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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by aldra I remember this from b3ta or something

    Ya its dank
  2. GAY
  3. Y
  4. A
  5. G
  6. Originally posted by mmQ Unfortunately an animal cant speak, but generally we're not too retarded to understand their body language. If your pet literally barely moves, eats, drinks, and sleeps 22 hours a day and responds to no stimuli, you can gather an idea that it, like a sickly patient dying on their deathbed in the hospital, probably isnt having too good of a time and would just like it to end.

    bUt hOw DO yOu knOw bR0
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood idk man idk
  8. That's hts
  9. Originally posted by mmQ Why arent there white chimpanzees ? Albinos not included at this water fountain

    Because they haven't diverged to the point of needing to adapt white skin to absorb more sunlight. Chimps in Africa get good sun.
  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ostriches are so stupid and weak, why do you want to put yourself under their skin ?

  11. Originally posted by cigreting cuz the statistics dont lie. Most are career criminals and act like thugs

    Yeah, because of economic situation.
  12. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Well then he's a Krout by proxy Mexican.

    Actually my Eurasian lineage is French
  13. Originally posted by aldra on the flip side, consider what kind of an abhorrent person would enjoy looking at boomer penises through a grainy scanner readout all day

    They don't actually look at the body scans there. It's in a separate room, for 'privacy' or whatever. I guess so the guy passing you through can't oggle at how big your penistits are underneath your sweater.

    Frankly tho they pay pretty well. I'd do it if the airport was closer to where I lived. People in the city near me (chicago) can just take the train to get to the airport so that's probably why there's a buncha niggerinos working there
  14. I'm drunk fuck off.
  15. Originally posted by cigreting "I tell him that he is and he just smiles and says "Awesome".

    lol fix't
  16. This is for those people you shared maybe a few seconds or even minutes with, and never saw again, but still sometimes think about.

    I'm used to being searched at airports, for whatever reason (probably because I'm Mexican) and they pulled me aside to this TSA agent who was for sure in his 20's. Big hipster moustache. He looks at the screen, and I'm half expecting to get another strip test done on my Crouton/nootropics, but nope. He looks intently at the screen and asks, "Is that a harmonica?"

    I wonder for a second what a harmonica looks like on the TSA scanners.

    I tell him that it is and he just smiles and says "Awesome".

    And passes me along.

    Having been searched/pulled aside on maybe 80% of my flights so far, this was pretty fucking sweet. I will always remember him for his smile, how quickly he passed me along, and how relieved I was that I wouldn't have to be searched further. TSA agents are usually so fucking unhappy and upset seeming, and this was one of the only happy dudes I'd ever seen. It was nice.
  17. Originally posted by Erekshun I guess it depends on the context. Aren't we all in some sort of way?

    ok foghead
  18. Originally posted by Cheyes R u fucking retarded


    r u?
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace what
  20. Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN
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