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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Frala's been dipping into her benzo prescription today

    You go girl
  2. Originally posted by mmQ When a person posts 420 on here, I will ALWAYS look at the timestamps to see if they're accurate.

    Icognitu..netflx… same person to me.

    Happy 420
  4. Yeah, bad music.
  5. Originally posted by cigreting yea u would eat dik
    did u suk it of first

    No. It was deer penis and it was fried and chopped into egg rice. It was delicious.
  6. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Do they actually say either of those things?


    If everyone were gay, Earth would be a better place.
  7. Originally posted by HTS Lanny pls wordenhancement Israel to Coruscant. Thank you.

    Lanny pls
  8. Originally posted by cigreting Heres a great way to put your economic situation into context to show how fucking stupid you are messican race

    When i went to college i recieved exactly 0 dollars for scholarships due to thr fact that i am 1) white and 2) because my parents arent pieces of shit and have their life together

    Niggers and single women got all the scholarships.

    Its that white privilege again right faggot?

    You got all F's thats why
  9. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal If we adopt automation there won't be any jobs

    yang 2020
  10. France is in Eurasia, retard.

  11. I will take your Switch and anything else you don't need. Thank you.
  12. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You still don't understand the point I was making

    Which is...??

    I already showed you how you were wrong about 'breaking the rules' by showing you classics I knew you'd shit on.

    Then I pointed out how your 'noise' that 'breaks all da rulez yo' is really just weirdo sounding music but does in fact follow established concepts in music theory.

    So really... what's your point? Because if you've been paying attention, we have already established that the 'rules' of music theory are constantly 'broken'.
  13. And I don't blame you. The dude is hot. I'd let him bend me over any day.
  14. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I appreciate his sense of fashion you retarded pervert

    Yeah that's why you 'hnnnng'd' isn't it?

    The only think you appreciate about him is his fat korean cock he's got hiding in those pants.
  15. Like I said earlier, you're just trying to excuse your complete lack of musical ability by dismissing the reliable language by which all professional composers speak.

    Bill Krozby says he plays by ear. Doesn't mean he isn't good. But I'm willing to bet that a lot of his chord progressions follow established music theory concepts, because that's what sounds good.

    If you want real 'noise' that doesn't follow any established rules, go listen to traffic. Or better yet, play in it.
  16. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal My whole point and the point of this thread was to disregard music theory and any expectation of what music should be.
    It's the philosophy of bands such as Throbbing Gristle and those they have influenced and inspired, and they were neither the first to adopt that mindset.

    Music as you understand it is limited and confined to a box.
    My whole point is to embrace music as sound art rather than a skill.

    My point is that you literally don't understand what music theory is. It applies to all music. It is the framework of what sounds good to our ears. It's a language. Even when you 'break the rules' (meaning, the rule of harmonics) there's a term or definition for it, like the parallel octaves I was talking about. Or playing one note off key.
  17. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Mexican, listen to this.

    An example of a musician not defined by music theory, or rules.
    Truly "rule breaking" music.
    But go ahead and tell me how your boomer pop is more avant garde.

    150 BPM is a really common BPM, steady meter the whole song too

    Has a very basic triad. I think Cmaj? Might be wrong but that's definitely a triad.

    The singing sounding stuff at around 7min in is literally just a basic 1-5-6-4 chord progression

    I think you just like it because it sounds weird
  18. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Those songs you just posted are pop rock.
    There is nothing "rule breaking" about them.
    It's hilarious that those are your examples.

    They are rule breaking.... I detailed explicitly how they break the rules. This just further shows you have absolutely no fucking idea what music theory is. People have been 'breaking the rules' for centuries.

    Like I said, it's a language, not a stringent set of rules. If you can't discuss how your 'noise' music is different in an objective, factual way (as opposed to "durrrr ur music bad mine good") then you really have no comprehension at all of what you're trying to lecture everyone here on. Give me a progression example. Tell me in what ways they break key (and if you think those songs aren't in any specific key... lol).

    But I know you can't do that. This is basically like trying to have a conversation with someone who cannot speak and knows no language, yet is adamant that their nonsensical babbling is the best form of communication. Although in that scenario the person wouldn't be able to communicate their retard ideas. I unfortunately don't have that luxury with you.
  19. Originally posted by frala You said you weren’t looking for sympathy so what does it matter if someone doesn’t meet those measures in their responses? Also, you argued for days about whether or not someone was dead without knowing if their family could see the forum or read any of the comments which could have been interpreted as insensitive. Does that mean you don’t have a son? No.

    Lol fuck sploo. I hope his parents read every last word. He was a piece of shit and so were his parents for raising him. I hope he's actually dead.

    Dogs? Dogs don't hurt anyone. None of them deserve to die or suffer. They deserve the best we can give them.

    What I'm saying here is that I care more about stray dogs than I do sploo. I care more about the rats in my attic than I do sploo. I care more about a spider in my garage than I do sploo.
  20. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal That gook in the bg with his yellow shirt and sunglasses


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