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Posts by MexicanMasterRace



    Except Wariat

  2. Fuck God. He's a pussy. I shit in the image of your God, and I stick my dick in the mouth of Jesus. Tomorrow i will post a video of me burning a Bible in my fireplace.
  3. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 and yet, there are bible thumpers who excel equally into all of the sciences and mathematics. and it's these people who can see the entire picture as a whole. they are never blindsided or caught unprepared.

    but the comment you have provided reveals you do not fit into any of these categories. therefore, it's hard to accept your viewpoint as either plausible or legit. it's more of an opinion. and opinions are like assholes, we all have one!!

    >says guy who denies climate change
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny we dont speak here, spic.

    Yeah, I know. You don't speak. Not Spanish, not English, and definitely not Chinese.
  5. Originally posted by Solstice Republicans and their Bible thumping conservative cronies are equally retarded, just in a different way. Conservatives are fucking morons too.

    Conservatives have always been on the wrong side of history.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL Looks good on paper, but in reality, the prison industrial complex needs to be kept well fed.

    Yeah, THATS how they fill prisons. Great detective work specs
  7. Originally posted by AngryIVer Says the person who's last several posts have literally been "So you"

    Nobody even knows who you are. You have no ground to insult anyone. It's as important as the ants beneath my feet.
  8. Originally posted by Number13 For someone so proud of being a spic you sure do like other cultures more lol

    No I don't. See my username.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ That was literally on my banana laffy taffy wrapper yesterday.

    My popsicle sticks have the best jokes this side of the Mississippi
  10. Originally posted by AngryIVer No, it's because I have a job which severely limits the amount of time I'm around spics who don't have anything better to do but sell shitty stepped on coke.

    It's called the internet.
  11. Had such a good time.

    Thanks for the vodka, grandma.
  12. Originally posted by CASPER If not for us, you’d be having church in front of a ziggurat while some dude with jaguar fangs through his lips tosses your sisters skull down a flight of stairs.

    You’re welcome.

    Thats only on special occasions.
  13. Originally posted by ORACLE Islam kind of has it covered as far as not letting anyone be superior to another but people still find ways to show off. I remember during my first Umrah seeing the poor man with his plain white sheets versus the rich man with his 3 safety pinned towel type sheet that is designed to be as comfortable as possible while still technically being one unsewn sheet of fabric. People will find yin and yang wherever they can.

    How do they have it covered?
  14. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Dont get it twisted chicken, I dunk on you no matter who you're posting along side with because you're that lame.

    Thats how real niggas do it. They base it on the context of the post, not the poster.
  15. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Unrelated/Related

    Im told Korean Calligraphy is easy to learn in a week. even a day for some. Though you may not be able to speak it, you can write shit down once you understand it.

    Well its an betabet so yeah its a lot easier than Chinese or Japanese.
  16. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    I guess §m£ÂgØL never made it to the 11th Grade. Sad!

    It wasn't 'staged'

    Tons of people did it because thats what a civil protest is... organized disobedience.

    Good good you're retarded.
  17. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Many historical events were stage managed. Retards will believe anything.

    Foil hat, making up reality as he goes wrong. Those gamma waves will never reach me here in my foil hat!
  18. You must record yourself speaking them

    Break apart the words and their meaning

    Handwrite the words and post a picture

    These are the requirements for the CCP mandated HSK tests for literacy in chinese. You need to read, write, speak, and understand. It's called the 4 points of understanding.




    事已至此, 无法挽回

    “我假装听懂了, 因为我不想看上去像个傻瓜。我不明白你在说些什么。” -vinny
  19. Originally posted by Wariat Basically i told him stuff to his face that people on this very forum tell me wnd say to one another on a daily basis and he had a fit and coultn handle the truth.

    I don't care, Wariat. Please kill yourself. That's what I want for Christmas.
  20. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Rosa Parks was a secretary in a branch of the NAACP. The story is that throughout the summer a bunch of jedis tried to get various negroes to sit up front in busses, but the bus drivers either didn't give a shit or knew better than to engage. Eventually one was dumb enough to confront the negro, to her jedi owner's delight.

    Where do you think all the photographers emerged from?

    Good lord you foil hats will latch on to anything.
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