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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Speedy Parker So you met with all of them and they agree? Because 34% of blacks support Trump and 37% of latinos support Trump. So based on that it looks like blacks and browns, just like everyone just can't all agree.

    Wrong. All the illegals who vote, vote Democrat. And there are way more of us than the legals hahahahaa
  2. I forgot to mention he also tried to fuck his family dog but his dick was too big.
  3. Originally posted by G Watching Mike Tyson Mysteries debating which snow gear to rock on my West Va. excursion next week, I copped some white & black DC Judge snowboard boots so if I go all white & black I'll have a gully Stormtrooper look lol.

    That show is fucking cringey
  4. Poor quality
  5. Originally posted by Isn't he supposed to be God's official representative on Earth and divine in a similar manner to Jesus?

    He's human too and this woman yanked him. It was barely a slap. It's kinda ridiculous to expect him to be perfect. I'd much rather have a leader who can admit he's faliable than one who pretends to be perfect.
  6. Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i remember reading this or something about this when i was like 16

    did you fap to it
  7. sounds like a terry pratchett book
  8. Lol what the fuck that's actually him. Amazing.
  9. If you're not aware, this is a book about a guy who has sex-


    -makes love to a dolphin. I promise it's crazier than you think a book about sex with a dolphin would be. If you want to discover this thrilling read for yourself, please stop reading here.

    It starts out simple enough. Our protagonist is a photographer tasked with taking dolphin photos for a local writer. One day he gets into the pool with a dolphin named Ruby, who begins rubbing her 'genital slit' against his leg. This makes him question his sexuality. He decides to try communicating further with the dolphin and manages to teach it basic English within a matter of hours. He also learns to speak a bit of dolphin.

    One night he's getting stoned and hears a voice in his head, which he has full blown conversations with. Turns out to be Ruby. They begin having conversations, with Ruby trying to find out more about human life. Eventually he starts learning about dolphin life while alone in his room. At Ruby's advice, he gets naked and starts flopping around on his bed, mimicking the motions of a dolphin at sea, until he has a violent seizure that causes him to break his bed. His roommate comes in wondering what the fuck is going on, and he lies and says he was masturbating, because that's arguably less embarrassing than seizing out due to delusions of becoming an astral dolphin.

    Ruby continues to masturbate on him, and a few times while nobody is watching he uses his hands. The author goes through GREAT lengths to illustrate that the dolphin was coming on to him. He never had much luck with women. The one relationship he had in the book ends when he eats some old food around the stove burner. Like the stuff that falls out when you stir to hard. He argues with his girlfriend saying it was perfectly good food. By this point it is clear that the mentality of a dolphin is getting to him. Multiple times he mentions how dolphin pussy is smoother and more silky than any girl in playboy magazine.

    Eventually he does have sex with the dolphin, and it is extremely romantic. "This isn't just sex, it's love, it's passion". Fuck. I cannot believe I read this far. The dolphin sex scene is like a whole chapter by itself. They have some trouble finding a good position at first but finally manage to fuck underwater. The dolphin apparently surfaces for air so that he can breathe, 'understanding his needs'. God.

    He then leaves for a job and the dolphin ends up dying of loneliness about 6 months later. They don't give a reason whatsoever. "It just died." He then begins to commune with the dolphin again, through the afterlife. It doesn't seem to understand it's death. Just one stage to the next. At one point it tries to get him to stop breathing or moving in an attempt to kill him and bring him to the afterlife.

    Evidently 25 years later and he still hallucinates conversations with this dolphin whenever he visits a beach. He becomes Wiccan and equates the voices to the closest thing he has to God.

    All and all this is the weirdest book I have ever fucking read and I am disgusted with how much of it I didn't skim through. I only intended on flipping through to the sex scene out of curiosity but I should've known better when the prologue said shit like "I DID NOT INTEND TO FALL IN LOVE WITH A FUCKING DOLPHIN".

    10/10 would recommend
  10. lol @ hikki still defending poverty discs

    Meanwhile I'm just sitting here feeling the music in my bones

    feels good
  11. no good ideas so far

    keep trying guys
  12. Originally posted by Sudo my girlfriend wants me to stop taking prescription opiates. Not specifically for my health but because she read an article about them reducing sperm count and is now determined to get pregnant this year help

    Start taking more opiates as a defense mechanism. Offer to get a puppy instead.
  13. China and Russia are 100% not entering ww3 with America over Iran.

    Hitler only got his ass kicked because he wanted all of Europe. Europeans, Russians, and Americans didn't step in till they had to. Right now we have genocide going on and nobody really cares too much.

    Iran would get demolished in a global war.
  14. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Iran has China and possibly Russia on their side.

    The US is fucked.
    This is why we deal with the kikes and pissrael, they're our military base in the middle east.

    Lmao no.
  15. No
  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker There hasn't been a draft in the US since 1973 you fuckwit. Our armed forces, the most powerful military in recorded human history, is proudly an all volunteer effort.

    There's still a draft for emergencies. You're legally obligated to sign up for it bit nobody does even though its a felony. They can just add your name anyway if it comes to it tho.

    And no its not volunteer lol. People get paid, retard. Most people do it for the free education and benefits, not some sense of patriotism. If we had a first world education system people probably wouldn't wanna join anymore.
  17. I dont read cd fag posts lol. Cant take a guy with a cd collection seriously. Honestly just throw them out, do yourself a favor.
  18. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yeah ok. Black people hate Mexicans. I used to watch the black and the browns kick each others asses over day labor on D street in the 90s.

    Wrong kiddo. We all love each other. We are brothers and sisters against the white man.
  19. Originally posted by Erekshun lol, Trump took in 45 million. Funny shit right?

    Lol yes because he's a corrupt Republican taking money from millionaires

    Disney, banks, casinos, super PACs, oil companies, big pharma, etc. All people who benefit from the reduction in taxes to the rich that Trump implemented. i.e. less money that goes towards public systems.


    Retirees, health professionals, civil servants, educators, unions, etc.

    Now you tell me which one best represents the interests of the people?
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