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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Sometimes i light black candles around it and pray
  2. Originally posted by Netflxchillr i can't help it that you do/can understand my language 🖕🏻 crystal clear!

    I speak many languages. Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, German, English, and retard.

    Your mom taught it to me ;)
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I just threw away 1lb of tomatoes that I hadn't used and they were starting to go soft, does it make you mad that I wasted your hard work?

    Not my hard work.

    You should be disgusted with yourself for throwing out food. Fucking boomer.
  4. Also: people who call weed "dope"
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Work smarter not harder…

    Thats the white people way of saying "I am on disability"
  6. I wrote a script to block vinnie. I'll pm it to you
  7. Its for protection against the elements.

    You might know that if you had ever worked a day in your life.
  8. Originally posted by Netflxchillr erm… is there suppose to be something "wrong" with COCK? in my mouth? im a woman… im "supposed" to like cock in my mouth! & i do– very much, BTW😆

    erm, PS… ^that isn't "insulting" ME!! on the contraire.

    I don't care if you're a woman. That shit is gay. Faggot.
  9. Originally posted by Netflxchillr Erm… "idiot speak" is a language i don't understand, let-alone never wish to speak it!!


    You seem quite fluent
  10. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal That would be Trent Reznor

    No its justin beiber. I have a full size poster (shirtless) in my room. Right next to all my vinyl
  11. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Imagine caring about celebrities

    Imagine not caring about the hottest guy on earth
  12. We've already had people posting actual legislature and quotes from harvard law professors

    You have nothing of the sort. Just empty words and corporate cocks in your mouth.
  13. Hard workers.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Except you can make your own.

    No u cant its impossible.
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL Now you're just babbling incoherently and throwing random words into sentences.

    I wanted to speak your language
  16. Ah yes, i think I've heard of it. Barbegazi, is it?
  17. I love seeing this twisted logic where Repubcans are now defending Bill Clinton as innocent.

    No senate removal so he didnt get impeached. And for that matter no president has ever been impeached!
  18. This is mega dumb
  19. It's a new nipple.
  20. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Also cds objectively sound better than vinyl.
    If you're a retard who wants higher fidelity audio there is sacd and DVD-a.

    Like I said i wouldn't expect a normie like you to hear the difference. It takes, you know, skill, and talent. I wouldn't be caught dead listening to a CD.
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