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Why is it with women the older they are (particularly pollack and slacic ones)

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That was in Czechia that they found the 5k year old gay dude. It's not a 'cave painting' it's a burial. You should read before you speak next time, it might help you come off as less stupid than you are.

    Clothes are not natural. They are a human construct made for people to live places where they weren't meant to live.

    Driving a car is not 'natural' lmao. Cars have only been around about 100 years. Commonplace and affordable for even less. And you're not European, you're in Asia. Russia is in Asia. It's not part of the European Union, now is it?

    You did say homosexuals harm society. You've said it before but you literally just went ahead and said it now anyway. Shall I go find the first quote too? "I didn't say I like watermelon! But I do love me some watermelon…"

    And here you are with the unnatural shit. Did I not already list dozens of animals, as well as examples in human history, that shows that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that has been a part of humanity for all of recorded history? Need I even mention the Greeks or Romans? Or did your 2nd world Russian history class fail to mention them.

    You've still yet to define how it harms society other than 'kids thinking it's natural' (which as I have already proven, it objectively is). But suppose we accept that it is harmful. What harm is it doing. Less babies? The destruction of masculinity (take that attitude to Sparta lmao). Please tell us what damage it does having the 1-5% of humans who are homosexuals exist. Why has society not collapsed already? There were tabletures in ancient Mesopotamia showing homosexuality. Ancient Russia was considerably more tolerant of homosexuality than Europe until Orthodox Christianity came about and your leaders began speaking French.

    You literally just believe what you do because Christians came and twisted the opinions of your people. I almost feel bad for you Russians.

    You're absolutely right.

    Go be a good faggot and succumb to your natural desires.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Uh, what? Humans HAVE had homosexuality for our entire existence. It's a natural phenomenon.

    Here's a 5,000 year old gay caveman from your side of the world:

    Ancient egyptians also had gay people. This is called Seth and Horus

    A massive chunk of the animal kingdom, including baboons, bison, bears, rats, caribou, cats, cattle, chimp, dolphins, dogs, elephants, fox, giraffe, goat, gorillas, horses, koala, lion, orangutans, orca, panda, raccoon, chickens, emus, penguins, ostrich, doves, swans, turkeys, seagulls, anglerfish, salmon, bearded dragons, geckos, garter snakes, rattlesnakes, water moccasin, turtles, frogs, toads, etc - have all been confirmed to have naturally occurring homosexual populations. There are even some animals where it is commonplace to be gay or bisexual, such as the bonobo.

    How is it that chimps, orangutans, gorillas - our closest cousins, among literally hundreds if not thousands of other species, have naturally occurring homosexuality, but you think humans just… don't? I mean if it's not naturally occurring do you think it's a choice? lmao. Why hasn't society collapsed despite evidence of thousands of years of homosexuality? It used to be encouraged for monks in Europe to have homosexual relations with one another, as it meant they would abstain from seeking a family outside of the monastery.

    And if you're so concerned with only doing what is 'natural' why do you drive a car? Why do you wear clothes? Why do you eat processed foods? Why do you drink alcohol? None of those things are natural. They are all man made inventions. Homophobia is a social construct that can be tracked with the spread of organized Abrahamic religion; a hand-me-down from the early jedis. And there's good argument to be had that it was merely constructed to differentiate between those of Abrahamic religions and those who are pagans, such as the Visigoths, who they thought to be more sexually open.

    And you never did answer my question about how it "harms society".

    I see you've done a ton of research to justify how gay you are.
  3. Originally posted by Misguided Russian You're absolutely right.

    Go be a good faggot and succumb to your natural desires.

    So you admit it. Homosexuality is natural. Thank you for seeing the reason in believing in facts over the senseless religious bigotry of the jedis.
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    §m£ÂgØL is all about the sweaty man love.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL §m£ÂgØL is all about the sweaty man love.

    Still waiting on any one of you to refute what I'm saying.

    I mean, siding with a convicted pedophile? Lol. Maybe rethink your opinions.
  6. Octavian motherfucker
    Spectral you even admitted on Zoklet you use to touch penises as a child.

    "A rite of passage" you said.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Still waiting on any one of you to refute what I'm saying.

    I mean, siding with a convicted pedophile? Lol. Maybe rethink your opinions.

    "you're either with me, or your with the PEDOS!"

    You're 100% right that you're a faggot an all, but youre stretching this whole ordeal a little far by speaking on the behalf of others. I know that this is is expected of fags, but fucking come on with that shit.
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Still waiting on any one of you to refute what I'm saying.

    I mean, siding with a convicted pedophile? Lol. Maybe rethink your opinions.

    Are you saying someone's legal history changes scientific facts
  9. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian "you're either with me, or your with the PEDOS!"

    You're 100% right that you're a faggot an all, but youre stretching this whole ordeal a little far by speaking on the behalf of others. I know that this is is expected of fags, but fucking come on with that shit.

    Do you often touch penises on the shooting range?

    Did your great grandfather rape any men during the invasion of Germany?
  10. Originally posted by Octavian Do you often touch penises on the shooting range?

    Did your great grandfather rape any men during the invasion of Germany?

    My great grandfather came to the RUssian Empire as an immigrant from germany before WWI. One of my grandfathers possibly raped german women in WW2, the other one worked in a tank factory (was previously a tractor factory) in WW2.

    I go to the woods by myself or with my wife more often than I go to the range. There are no range safety officers to bitch at you in the woods. Anybody driving past is not going to stop when they see someone in full kit with armor etc.

    Tell me more about this Snoopy character that offended you all those years ago to the point of you still holding a grudge. He was a Serb, yes?
  11. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian My great grandfather came to the RUssian Empire as an immigrant from germany before WWI. One of my grandfathers possibly raped german women in WW2, the other one worked in a tank factory (was previously a tractor factory) in WW2.

    I go to the woods by myself or with my wife more often than I go to the range.

    Post pics of your troll face wife
  12. Originally posted by Octavian Post pics of your troll face wife

    Not before you post nude selfies, faggot.

    nigger, handsome and well tanned individual, kike, faggot.
  13. Originally posted by Misguided Russian This is why its such a culture shock for so many immigrants that I know here in the u.s. In their homeland people live by the laws of nature to a greater degree than they do in the u.s.; here everything is sterile and inhumane. The laws rapidly change in their homelands as they become more "developed", as the noose tightens, but they still observe the laws of nature more-so than here nonetheless.

    While driving through downtown areas these new immigrants take pictures of obese people, guys holding hands, people dressed informally, etc., and they send these pictures to friends back at home, and they all laugh in disbelief. Where I grew up if you do any of these (except being fat if you're middle aged) then you expect to be fucked with, sometimes violently. And this is the way things should be.

    in USA you can even sue casinos after losing your money,
  14. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny in USA you can even sue casinos after losing your money,

    I know an older Ukrainian who has a gambling problem. He has no local ID or anything. He won a few thousand usd in a game then went to cash out his chips. They wanted to see his ID so he started talking their ears off. "You take my money without ID but now you want my ID to give MY money back to me?". They gave him his money real quick after that.

    In the u.s. it seems that you get your way if you complain enough.

    This same Ukrainian has done time back in Ukraine for murder. Him and friends kidnapped someone who owed them money who ended up dying in their custody. "Can you imagine doing time in prison for your own money?".

    Fucking lol.
  15. Originally posted by Misguided Russian "you're either with me, or your with the PEDOS!"

    You're 100% right that you're a faggot an all, but youre stretching this whole ordeal a little far by speaking on the behalf of others. I know that this is is expected of fags, but fucking come on with that shit.

    Look who's agreeing with you

    Vinny, who is a pedophile

    Wariat, who is a pedophile

    Their whole shtick is that they can normalize their pedophilia by equating it to homosexuality, which as we've established is a harmless and natural phenomenon. Apples to oranges rather than apples to hand grenades.

    Your opinion is an outdated belief from a religious doctrine that will die in the coming generations. The world os becoming more and more secular.
  16. Originally posted by Misguided Russian My great grandfather came to the RUssian Empire as an immigrant from germany before WWI. One of my grandfathers possibly raped german women in WW2, the other one worked in a tank factory (was previously a tractor factory) in WW2.

    I go to the woods by myself or with my wife more often than I go to the range. There are no range safety officers to bitch at you in the woods. Anybody driving past is not going to stop when they see someone in full kit with armor etc.

    Tell me more about this Snoopy character that offended you all those years ago to the point of you still holding a grudge. He was a Serb, yes?

    Lol this nigga wears armor in the woods.
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Pedophilia is no big deal though and there wasn't large amounts of kids being raped because society accepted that there were people attracted to kids and they expressed their urges through healthy outlets.

    Nowadays people get death threats and if you see any Facebook comment about a pedo its always A BULLET IS CHEAPER WHERE DO THEY LIVE ILL GIT MUH GUN AND READ THAT BOY THE NEWS YEEEEEEHAW!
  18. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    You mean an ex one. And an eyephile at that.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Look who's agreeing with you

    Vinny, who is a pedophile

    Wariat, who is a pedophile

    Their whole shtick is that they can normalize their pedophilia by equating it to homosexuality, which as we've established is a harmless and natural phenomenon. Apples to oranges rather than apples to hand grenades.

    Your opinion is an outdated belief from a religious doctrine that will die in the coming generations. The world os becoming more and more secular.

    the only reason you dont find little girls attractive is because your gay.

    all normal, hetero guys find little girls attractive and alluring, and the only difference is whether they openly admit it, or they lie about it.

    i mean, look at her, how could anyone who like girls not like this.

  20. That's an argument only pedophiles say because their brains are too small to think outside themselves and imagine anybody not wanting to fuck innocent little children.

    If I saw you on the street, I would kill you. Pedophiles are the scum of the earth.

    And for the last time I am not opening your pictures.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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