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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Dregs idk why you'd fork over $60 for someone else to do it…when you can do it yourself for free. what a waste of $60

    i've had a few cats accidently die in their old age and i just happened to be near them at the time. just coincidence and all

    only had 3 dogs in my life…one lost its tail fucking around the house and got caught near some bar stools in the back of the house fucking idiot. hardly ate or was vomiting often after that…vets couldn't explain it at the time. died within 5 months of lost tail. 2nd one had cancer in the brain or was just crazy by the time it was 2…psycho put him down somewhat gently in the backyard. 3rd was alright first few yrs than just got sick, sicker, and choke on its own vomiting…i was nearby…i think i cried a lil or maybe the fact my brother beat the shit out of me that day idk so long ago

    never got overly emotional about any of their deaths. quite detached from it all in fact. if i had a cat or dog now…and dying i'd find my louisville slugger that i still have from back in the day…and batter it up good

    You're a piece of shit crackhead who abuses grandmas in elderly homes, so...
  2. Dinosaurs didn't even lay hard eggs that cereal is a liar
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    What the fuck?
  4. My new job is awesome but split shifts fucking suck. It feels more like I'm working 11h everyday.
  5. Originally posted by Cheyes Yeah since this morning amiright fokes


    Ever in my life. Try again junkie
  6. Originally posted by CandyRein Only way to prevent allergic reaction is to double glove .. you’ll be fine Scron

    Lmao@ stuck hand 😂

    Never double glove
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood It is some random place, a random ass synagogue.

    You just have schizophrenia and probably call the FBI every time you see Jeff Hunter in the clouds deleting shit off

    In Indiana, where Hikki lives.
  8. Originally posted by Cheyes YA ALCOHOLOLOLOL

    >I don't drink
  9. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Oh dear God.. I didn't even noticed.

    That just takes this freakshow to the next level of WTF

    The WTF part is their parents dressing them up

    If its kids at home, eh, whatever.
  10. You're just an idiot who doesn't know what full agonism is
  11. Originally posted by aldra UPDATE: I woke up at like 10am to go to work, found water EVERYWHERE

    for some reason I must've thought it was a good idea to put a shunt in one of the cooling tubes on my computer because… there's a shunt in it… and I guess cranked the pump until it shot water out everywhere. so now I need a new motherboard. again.

  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo So you are a racist, makes perfect sense…one day karma will come for u

    Is Karma ur big black friend?
  13. Bernie and yang both wanna legalize
  14. Originally posted by Technologist So spice is sycans?

    SYNthetic CANnabinoids :)

    Community exclusive slang. I tried to use it elsewhere and people were confused.
  15. Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Nigga those full agonists can and do cause physical withdrawal.

    This. I smoked am-2201, mam-2201, jwh-018, jwh-072, pb-22, ur-144, akb-48, and afb-48. Who knows what else if you include spice blends.

    Had some debilitating withdrawals that I genuinely think are worse than opiate withdrawals. I'd lose serious weight, constantly in a cold sweat, absolutely insane mood swings, cant be in a car without getting nausea, insomnia, eating my meal in quarters so i dont throw up, throwing up water.

    Opiate withdrawal physically hurts but it mostly makes you suicidal but without the energy or willpower to do anything about it. I can deal with that. I can't deal with not eating.

    Also syncan wd lasts like a month+. I quit them back in 2013 and never looked back.

    Nigger op would put it on the end of a cigarette? Bitch, I vaped it off foil like a man. I've done the cigarette thing before and its massive pussy shit that barely works. You gotta melt and drip tons of it around the enhancement to get even a shitty buzz.

    Its better off banned. You wanna get stoned? Smoke weed like an adult.
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL I could post many news stories of gays being executed for homosexuality in Iran, but then again, you can look them up just as easily.

    Ok do it then.
  17. Fantastic understanding of geology and its impact on geography and climate.
  18. Originally posted by Netflxchillr

    waking up "NIFTY OVER 50" 😁

    Ahhhaahhahahaahahaha you look like a jello mould gone wrong
  19. Originally posted by cigreting it was a fag wanker , had shit on it from ur bum

    No... Are deer 'fag wankers'? They can't even wank.
  20. Originally posted by ORACLE No you are the faggot. And Canadians are not Americans any more than Cubans, Mexicans or Guatemalans are i.e. they ain't.

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