs which infest clothing too. (I've seen the results on other homeless folks though).I also am not handing over my knives.

    I gotmmy setup good for winter, and I don't need their help.

    Hey I'm happy. That's the ultimate goal, right? To be happy? My pain is well managed at this point, albeit some times I have little set backs where I take a hard fall, or twist my knee, which has me take an extra dose or two once in a blue moon but I'm never without dope. I'm over 3 days ahead. I meet all sorts of cool people everyday. Some help me, others, I help them… I'm grateful. I'm excited to get up and see my people eveeyday. I look forward to seeing my cool cats who look out for me when I go to cop.

    Got stoned tonight for the first time in a long time. Having a good time. Going to bed soon as I get up insanely early to begin my day.

    Hey, I'm grateful to be alive and having good days. Tomorrow isn't promised, not is it promised to be a great day, but I'm thankful for the ones I get.

    Hope y'all had a good Christmas. Happy New year incase I'm too busy to say so.

    Fucking lol
  5. Originally posted by aldra

    lol there's a movie called 'cuck'

    Starring Sudo
  6. Why does it even matter? I thought trump denied climate change. Suddenly he cares about carbon emissions? Lol.
  7. Originally posted by aldra nice dad homoman

    I mean you can't really take foreign opinions seriously. Mexican opinions r the only juans that matter
  8. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Is white nationalism better or worse than hispanic nationalism?

  9. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Democrats and Republicans are just two separate flavours of the Oligarch Party, who are in turn a branch of Big-jedi.

    Posted by a brit

    Thanked by an aussie

    Both who have had cia campaigns promoting white nationalism

  10. Went with wild turkey. It's okay but the alcohol content is nice. I probably wouldn't buy it again tbh. You fukt me when you suggested I buy Evan's poc. It remains my favorite. And its so cheap.

    Also got some shock top which is nice
  11. Originally posted by Sudo 0/10 if troll build a wall/10 if not

    Slow down on the opiates, you're incoherent
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Ching chong wants a one party system

    No I want a 500 party system
  13. Originally posted by Number13 Republicans best for a republic, says right there in the name.

    Democrats best for a democracy. Says right there in the name
  14. What will it take for Americans to start skipping out on work responsibilities and start marching in the streets?
  15. Good god this is ugly and tasteless
  16. The Republican party is a predatory criminal enterprise. It should be disbanded, for the same reasons law enforcement dissolves organizations which exist primarily to facilitate the commission of illegal acts and to disburse the ill-gotten gains - we don't allow criminals to operate freely. Unfortunately, the Republicans have been working overtime to destroy the rule of law and transform our republic into a right wing dictatorship. It's up to us to get out the vote in greater numbers than November 2018 and vote these crooks out of office. This is well within our capabilities if we make and then honor the commitment. We can either begin the process of reducing the Republican party to an ineffectual minority or we can kiss our republic good-bye.
  17. If you don't know who actor is you should just leave the site forever.
  18. Originally posted by Cheyes That's…

    Good for you hikki


    And Bill Krozby's tattoo is pretty sweet
    Lotta great posts today

    why you hiding behind a mystery alt
  19. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and you dint get it despite having google translate translating it for you.


    Yeah... I got it. It's not the type of common you're thinking of. Like I said, you are retarded and probably just typed it into a (lol) pinyin translator. It came up with 'common' so that's all the context of the phrase you got.

    It's very easy to tell when somebody's Chinese translations come from google translate. It doesn't pick up the full meaning of the words.
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