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Hydromorphone to be available from Vancouver vending machines for 32 cents a 8mg pill

  1. #81
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    They all look stoned
  2. #82
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    the little hobgoblin sitting down looks like the old gremlin grandpa in breaking bad who twinkled his bell all the time when he got buttfrustrated
  3. #83
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Solstice …so they're going to have to redose all the time.

    That's the idea. More doses, more $$$.
  4. #84
    Originally posted by Sudo §m£ÂgØL you are a sheltered little faggot who knows absolutely nothing about drug replacement programs

    Didnt you literally say suboxone is illegal and you can overdose on it? What is your IQ?

    I never said its illegal you retard. Nor did I say you could overdose on it, but obviously you can, it's just not the same as overdosing on real shit.

    Whats wrong sudo? Girlfriend kick you out again? Can't afford paying for her kid anymore? You can tell us. We're here for you kiddo
  5. #85
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That's the idea. More doses, more $$$.

    It's limited. You can't just buy as much as you want. Hence needing the biometrics.
  6. #86
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It's limited. You can't just buy as much as you want. Hence needing the biometrics.

    Right now, but just wait. That's how these bags of worthless shit work.
  7. #87
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    easily defeated because most people have about 10 fingers so you just use a different fingerprint when the machine 'cuts you off'
  8. #88
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Right now, but just wait. That's how these bags of worthless shit work.

  9. #89
    Originally posted by A College Professor easily defeated because most people have about 10 fingers so you just use a different fingerprint when the machine 'cuts you off'

    You have to be a registered user through the clinic. This isn't like buying a soda or opening up a Facebook account. There are FIVE people who can use this machine. If you are not those five people you are not getting any vending machine diluadid.
  10. #90
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You have to be a registered user through the clinic. This isn't like buying a soda or opening up a Facebook account. There are FIVE people who can use this machine. If you are not those five people you are not getting any vending machine diluadid.

    Right now, but just wait a bit.
  11. #91
    Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Man, I'm surprised they'll shoot you with meth at those places... seems like a huge liability having tweakers come in looking to reup a bender
  12. #92
    Splam African Astronaut
    Yes, that's what differentiates this program from other programs like morphine treatment. Other treatments are given at the pharmacies, and must be swallowed on the spot.

    These pills are specifically made for crushing up and injecting. Back in the day hospitals would do the same, crush pills to inject. Should be safe. Otherwise people who like injecting are still going to go buy fent and the program will miss it's goal. Which it'll miss anyways because it's targeting the wrong people. All adults must have access to clean opiates if we're to get rid of fent.
  13. #93
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nor did I say you could overdose on it, but obviously you can, it's just not the same as overdosing on real shit.


    just look up the wikipedia article before you bullshit about something so you don't look so dumb lol
  14. #94
    Originally posted by Cheyes Man, I'm surprised they'll shoot you with meth at those places… seems like a huge liability having tweakers come in looking to reup a bender

    They don't...

    You can come shoot up but you bring the drugs and you inject the needle
  15. #95
    Originally posted by Sudo IQ??????????

    just look up the wikipedia article before you bullshit about something so you don't look so dumb lol

    u CanT oVeeRdoSe oN nAxLunE
  16. #96
    Originally posted by Splam Yes, that's what differentiates this program from other programs like morphine treatment. Other treatments are given at the pharmacies, and must be swallowed on the spot.

    These pills are specifically made for crushing up and injecting. Back in the day hospitals would do the same, crush pills to inject. Should be safe. Otherwise people who like injecting are still going to go buy fent and the program will miss it's goal. Which it'll miss anyways because it's targeting the wrong people. All adults must have access to clean opiates if we're to get rid of fent.

    Says who? Probably ER or something
  17. #97
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by A College Professor more like getting your daily dose of hydrojedi

    jediS DID IT!!

    the guys on the far left and right are evil necromancers and the middle four are the mangled corpses they've resurrected and poured into businesswear
  18. #98
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I mean... This is a good start to ending prohibition on drugs, however... Why would you, knowing that people STILL are going to inject, provide them with an oral pill form? Why not just provide the shit straight up, ready to IV as one would find in a hospital? It'd sterile, clean, and well... You'd have less issues in the event of a miss causing abcesses from unsanitary water, cookers and the like which could occur. If done how I suggested, all one would need to worry about is a clean rig and property prepping the skin prior to injection...

    Also, if people had this all available (cheap, clean drugs, ready to IV, prepped sterile) I'd think that just providing long term users safe ports or PICC lines to inject (you'd be using safe clean sterile drugs manufactured for the purpose of IVing... Then it just falls to the user to properly and sanitarily inject the drug into the line as one would if in a hospital- proper cleanliness procedures being taught obviously... That would be the way to go to avoid users of destroying their cardiovascular system with misses, over use of veins, and abcesses forming from said misses etc.

    I had a resident doctor at Hopkins whom took a shine to me, have this very discussion... He agreed. There is a large number of users who's only real issue with using is the legality factor, not being able to get employment due to legality factors, being made criminals just for being a users, etc.. when it'd just make more sense to let them live and let live, do their shit, and promote them doing as safely as possible.

    Also, while I don't condone stealing to take care of a habit, getting rid of the artificial inflation of drugs would help a lot in terms of crime with users... Typically people don't need to steal to maintain an alcohol addiction because well... Beer and liquor are pretty cheap... It'd ruin the cartels too.. cutting them off at the balls. A lot less crime would exist due to legalization.

    Also I am very much in support of people being responsible for what the fuck they do. That's one reason a lot of addicts don't want legalization lol. They like to blame their fuck ups and shit decisions on their addiction rather than themselves.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #99
    Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Why did you talk about injecting dilaudid with your doctor
  20. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I mean… This is a good start to ending prohibition on drugs, however… Why would you, knowing that people STILL are going to inject, provide them with an oral pill form? Why not just provide the shit straight up, ready to IV as one would find in a hospital? It'd sterile, clean, and well… You'd have less issues in the event of a miss causing abcesses from unsanitary water, cookers and the like which could occur. If done how I suggested, all one would need to worry about is a clean rig and property prepping the skin prior to injection…

    The safe injection sites provide all the equipment needed.
    Crushing the pills is relatively safe, this is what hospitals used to do.
    Can't imagine it being a good idea to give them a bunch of liquid opiates. Too easy to spill.
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