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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're arguing with a retard.. calm down.. we all know she's an idiot.

    I'm not arguing with you.
  2. Welcome to a new page
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Do your math hector..
    30 divided by however many post there are .. and you’ll see it’s on a new page ..fuqn retards up in here

    So you have 3 posts per page... Okay.
  4. How many posts do you have per page wtf? Mine is at 20 which is the default

    Did you LOWER it?
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein Nigga my page stops at 30.. whatever you mad about is on the last page no doubt from much earlier today lmao

    This is page 5...
  6. Originally posted by Technologist I was legally on tramadol for 2 years every day. Doses started at 400 mg, but I gradually titrated down to 100. I did it extremely slow. Then I kept going down till I got to 50 mgs and I started breaking them into 25 mgs. Then I started taking them every other day. At this point I was ready to rip people’s faces off, but that only lasted about a week. My body was hurting so bad, which it never did during my titration, but it was awful for a week or two, then it got better.

    I finally won the war!

    Thats how to do it. I got off a morphine habit once by switching to Crouton + small doses of morphine and eventually got off doing like 250mg doses of Crouton. I'm not sure it did anything but tapering is the way to go.

    That said, I have never done drugs in my life and dietpeeno is a junkie crackhead faggot
  7. 7 posts up and you dont remember?

    Lay off the smoke, shoeshine
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny not necessarily.

    multiple ethnic groups can exist on a single island or continent.


    So scousers are English, and English are European, and Europeans are Eurasian

    Fujianese are Chinese, and Chinese are Asian, and Asians are *gasp* Eurasian.

    It's not that complicated. You guys are just fucking stupid
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein You mean, a professional retard that tries to sing …

    Wow your athletic abilities is shit, retard.
  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker You mean geography dumb ass.

    Geology. Did we not just discuss the plates you retard? It is geology which determines geography which determines ethnic groups, hence, Eurasians. Fucking retard
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Shouldn’t you be saving my pics and making me songs then playing them on guitar ..then singing them horribly :)

    I'm a professional singer, retard.
  12. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lol

    Lol there's nothing innovative about her.

    She's just a lady gagher clone

    I bet someone could make a generator to pump out posts for her and nobody would even notice.

    Something about smoking weed

    Top chart radio song


    Thank all dontellemposts

  13. Originally posted by Fox No, I live in a right-to-work state, we don’t have unions here.

    I work in the energy sector.

    "we dont have unions here" lol
  14. No
  15. Originally posted by Narc Fuck off you pedo


    Kettle, black
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein Or I could just be myself ..not flirt at all and get the same effect ;)

    Lol no.
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein I know you’re slow af Hector, but that came out in 1997 ..

    Back when you were selling oranges roadside before you moved up the ranks to propane tank cleaner :)

    I don't listen to pop music soo
  18. Originally posted by Erekshun Last 4 letters of American. I can
    Last 4 letters of republican. I can
    Last 4 letters in democrats. RATS

    Last 4 letters in Mexican
  19. Originally posted by Archer513 You can only break a law if their are institutions to set laws. “Obey or die” isn’t an institutional law. It’s an edict issued by a conqueror. Before he ruled,it was anarchy. True anarchy only exists during war. Some form of civilization always forms.

    You are retarded lol. It was not anarchy before he ruled. There were large tribes with their own laws. There was China, who built the largest wall in the world to (unsuccessfully) keep the mongols out.

    The Kahns didn't just murder everyone. They promoted religious tolerance through law. People paid taxes. There was a legislative center.

    Even ISIS had a 'legitimate' government. Their own form of currency, laws, schools firehouses, road repair, taxes, other public works, etc.

    There has never been an instance of pure anarchy since we became an agrarian society
  20. Originally posted by aldra much as I dislike mandatory homsex/etc propaganda being pushed into the mainstream, it's hard to see this as significantly more damaging than 'beauty pageant' culture for kids

    Well, yeah. That's also fucked up. I think it should be illegal.
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