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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You're need for physical pleasure is another example of your weakness.

  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Your immune system must be bad

    Yep lol. That's probably why he's constantly sick
  3. I don't have to worry about dropping my phone because i have an android

    Also removable battery is a good thing retard.
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Eurasia is a made up place. Eurasians are a mixed race.

    Geology disagrees lol
  5. Originally posted by mmQ What does it feel like to orgasm for 5 minutes straight ? If I imagined cumming for 5 minutes straight, I would think i would be exhausted after 30 seconds tops. Maybe you can adapt. It sounds nice.

    Give your prostate a massage and see for yourself. Its not tiring at all. This is why gay couples are happier than any other type of couple.
  6. Originally posted by aldra the Gay Spot

    They also call it the P-spot because its where the penis goes
  7. If you've never stimulated it you've basically never had a real orgasm. Just pussy ones. Through stimulation I can orgasm for 5-10 minutes straight.
  8. Originally posted by cigreting after u licked the shit off it

    Nope. It never had shit. It was a penis.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ Lol. What does that have to do with anything?

    Do you suffer from BRAN damage?

    Maybe your BRIAN has internal bleeding.
  10. Originally posted by -SpectraL For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. No energy or matter are ever truly lost, merely converted.

    Alchemy; the science of understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down, then reconstructing it as something else. It can even make gold from lead. But alchemy is a science, so it must follow the natural laws: To create, something of equal value must be lost. This is the principle of Equivalent Exchange. But on that night, I learned the value of some things can't be measured on a simple scale. My brother and I knew the laws of science, of Equivalent Exchange, that gain required sacrifice, that something had to be taken from us. But we thought there was nothing more we could lose, we were wrong…
  11. Originally posted by mmQ I prefer a horse with a woman face.

  12. Originally posted by frala You know what

    I expected you to expect that exact response but not expect me to say little whoadie


    Doubt it bitch. Nostradamus predicted you'd be a retard.

    "There shall be a bug eyed woman who consumes benzos and excretes retardation."

    4th quatran, page 52
  13. Originally posted by BummyMofo He's wealthy?
    Hey Mexican amigo, can you send a brotha some cash?

    Yep. And no.

    Never worried about money in my life.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yes technology isn't something they are good at beyond making a spear and stealing a TV.

    Says who? Mexicans invented air conditioning and floating cities. We also commune directly with the gods (who sent corn and potato from space) while whities commune with false prophets and would've starved without our special crops we shared.

    Asians invented gunpowder

    Arabs invented calculus.

    Africans invented commerce and the wheel

    Europeans... ??? Rape, maybe?

    I mean some Europeans are good. Like the French and Spanish. But English people are basically the Pollacks of western Europe and everybody just kinda laughs at them.
  15. Originally posted by frala Takes one to know one little whoadie

    You know what

    That was exactly the response i thought you'd give except for the little whoadie part.

  16. Mommy is right as usual. Always listen to mommy.
  17. Originally posted by frala Oh sorry am I being difficult to read?

    No you're just being a retard.
  18. Smoke ssris everyday
  19. Only a retard would vote for Trump. He's done nothing but lessen to global position of America (most recent example is getting kicked out of Iraq) and at BEST he's had a negligible effect on the economy. Hasn't done anything he promised, although he did have his decisions overruled and deemed unconstitutional (like banning legal and law abiding immigrants for their religion because 'muh terrorism')

    Not to mention the litany of crimes he has committed. Bribery, obstruction of justice, honestly its gonna be hilarious when he leaves office and has to face an actual judge.
  20. Itt niggas who don't know geology
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