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Posts by Big League Jew

  1. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 as an R&D Engineer i get monthly bonuses that i have not added. in fact, i typically take those bonuses immediately to my accountant to figure out how to minimize the taxes on my base salary :)

    so, keep guessing big league joo

    Then why didn't you include that in the first place? What do you make, 300K lil man? Better start stretching out the piggy bank :)
  2. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano I like Sam Adams and craft beers, meaning ~5-6% ABV and have enough flavour going on to where it doesn't taste strong yet hollow and crappy like Budweiser, which I used to like.

    Commodity beers are better in their lite form, like bud or busch lite, which Iowa has a weird obsession with for some reason. I even heard someone say that in a bathroom a few days ago at a wedding party. I haven't really been able to tell a difference between the two, but busch is more "country".

    I don't like drinking anymore though, although I learned a month ago that I think I like wine better than beer after buying my first bottle when coming off meth. I need to try a 4loko soon to cross it off the list though.

  3. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i probably make at least 150,000 grand more than you do per year

    Lolno. The fact that the number you used was 150k means you probably only make ~200K/y :)
  4. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano existence began AND it is eternal, dumbfuck

    What a stupid fucking question, how dumb do you have to be


    By definition something eternal didn't begin.
  5. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Just use
  6. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra being satisfied by things going in or out of your butt is very gay

    Anyone who says they are not satisfied by total elimination vs a low fiber shit is a liar.
  7. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    People honestly making enemies and treating each other like shit over some politician none of them has ever met or will ever meet... Can't you niggas watch a sport or something?
  8. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 I eat basically 0 fruits or vegetables just carbs and meat like a carnivore

    Damn you must not have satisfying shits.
  9. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Ooh Tramp is fukt
  10. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 in my field of Mathematics, my numbers and final project have to be so close to perfect (ZERO), we can literally take a human hair, split it 15 times and then split that. that means, i am one hair split 45 times to being perfect to zero (i shoot for 80 millionths as a tolerance).

    i said all of that because Steven Hawkings claimed if we were just MILLIONTHS Closer to the Sun or Further from the Sun, it would be impossible for Life to exist.
    that is splitting the ONE HAIR many times according to Hawkings.
    which means, WE ARE in the PRECISE PLACEMENT by GOD to sustain Life. that Precision is too accurate to be an accident, i know, i do that Mathematics all of the time!!

    so knowing the Universe and Mathematics are Precise, reveals a DESIGNER/CREATOR who can do things with the Precision to sustain LIFE!!

    therefore, the Creator/Designer does not need to begin, but needs to exist. the only thing required a Beginning is the Universe and Life!!

    I have never read a post that has ever been more wrong than this one.
  11. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how do you think somethimg without a beginning is poasible ?

    Well the argument goes that each state of the universe is explained by the previous state of the universe, and this can go on forever with each cause being explained by the last. And the sum of the parts is equal to the whole so the whole package is "explained" internally without any first point.
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no.

    you said it yourself if you are not aware of its beginning then its eternal.

    That's why I said it suggests a beginning. Who knows maybe there is just the beginning of the concept of beginning.
  13. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe But why did you present two options if you don't even know how they would be different?

    If you just wanted to ask how the universe began, why didn't you ask that?

    I didn't want to know how the universe began. I'm asking whether you believe it began or if it's eternal.
  14. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe If you don't know what the difference is, why did you ask the question?

    Why do you ask any question habibi?
  15. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe If they both produce the same result (the world we see around us), what is significantly different about the two scenarios? What would we look at to figure out what it is?

    Are you fuckin retarded? You literally have the process of inquiry backwards. You have a phenomenon, in this case the universe as we observe it. You try to find what explanation best fits the phenomenon, in this case what cosmology produced it. Are you trying to invalidate the entire field of physics or what? We don't start off knowing what the difference is you worthless halfwit.
  16. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe I don't see how those are significantly different.

    Well for one thing your GPS wouldn't work.
  17. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G There is always a line. Do you want to argue we're actually still worms or some shit next?

    Like the eye developed from little sensory thangs to detect light and dark.

    What were the first penises like? Which animals had them? What are the benefits of having a penis or vagina?

    Don't get why you want to /thread when we could be having an in depth discussion about penis

    The line is wherever you draw it. Taxonomy isn't a matter of truth, just consistency. There is no fact of the matter about what the first penis was or vagina was.
  18. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Yeah. You don't need to detail how evolution works.

    But how did it start? Where is the line of vaginalhood drawn?

    There is no line. That's the point.
  19. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    For a few shekels more
  20. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Greenspam Chief

    Lanny wishes to work for JH someday.

    (not lanny on the right.. not sure who he is)
    Oh wow what an old picture of us! I'm pretty sure JC Stanton was just in the other room making us some drinks. Man I miss Jeff, he is making a killing running his ISP and won't talk to his old friends any more.
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