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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Sophie That reminds me, anyone have any good Demon Possession movies to recommend?

    Have you seen VVitch
  2. Originally posted by mmQ Sadly, I wanted to learn about good music from hikki, but now I can never trust him if hes being real. He says one thing and does another. Doea that mean that he maybe hates all the music he is pretending to love? We just cant know anymore since he has lost all credibility with his contradicting statements. For shame.

  3. Originally posted by cigreting Bigotry? Nice try faggot, read my post again since you can't comprehend what I said. And no I'm not referring to a RACE scholarship you fucking retard. I was denied ANY and ALL I applied for because of the fact that I am a WHITE MALE and I come from a 2 PARENT HOUSEHOLD that has their SHIT TOGETHER. Capitalized since you missed those simple parts to my last post.
    Most of the criteria for theses scholarships are 1) can't be a white male 2)have to come from a family that has nothing. Its as as simple as that. Prove it, otherwise shut the fuck up.

    Nice try to make me out to be a complainer, just stating the facts that its really reverse racism.

    By the way I got to where I am with little to no help from anyone. Anytime you'd like to compare assets let me know faggot

    Lol ok boomer. Just don't pm me your angry rants anymore. Its annoying.
  4. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country And if you're angry at being raised in a single parent household perhaps the person you should blame is your mother.

    Eh. I'd be more mad at the father. At least she kept him alive and instilled racism in him and shit
  5. Let us not forget that I dismantled his entire argument right here.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 150 BPM is a really common BPM, steady meter the whole song too

    Has a very basic triad. I think Cmaj? Might be wrong but that's definitely a triad.

    The singing sounding stuff at around 7min in is literally just a basic 1-5-6-4 chord progression

    I think you just like it because it sounds weird
  6. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Hiki your argument makes no sense.

    "i did x"
    "i am a victim of x. Therefore you are a hypocrite."

    I mean wtf? Do you know what hypocrite even is?

    His arguments have not made any sense this entire thread lol
  7. You'd be angry too if you were stuck in a small town with no job, no transportation, and no friends.
  8. Originally posted by cigreting You have never been to any level of education higher than high school. You apply for federal aid before each year.
    And throughout my 6 years i never recieved anything less than a b on any assignment ever, faggot.

    Uh says who?

    If you didn't qualify for federal aid or scholarships that's not my problem. Take your bigotry somewhere else. You do understand those race scholarships are privately funded right? People can do whatever they want with their money. If they wanna give it to master race Mexicans that is their prerogative. You're not entitled to private money, fag.

    And only a poorfag complains about this shit. Rich people like me were able to go to college without a dent in the bank.
  9. Lol they'd probably turn him away. Psychs do that when you're really crazy or use drugs. "I don't specialize in this try this person"
  10. Lol hikki is triggered as fuck
  11. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I've posted several different genres in this thread

    I don't listen to your music like I don't stick broken glass in my ear.
  12. Originally posted by Misguided Russian I, in my knowledge, is so overwhelmed that I seem to be already one hundred trillion billion years old, living on trillions and trillions of the same planets, you know? Like this earth. I already understand this world absolutely, and here I am looking for only one thing: peace, peace, and this harmony from merging with the infinitely eternal. From the contemplation of this great fractal resemblance and from this wonderful all-unity of an infinitely eternal being - look everywhere: at least in depth - infinitely small, at least upward - infinitely large, you know? And you tell me again with yours there. Go fussing further, your distribution is your path and your horizon of knowledge, sensation and your nature. And he is incomparably shallow compared to mine, you know? It’s like I’m already a deep old man immortal or almost immortal there, which is on this planet from its very origin, even when the sun had just just formed like a star and this gas and dust cloud … after the explosion of the Sun, when it flared up like a star and began to form conservative planets, you know? It’s as if I have been living on this Earth for five billion years and I know it far and wide, this whole world. And you to me there are some of these. I walk as a deep old man, having seen the eternal, having touched the divine, I myself have become god-like and striving into this infinite. Which in peace, tranquility, harmony, grace, in this innermost bliss abides, involved in everything and everything, you understand? That's all. That is our difference, so to speak. I’m going to admire the universe, and you’re going to be full of some kind. That’s the whole difference, understand? You do not see this eternal infinite, you do not need it. But then you are, so to speak, more active, like this woodpecker is hollowing or an ant that is very active in its path, that’s all. So come on, our paths here, so to speak, have, of course, the brink of similarity, because everything is one, but you are me … I understand you perfectly, but you are unlikely, because as if I, you and how would I keep you in me - all your nature. She makes up one little grain of sand there from what is in me, you know? That's all. So come on, go, and I went to enjoy

    Didnt read
  13. Must suck to only like one genre of obscure shitty music

    I'll stick with my Frank Sinatra thanks
  14. Originally posted by Technologist Yup, each day is getting worse. She has fallen face first every time she leans forward today. She couldn’t get her back legs up twice today.☹️

    Butttt, she got two chicken breasts for dinner tonight and probably tomorrow as well. Tuesday I wanna get her a steak before we go. I liked that idea.🥩

    She is so loved :) What a good meal for a doggie. She'll be happy with that steak.

    I gave my dog a piece of ham today. He wishes he had chicken.
  15. Originally posted by Misguided Russian The world is indeed overpopulated. Stopping people from reproducing by selling them homosexuality is not the way to curb overpopulation.

    There need to be mass graves forming quickly to curb overpopulation. Its the only way. It is also good for the earth because fertilizer n shiet.

    remember the 6 gorillion goy

    Very nuanced opinion from the russian agent
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'm meeting a new friend today.

    Can't wait :D

    Update: he's really fucking cute
  17. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Besides the racial angle Megan and her family are apparently bydlo as fuck.

    Seka bleiat
  18. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal If you want pretty and accessible noise look into Fennesz

    Do you listen to anything that's actually good
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