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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Wasn't a joke, I really have…son

  2. Me and my 21yr old daughter

    Classic §m£ÂgØL
  3. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I don't find that one bit insulting

    It's for everyone else, not you.
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker indoctrinated

    Says a boomer
  5. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hell yeah I make basass elite con Rico on the cob!

    This hurt to read.
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby My dad isn't Mexican at all lol

    But he is Chocobo?
  7. Basic ass niggers ITT making turkey tacos and watching TLC
  8. Originally posted by DontTellEm I was watching this show called hoarders or some shit on TLC & this lady was living in a house full of trash, bugs, and animal feces w her 21 yr old daughter, who is a little person. So these ppl all gather to help clean their house up & mother & daughter have anxiety attacks & go sit in their car for a period while the ppl are working smh. So they come back & the mom notices some stuff that has been thrown away w/o her okay, & starts yelling. One lady told her it was not salvageable, because it had been sitting so long in their dogs urine & feces. So then the little person daughter comes over in a rage
    & starts pulling random trash out yelling "my shoes??!!" "My scissors!!!!????" Hurling them to ground lol then the mom rips the trash bag apart sending the soiled clothes flying all over both of them. Lol 🙃

    Lol this bitch watches TLC
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Taking out some ground turkey to defrost ..gonna make tacos for supper… 🌮


    Turkey tacos... Good god.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Oh, I don’t know. I think he needs some smurf in him.

    Do u have a little Mexican in u?


    Oh.. do you want one?
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Close up shot method ….

    You can clearly see I'm doing none of those

    You've quoted my ass MULTIPLE times

    I think you're insecure about having a flatter ass than me
  12. Originally posted by mmQ I just want blue shit. I know how to make my shit green, reddish, and even yellow. Lol. But never a good strict SKY BLUE.

    You have to blow a smurf
  13. Originally posted by Erekshun Bitch! Do you give a fuck if it rains here? My OP was about a snowstorm that doesn't happen here. Why you bring up a hurricane? Hurricanes do devastating damage to the country unlike a normal snowstorm. Kindly fuck off.

    Lol snowstorms kill far more than hurricanes. Hurricanes kill maybe a few hundred at most. A snowstorm kills thousands. Rain? That's some pussy shit. Nobody dies from rain.
  14. Originally posted by mmQ I ate some unicorn delight ice cream last night, just tastes like cake and it's all bright blue and green and pink.

    I just pooped and my poops were quite green, ALMOST blue. It made me happy. That's all.

    Thank y ok u.

    Tfw you forgot you ate beets and your shits are bright red and your piss is sunset orange.
  15. Its a good game to play while getting your dick sucked
  16. Originally posted by Cheyes Fucking lol


    I first noticed that I had migraines while tripping a couple years ago

    ItS mEdicIne bR0
  17. Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN I do but I'm not giving them out to you degenerate fucks. Go out and live a life instead of jerking off to what could be.

    Post more pics of you so i can jerk off to what will be
  18. Originally posted by Obbe If you smoke it wrong it just makes you sort of fuzzy headed for a few minutes. If you smoke it correctly it will make you forget who you are and what reality is and will send you on a trans-dimensional trip, you will perceive things and will not be able to comprehend them, time will dilate and you will spend an eternity in this other world and finally as you start to come back to reality a friend may ask you how you are doing or what it was like, and you will try to describe it but all that will fall out of your mouth is a mess of nonsense. Within a few minutes everything returns to normal and you can speak again, but you will quickly start to forget the details of your trip and it will seem more like a dream.

    Does it really feel like a dream or not real? DMT always felt very real to me. Like an actual memory and feeling of having been somewhere for a long, long time; a trip in every sense of the word.
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Harry Potter and the Twilight series don't count girlfriend.

    Yeah they do. And again, most educated generation in all of history. Millenials kids will probably be even smarter and better read. Deal with it.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I've shared 100% of mine with your mom.

    Lame 7th grade tier joke
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