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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CASPER Tell me about it. Its like 50 degrees im gonna have to get a blanket from the garage.

    Lol it was like 40-50 here today and I was outside in a tshirt. Feels warm as fuck. Melting the snow :)
  2. Originally posted by Yes.

    Can I post it here or link it from Google?


  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I've seen your mines and they suck. Going straight down to the bedrock and clearing out a massive box LOL who even mines like that?

    I turned on x-ray and you missed a dozen diamond nodes just behind your giant box. I can tell you found a lot of redstone though because you didn't even bother mining it!


    I own the fucking bedrock. I've made mines so incredible you get lost in there. long paths separated by 2 blocks for the walls. You will see everything that's underground. See how amazing and large my base was compared to everyone else? I had a bridge over a canyon nigga. I built a road to spawn. I mine like the fucking Romans. I create empires.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Nice anal guide that doesn't mention hygiene at all you dirty queer scat fetish freak.

    why would you need hygeine? Wash out with cum. Problem solved.
  5. Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN I know. You keep asking for free 100% custom LOLcats and never give a story.

    WTF I'm working on it?! You can't rush perfection.
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby this chick I hung out with a few years ago didn't smoke weed and now she does and "sells" it she's a bit older than me and hit me up wanting to hang and if I wanted to smoke some "flowers" with her lol.. it was just kinda weird how she always referred to it as that. And she acted like bringing some over to my place was like a big deal.

    I think the deal is the guy she lives with / fucks smokes and she just got into it.

    Here most people just call it weed or bud

    I think calling it pot comes off as really antiquated almost kinda marginalizing because most people that I hear call it "pot" seem to be boomers that don't smoke and see it as something bad kinda like how "u fookin pot heads are all a bunch of fukin loser'

    It's kinda cute when you see someone who just started though. Like they'll get all excited or just REALLY quiet, and they're so funny about using it. I had an old coworker telling me she didn't like to sleep when she got high because she felt like she was wasting it. Shit's adorable. I brought my mod for wax once and blew their minds.
  7. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i still take the "ends" and wrap em all into 1 big blunt. best high, in terms of hemp!!

    this nibba smokn hemp
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL It's probably an infection, so anti-inflammatory tablets won't do shit.

    yeah you gotta remember to milk yourself oct
  9. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Vinyl is amazing. I don't have any CDs, I burned them all, no joke, and replaced them with vinyls.

    I threw mine out a few years ago. Only bought them because I was a kid who didn't know better. They sound like nails on a chalkboard, idk. Vinyl is clearly superior.

    Anyway this is my collection. I have a few in the living room too.

  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "Anyone see the Texas Church Shooting?"

    Is that like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

    Coming to you summer 2020
  11. Originally posted by If government makes all the decisions, and your voice means nothing, and you get on a watchlist of tree huggers, you are never gonna get inside government and affect policy.

    Lol what like bernie sanders whi has 50yrs in politics and got arrested in civil rights movements?
  12. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Not only do you have shit taste in music you have shit taste in men as well.

    Lol are you saying you have good taste in men

    Do you think thi Trent Reznor is sexy? Would you cuddle up to him at night, and let him whisper sweet nothings into your ear as he pounds you gently to sleep?
  13. Originally posted by Like say you just started college. You have all these groups handing out flyers, sometimes by attractive people. You want to feel important. You want to go to keggers. You sign up.

    What does this do to the future of your life?

    Everything is digitised.

    Not much really. Tree a doo had black face and nobody really gave a shit.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, it's not hydraulically removing the skins of tomatoes ready for canning.

    Uhhh, okay loser.
  15. Who r u
  16. Originally posted by Technologist I love milk in my tea!

    Its VILE.

    Tea IN milk however is pretty good. But no water.
  17. Originally posted by tee hee hee No, wrong. Make it green tea.🤢🤮

    I ran out :(

    Usually i drink earl grey. Double strength.

    Have some oolong left but not a lot and it's my favorite so i try to save it
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not a boomer, I'm a cool GenX-er, it's fine for us to throw out food…anyway I'm doing a community service by doing that..what would the homeless people dumpster dive for if I wasn't throwing away soggy tomatoes (covered in liquid soap)?

    Ok boomer
  19. Is not what I thought it was
  20. Put fucking spearmint in it
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