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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood We call those half quarters where i'm from

    Interesting. A half quarter here is called a quadruple dub
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Context young tomato picker.

    Not significantly, in the time it takes a bone to increase in girth of say 1mm, the guy will have increased by 2ft.

    Bone girth =/= density

    Fat people are fucking built underneath the flub. They're always stronk as fuck when they lose the weight.
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood We call those quarters where i'm from

    We call it a double eigth here
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny C.

    low effort post.

    I guess we share 50 percent of our DNA with bananas because God amirite
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No Vincent human growth isn't the same as human gluttony. Your muscles and bones don't grow more by eating 3 full pizzas at one sitting and then washing it all down with a gallon of rocky road.

    Yeah they do. It takes a lot of strength to be morbidly obese. Just think of all the calcium in those pizzas/the ice cream
  6. Originally posted by Wariat would it be legal to flamethrow a neighbour dog in the states if it comes on your property? in Texas?

    No. Flame throwers are illegal to use as weapons. You can use a sword in Texas tho, and even walk around with one.
  7. Originally posted by aldra glad that circle was there to let me know what part of the picture to look at

    Had to read this to see what was going on. Holy shit!
  8. Originally posted by ORACLE Not just that. He literally thinks he is being bad ass and edgy as fuck when he blurts out some massively retarded shit.

    It's the opiates. Unless he's just retarded, which very well may be the case.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ So does QP mean something different where you live or what is your explanation for telling me I can "probably find that online for about that price" (20 bucks).?

    I was tired and thought you meant a quarter oz.
  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker they would have to read a book

    Millenials read more books than any other generation. Probably because we are the best educated. PERSONs/
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny spelling depends on memory, which is not a part of intelligence.

  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i'd like to see what genetical similarities between you and anaerobic baterias that feed on sulfurs.

    Carbon based lifeforms

    Convert food to adenosine triphosphate for energy

    Undergoing mitosis

    Both write literotica about 8 year old neighbor girls

  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 42 is your answer.

    But what is the question?
  14. Originally posted by Sudo look at you trying to adress an unseen, absent audiance with your ad hominum victim speech in a desperate attempt to change the narrative. This is one of the last and saddest stages of the cojoneless messican before they bury their head in the sand and swallow dirt until they die

    This nigga creating imaginary drama. *Audience? Nigga do you ALWAYS try to appeal to an audience? Because that's quite sad.
  15. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Maybe Mexico is

    No, retard.
  16. Originally posted by ORACLE Why do you think anyone would change their behaviour based on your aesthetic preferences?

    He thinks the world revolves around him.
  17. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why should i spell it correctly if you already knew what i meant.

  18. This nigga just upset because he has to buy his fentanyl off the streets instead of online. Literal felon, cheater, absentee parent, junkie, etc. His opinion does not matter, folks
  19. Originally posted by Sudo There's nothing wrong with it


    false, you literally live in Florida. I will mail you weed that is better and cheaper than you can get off a DNM but you're too SCARED BITCH

  20. Originally posted by Sudo we're talking about weed, not topical cream and edibles. Literally anyone can make edibles from rso it's fucking simple. Try to stay on topic, we're talking about ordering weed off the darknet which is much stupider, difficult, timely and more expensive than buying local. There are at least 50 local "mobile dispensaries" that will deliver $100 oz's and whatever else within a few hours at most. Might start one and help over saturate the market more.

    Imagine someone being so alone in the world they have to order weed off the darknet in 2020

    Just imagine!

    You live in Canada tho, retard

    Originally posted by mmQ You can get 4 oz of good weed for 20 bucks online? If that's actually true I will absolutely start buying all of my weed that route.

    I was clearly bullshitting. I cant find a lb of weed for 80 dollars.

    No. That's not what i said. I said 60-80/oz is bottom rung what you'd wanna spend.

    How are you and sudo this retarded
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