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Posts by MexicanMasterRace


    I don't drink or consume caffeine. I don't eat sugar either. Care to try again?
  2. Did you scoot on the rug young man
  3. Originally posted by BummyMofo Why can't ya help me out, are you the niggardly type?

    I don't help niggers
  4. Originally posted by Cheyes Hes the pocohantas kind of mexican

    Ot I tried to pick up a smoking habit several times but it never stuck. Longest i smoked everyday was like a month. But i did that many times.

    Tobac withdrawal feels awesome to me but tobacco makes me feel like shit

    This is racist and evidence you haven't been to the land of golden honey.

    There are ginger Mexicans. Quite a few. Canelo Alvarez is a famous one.

    My family has green eyes and light skin.

    Other Mexicans are black.

    Others are indigenous.

    Eurasians come from all over.

    There's even Asian Mexicans. One of the most popular snacks here, cacahuates japoneses, was invented by a Japanese immigrant. They've been here since the 1800s.

    It is the most culturally and ethnically diverse place on earth. That's why its such an awesome country.
  5. Imagine not being able to see your own butthole.
  6. Originally posted by mmQ No, they dont. Dont patronize tech.

    Are you patronizing me? Don't patronize me. That dog is in dog heaven. Haven't you heard that saying, "All dogs go to heaven"? Well, it's not true. The real saying is "ONLY dogs go to heaven". All of us are going to hell. But the true good boys and girls of this world get to live in eternity, getting belly rubs from angels and eating chocolate without ever getting a stomach ache.

    Tech did good ending her suffering and sending her to a place without any of that pain nonsense. It's the humane and moral thing to do for your loved ones. That dog is fucking partying in the clouds right now.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's amusing how the idiots are harping on about the Iranian dude…they had the chance to kill Bin Laden 9 months before 9/11 but didn't because of the collateral damage possibilities…20/20 etc, isn't the case in this case.

    Soleofmyshoe had a 20yr history of murder.

    It's also amusing to think sharing the intelligence you have with the general public is a good idea.

    Bin Laden was a rogue terrorist, not a member of a foreign government we are currently at peace with.

    You know who did this shit? Literally Hitler
  8. Originally posted by Technologist She didn’t suffer a bit, didn’t know it was coming, and had a contently full belly of her favorite foods.

    I hope I can go that quickly and that happy.

    You did good for her. I know she's in doggie heaven right now. All dogs go there.
  9. Why is nepal not desert and why is northern india lush as fuck
  10. Global climate cycle whatttt
  11. What are mountain
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 3. Granite doesn't make your skin black…coal dust does though.

    What is sand
  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Because it's illegal???

    Its legal here
  14. Originally posted by Cheyes ***Not addicted to reddit drugs

    I don't do drugs of any kind.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Pffft….here it is then…from the solder iron burn thread.

    Look at that thing…tight and taut thanks to competition cycling/swimming/speed skating, so athletic it wins a gold medal before it even competes…and 52yrs old as well…puts fat lazy millenials legs to shame.

    Lol looks malformed as fuck
  16. You dont need electricity or money, those are human made pleasures. Go out into the woods and make your living like a man, you lilly liver'd pussy
  17. Originally posted by CASPER i bought a car. Aint particularly fly, but i didnt trade someone heroin for it, or have them sign their title over to me as collateral.

    I just got a car last month and a job this month

    Its what's good nigga
  18. Originally posted by Cheyes In the same damn boat mang

    Im done with it now

    The reason i kept buying it is cuz i never really got my bell rung high enough but got scared to do so. This time I did it and got exactly what I wanted. So now I have no need to do it anymore

  19. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Poppers. Thought I was gonna get high like huffing ether but it just made my asshole spaz out. Worst drug ive ever taken

    Lol why would you think it gets you high
  20. Originally posted by Technologist So I don’t get this. From what I’ve known, a male orgasm is when he cums. G are you saying you cum for 10 mins, or that you have the feeling of an orgasm for 10 mins? If so, does it feel like a regular orgasm, or do you feel it more rectally? My inquiring mind wants to know.

    You dont cum for 10 minutes. That would be insane. But the orgasm feeling lasts much longer and you can have multiple
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