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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Hikki are you ever going to answer my questions? They're very simple. You seem to have strong opinions on music that 'breaks the rules' so I'd like to hear you define what those rules are.

    If you actually knew what music theory was, you'd recognize it was more than a language. I can tell you don't even know what the difference between A major and G# are

    wanna know how I can tell?

    You can't even tell me how your noise music you love so much is different. You just hear other people talk about it and latch onto those ideas without truly understanding it, then you go off spouting terms you don't understand how to use.

    Music theory is more a language than anything. It's learning to speak music, and learning innately to understand what sounds good and what doesn't. To break the rules, you first have to be competent in them. You can only do so much by ear. I mean, I'm still learning after playing by ear for 5 years, but goddamn can you do some cool shit with it once you understand even the basics. It gives you a framework for which you can design your songs, whether you're following a simple progression or choosing to go outside them, it doesn't matter. Music theory isn't just about the progressions and keys. It's like learning the betabet.

    Here are some examples of people "breaking the rules':

    Breaks from his key of C

    Double perfect intervals, breaking the rule of harmonics

    same thing as above

    If you think 'noise' is special in this regard... lol. You're just looking for an excuse to not actually learn how to play music. Beat on your keys all you want, but you're not getting anywhere without at least learning some basic chords and shit.
  2. Also conservatives: "The world is overpopulated"
  3. Originally posted by Sophie We have a lot more than that. Someone needs to make sure we're not under water most of the time, that job is for The Count of Dykes.

    Those are dikes

    I'm talking about lesbians
  4. Originally posted by Sophie Oh and i guess we still have The Count of Dykes, which is a holdover from ye olden times and more of a job title than anything.

    One dyke

    two dykes

  5. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Go back to mexico and stay there

    But then how will I steal the jobs?
  6. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal If you watched that video you would know what my answer is (which I have already posted numerous times today)

    You haven't. And if you have, do us a kindness and say it again.

    I want you to articulate it in your own words. I'm not watching any video.
  7. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You have drug abuse … and legal prostitution.

    Sounds like a win to me.
  8. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal My point is to not even think about theory at all and approach music from your own perspective

    Watch that video interview of Genesis P-Orridge, maybe read some of their interviews as well.

    I asked you to tell me what's so bad about music theory. Why are you circling around and refusing to answer? What does "approach music from your own perspective" mean? Not holding a root? What type of texture does noise music have when compared to music "composed with music theory"?

    Please, I'm dying to know. teach us won't you?
  9. C'mon hikki. Let's see it.

    Which one is A minor and which one is G sharp, the first or the second key?
  10. Originally posted by Sophie If anything i would expect Americans above any people to reject Monarchy.

    With people like Trump appointing his family as party members, trying to extend his term, and overreaching the system of checks and balances we have in this country?

    With Bush sr. and jr?

    Americans love a good nepotistic government. As long as you call them 'president' instead of 'king', and as long as it's THEIR party who is in power, it's all good.
  11. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Music is about expressing yourself and exploring sound, not chasing about outdated concepts such as music theory and talent.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Stuff that relies on "music theory" rather than expressionism.

    You seem to think music theory just means "rules" and seem to believe those rules apply to music you don't like, despite you not being able to hear the difference between A minor and #G.

    Why don't you tell us what's wrong with big bad music theory, hmmm?
  12. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Yeah it's not like I don't have pdfs about music theory or anything

    Anybody can download a pdf lol. I have probably hundreds of books on my kindle. Doesn't mean I've read them all.

    The fact that you think music theory is the antithesis to expressionism shows me that you do not know anything about music theory. I mean can you even triad bruh
  13. I'm meeting a new friend today.

    Can't wait :D
  14. this nigga does not understand what music theory is lol
  15. The Big Red Button is just an ordinary button, just lying around. It seems to have a purpose, or maybe it doesn't. I don't know, I'm just the narrator, I read stuff that the operators have programmed into me. Where was I? Oh yeah. Many have seen that the big red button has a purpose, well because it's lying there and all. If it's lying there then it has to do something, what does it do, what does it want. Many people have pondered what that big red button might do, and some have pushed that big red button to see what it does. Some have died pressing that red button, some have had weird stuff happened when they pressed the red button. Well I'm going to tell you this, do not press the big red button, ever. And I mean it. DON'T. PUSH. THAT. BUTTON!

    Why shouldn't you press the button, you ask?

    Well why you shouldn't push it is an important one, I am almost stressing it at this point. 2 maybe 3 people on a journey stopped along that big red button and thought to themselves "Hey, maybe I should press that big red button. It might do something.", then they pushed it and they were... I don't know what happened, they were probably killed, or sucked into space, or both. Anyways, something happened and I ended up on earth. That's why you shouldn't push the big red button, you may experience what they've experience. You may be killed, you may be sucked, you may even be raped!!! But you'll probably reading this disregarding this as improbable, but please, make it probable so that you can survive. Or not, it's your choice. But don't say I didn't warn you.

  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL Even if he doesn't have anti-freeze poisoning, it never hurts to let him have some.

    ok boomer
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood gay?

    Lesbians are the last thing I need in my life
  18. Originally posted by stl1 Casings 101 | 2018-12-17 | MEAT+POULTRY › articles › 20631-casings-101

    Dec 17, 2018 - Some casings function as edible transparent skins, while others are inedible coverings that are either removed during manufacturing or by the consumer prior to eating. Historically sausage makers have used natural collagen casings, which are the cleaned and fat-stripped intestines from cows, hogs or sheep.

    I think they're mainly cellulose now. It's cheaper and more reliable. Also the same stuff they wrap cigarettes and CD's with, but I think it undergoes a different treatment, so you can't just eat cellophane.
  19. Originally posted by Technologist It kinda does, just looks like ramen with parsley.

    Texture is a big thing for me. I can only imagine them to be rubbery to chew on.

    If you zoom in you can see a piece of intestine.

    They're really not rubbery. It has a nice bite but if it's cooked properly it won't be tough like that. It's really pretty soft.

    You should visit your local carniceria and pick up some of those carnitas with intestine. Whenever we get some I eat them out of the pan as it's cooking. They're the best part.

    I've tried a lot of organs like liver, brains, tongue, penis, stomach, and they all either have a weird texture or no flavor. Liver is okay grilled sometimes. But intestine is king imo.

    Really craving some now.
  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL Beer, weed, oxys, what-have-you.

    Lol you've never touched an oxy in your life

    Related: I found an interesting page suggesting your vet should give your dog IV vodka in the event of antifreeze poisoning.
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