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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by aldra honestly seems a bit too gay

  2. Bill Krozby, if they're bleeding you're doing it wrong.
  3. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Security is supposed to be a cozy job, you're just paid to hang around, which means you're free to read, write, shitpost, etc.

    so pretty much what I do already
  4. It was a security job. I'm gonna call them tomorrow when it's a more reasonable hour.

    Also got an email within like 15 minutes from this janitorial company. 2 hours a day @ 12/h lol. No thanks. Not worth getting up at like 5am for that.
  5. Joke's on lanny my info is worthless
  6. Originally posted by Technologist Yup, sure would if they hurt my child or grandchildren. You bet cha!

  7. Maybe I'd have it done by now if you stopped being stingy with the LOLcats
  8. He's a Canadian so I don't expect him to be up to date
  9. unsubbed
  10. Originally posted by Solstice Gay porn studio?

    No but that would be pretty awesome
  11. Are you all just letting your dogs wander wherever? No fences?
  12. Got a job interview offer but I can't tell to where. Lady on the phone was not clear and both the number she gave me and the one she called from don't show up on google. I feel embarrassed to ask lol
  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um if it's dismissed by the Senate he will no longer be impeached…fucking lol.

    Lol ok so Bill Clinton wasnt impeached either since he wasnt removed by the Senate. Got it.
  14. Originally posted by Obbe lol u serious nigga

    Yep. Better than anything u guys have ever made. Shit was top tier luxury
  15. Originally posted by itybit Artic Marble Fox

    This is a good one.

    They (Russians) actually domesticated the red fox a while back. It doesn't have that stark white fur (though the arctic fox would probably have it's summer fur most of the time where you live anyway, especially indoors) but it's still pretty cool to have a domesticated fox.

    I think they bred it to be domesticated within 15 or 20 years or something crazy. Makes me wonder what else we could domesticate.
  16. On a side note though, when I lived with hydro her neighbor actually did shoot at her dogs at least once a week when they'd run onto his property. Don't think he was actually trying to hit one, but he did once. The dog took it surprisingly well. Completely legal too. It's interesting how you're worried about even using a bb gun.

    What kind of dog is it anyway? You can probably just scare it off without a gun if you aren't a pussy. It might not relate the gun to the pain and just get angrier anyway. I've scared off coyotes who were circling around me and my 30lb dog. Most canines are scaredy fucks who are not about to fight something multiple times their weight. Some yelling and posturing is all you need. Big stick just in case.

    Also isn't the process of training a working dog more regulated there? How is it not socialized to be around other animals.
  17. Get some vacuum cleaners and line your fence with them. That dog will never fuck with you again.
  18. It becomes domesticated and small enough to fit in your house.

    I've always wanted a tapir. Apparently they are very friendly already.
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They are all long dead (Last one died about 30yrs ago) and they were all cremated and ashes scattered…so not sure what's left to fuck.

    go to where the ashes are scattered, dig a hole in the ground, and fuck it.
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