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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Not American, didn't read.
  2. gore your ass like a rhino

    rare breed like a rhino

    tough as hell like a rhino

    In the history of mankind, nobody has ever messed with a rhino and won

    you know why?

    rhino don't fuck around
  3. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I grew up in an upscale small town next to my state's capital

    Krotz you literally live in a broken down trailer park looking building in bumfuck Egypt and you have completely abandoned your daughter so you could live a cartoon depiction of 1990s mtv.
    Go buy a dictionary and look up the word self-awareness.

    lol you've already told us about your bottom tier urban hovel

    just stop
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Mexicans get extremely frightened by brujas. It's in their blood.

  5. Originally posted by Octavian Incel Beatle looking faggot that got wasted on Narcos season 4, eat shit and suck my God like aesthetic cock you inbred scum. Oh my fucking God §m£ÂgØL are you reading this, put this Putin loving Napoleon/ Hitler subdued cunt to rest.

    You know his pasty ass rubs one out to Putin every night lmao. Have you seen his kitchen? The counter is literally like the cheapest quartz fabrication you can buy. Plain white. Probably has bits of mirror lmao
  6. Yea i got super scared pls dont do again thnx
  7. Originally posted by ORACLE Asiam just can't accept he has been utterly debunked tbh

    Regressives like him often ignore the objective truth.
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Ladies and gentlemen, gather round

    today I will talk to you about what getting fucked in the ass feels like. We will go over the process, some tips and tricks, and then ultimately what it actually feels like. This advice goes for cocks, dildos, highlighters, and anything else you can think of. Feel free to throw in your own comments and discussion. No ruskies allowed in this thread.

    Now, to begin with you're going to want to loosen your sphincter up. A lot of people think that you can just have a 'loose asshole' but if you have one that means you've probably damaged it. This is completely avoidable. Take it slow, and use plenty of lube. Essentially you're going to want to massage the area until your butthole opens up wide enough to stick things in it. Cuccumbers, cocks, it literally does not matter. This is an essential step for using anything bigger than a pen. Which if you're going to use, make sure the end cap can't come off and get lodged up there. That's an embarrassing hospital trip!

    Ideally you're going to want something long and moderately fat. For the guys out there, the fatter objects are going to stimulate your prostate, which feels great! All guys have a prostate, and all guys can feel pleasure this way. Even if you aren't gay, you can still get a dildo to stimulate it!

    Now as for what it feels like, this varies between objects. The penis is not too entertaining and usually the guy will finish before you've had your turn! So I suggest keeping toys on hand just in case. As the asshole does not have too many nerve endings, you're really going to want to go for something smooth and wide.

    thanks for reading I wish you all a good ass fucking
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Today, those Mexicans have 7 fingers left.

    Mexicans just regrow their fingers like geckos. Same with teeth.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You should never peel a potato, the skin has the most vitamins etc in it and it's tasty as fuck.

    Only fat folk peel their potatoes.

    You obviously don't cook. Not all potato skin is for eating.

    And no, the skin doesn't have the most vitamins. That's probably just what your mom told you so she could finish dinner quicker and go off to the corner.

  11. fona has no ass lol
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, gather round

    today I will talk to you about what getting fucked in the ass feels like. We will go over the process, some tips and tricks, and then ultimately what it actually feels like. This advice goes for cocks, dildos, highlighters, and anything else you can think of. Feel free to throw in your own comments and discussion. No ruskies allowed in this thread.

    Now, to begin with you're going to want to loosen your sphincter up. A lot of people think that you can just have a 'loose asshole' but if you have one that means you've probably damaged it. This is completely avoidable. Take it slow, and use plenty of lube. Essentially you're going to want to massage the area until your butthole opens up wide enough to stick things in it. Cuccumbers, cocks, it literally does not matter. This is an essential step for using anything bigger than a pen. Which if you're going to use, make sure the end cap can't come off and get lodged up there. That's an embarrassing hospital trip!

    Ideally you're going to want something long and moderately fat. For the guys out there, the fatter objects are going to stimulate your prostate, which feels great! All guys have a prostate, and all guys can feel pleasure this way. Even if you aren't gay, you can still get a dildo to stimulate it!

    Now as for what it feels like, this varies between objects. The penis is not too entertaining and usually the guy will finish before you've had your turn! So I suggest keeping toys on hand just in case. As the asshole does not have too many nerve endings, you're really going to want to go for something smooth and wide.

    thanks for reading I wish you all a good ass fucking
  13. Originally posted by Bill Krozby it doesn't matter when it was, the fact that you would hang out with manson family is what shows your true colors.

    Nah not really. You already called me a goodie two shoes. You gotta pick one Bill Krozby boy. Can't have it both ways.

    I can though

    cuz im bizexuaul
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein You’re obviously not an Authentic Mexican because you’d know that Mexicans can get dark af lol

    Stick to taco smell, Hector ;)

    ??? Yeah but not black black. Just dark brown. Even the natives who don't speak any Spanish at all and just sell trinkets on the side of the road aren't really that dark. And they're not really 'Mexican' they have their own culture. You gotta go down to South America to find where they sent all the Africans. Like Cubans and Brazilians can get really really dark because a lot of them are mostly African.

    I've lived in Mexico and speak it as a first language, don't try and talk shit to me. Your fajitas suck. Next time stick to throwing dried watermelon on your fresh watermelon and leave my people's spices out of it.

    Maybe if you're nice I'll give you a real Mexican recipe.

  15. Nah you've been debunked.
  16. Human scum bag, nice Bill Krozby. Worth the edit.

    Couldn't even just say cum bag
  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby and you let that kind of guy fuck your ass?

    This was long after.
  18. Originally posted by Misguided Russian You're right on the money with this one, faggot.

    How is your dicksucking quote coming along?

    My... quote?
  19. Originally posted by CASPER babbys dont do much sleeping around hydros ex

    Funfact: She (apparently) kicked him out at gun point after he picked up the baby by the neck and started threatening to kill him
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